
关键词:车架 PRO/E 有限元 ANSYS 梁单元
The frame supports all kinds of complicated loads coming from the road and freight. The frame design should consider about comfort, stability, reducing vibration and noise and other aspects. In this paper, the frame is analyzed in the condition of bending and torsion by Finite Element Analysis. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
This paper established the three-dimensional model by using PRO/E software. And the simple model of the frame is built by directly generating the finite element analysis model in ANSYS software. Beam elements beam 188 is used in the finite element analysis. The results show that, the maximum stress of the frame is less than the material allowable stress, meet the requirements of design.
The results of this paper show that the use of finite element software to analyze can offer direction for the design and lay the foundation of researching the other problems of the frame. Also, it provides the guiding significance for the factory production.
Keywords:Frame; PRO/E; FEA; ANSYS;Beam


第一章 绪论 1
1.1 国内外研究现状 1
1.2 车架的结构 1
1.3 有限元分析和PRO/E的介绍 2
1.3.1 有限元分析 2
1.3.2 PRO/E的介绍 2
1.3.3 Ansys与PRO/E的连接 3
1.4 本课题主要研究内容 3
第二章 车架的三维建模设计 4
2.1 车架零件的三维建模 4
2.1.1 大梁的建模 4
2.1.2 横梁1的建模 4
2.1.3 横梁2的建模 5
2.1.4 横梁3的建模 6
2.2 车架零件的组装 7
第三章 车架有限元分析基本理论 9 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
3.1 车架有限元分析的理论基础 9
3.1.1 有限元法分析过程 9
3.1.2 有限元法的特点 9
3.1.3 车架结构有限元模型化准则 10
3.2 建立车架有限元模型的常见单元类型 10
3.3 梁单元的基本理论 10
第四章 基于Ansys软件的车架静态分析 12
4.1 静力分析基本理论 12
4.2 车架载荷分类 12
4.3车架有限元模型的建立 12
4.4 车架工况分析 13
4.4.1 满载弯曲工况 13
4.4.2 满载扭转工况 17
4.4.3 紧急制动工况 20
4.5 本章小结 22
结束语 23
参考文献 24
致谢 26 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]