
摘 要
The automobile suspension system belongs to the chassis of an automobile. As an important component of the driving system, it is an assembly of a series of devices that elastically connect the axle and the frame. Its function is to transmit forces and moments acting between the wheels and the body. Suspension system is generally composed of shock absorbers, elastic components and guides and other components. The stability and ride comfort of a car are inextricably linked to the structure of the suspension system. From this point of view, the design of the suspension system is a very critical step in the design of the entire vehicle, which directly affects the performance of the final vehicle.
This article focuses on the selection of heavy-duty vehicles and suspension system design and related finite element analysis of the vehicle. After understanding some basic knowledge of the vehicle suspension system design, first determine a heavy vehicle as the research object, and determine the type of suspension system according to the main parameters of the vehicle model. After selecting the suspension type, the main parameters needed in the subsequent design are calculated in detail, which mainly include the important structural parameters of the leaf spring and the shock absorber. After determining the parameters required in the design process, the three-dimensional map of the suspension system can be constructed by CATIA, and the related two-dimensional maps can be derived therefrom. At the same time, AutoCAD can complete the drawing of component parts and suspension assembly drawings . Finally, a vibration simulation model was established through ADAMS to analyze the relationship between the stiffness and damping of the suspension system and the ride comfort of the vehicle. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
Key words: heavy-duty vehicle; suspension system; leaf spring; shock absorber; finite element analysis

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3课题研究内容 2
第2章 悬架系统结构选型和设计要求 3
2.1悬架系统的功能和组成 3 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
2.2悬架系统的结构形式 3
2.3悬架系统的设计要求 4
第3章 悬架系统主要参数的确定 6
3.1已知基本参数 6
3.2选择悬架的静挠度fc 7
3.3选择悬架的动挠度fd 8
3.4分配后悬架主簧和副簧的刚度 8
第4章计算设计悬架系统的主要零部件 10
4.1计算设计钢板弹簧 10
4.1.1选择满载弧高fa 10
4.1.2选择钢板弹簧长度L 10
4.1.3确定钢板弹簧的片数及断面尺寸 10
4.1.4确定的钢板弹簧各片长度 13
4.1.5计算自由状态下钢板弹簧总成弧高H0及各片曲率半径R0 16
4.1.6钢板弹簧总成弧高的验算 20
4.1.7验算钢板弹簧强度 20
4.2减振器的设计计算 22
4.2.1相对阻尼系数ψ的选择 23
4.2.2计算减振器的阻尼系数δ 23
4.2.3计算最大卸荷力F0 24
4.2.4确定工作缸的直径D 25
4.3 三维模型的建立 25
第5章 悬架系统的仿真分析 27
第6章 结论 31
参考文献 32
致谢 33 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]