
摘 要
按照FSC 大赛的规则,搜集常见的赛车悬架的设计方案,分别进行了解,并从性能、成本和制造难度考虑,选择一种最合适的方案。最终决定使用双横臂悬架。确定了型式之后,接下来分别确定车轮定位参数、悬架的导向机构,并且计算各种悬架刚度以及判断是否需要添加防倾杆以增加赛车的横向稳定性。设计完成后在进行零件的三维建模及装配。
关键词: FSC双横臂独立悬架 设计 导向机构
The suspension is an essential assembly for the car, it can mitigate the impact from the ground came down to the car. It provides a more comfortable ride environment for people in the car and to ensure the transport of goods will not be too much damage.Ride comfort and handling stability are greatly affected bysuspension of the car.
The content of this article is the design of FSC racing suspension.In order to that our school can have a better performance in the next game, I optimize the suspension specially. General content is as follows:
According to the rules ofFSC competitions, collecting common design of racing suspension. Understanding it, considering the viewpoint of performance, cost and manufacturing difficulty, and choosing the most appropriate solution.Finally deciding to use thedouble-wishbone suspension. After the type, wheel alignment parameters and suspension guiding mechanism should be determined. Calculating various suspension stiffness and determine whether needing to add anti-roll bar to increase the lateral stability of the car.Finally, parts of suspension were designed and assembled.
KEY WORDS: FSC,double wishbone suspension,design,guide mechanism
表2-1 悬架基本参数 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
总 前 后
轮距(mm) 1230 1170
轴距(mm) 1550
前后轴载荷分配 100 45 55
满载重量(kg) 295 132.75 162.25
单轮质量(kg) 10
簧载质量(kg) 255
非簧载质量(kg) 40
单侧簧载质量(kg) 57.375 70.125
簧载质量质心高度(mm) 311
非簧载质量质心高度(mm) 228.6
整车质心高度(mm) 300

摘要 I
第1章绪论 1
1.1 目的及意义(含国内外的研究现状分析) 1
1.1.1 目的及意义 1
1.1.2 国内外相关研究现状分析 1
1.2 研究(设计)的基本内容、目标 2
第2章悬架设计概述 3
2.1 悬架基本组成及作用 3
2.2 赛车悬架设计思路 3
2.3 悬架基本参数的确定 3
2.4 悬架方案选型 4
第3章悬架基本参数设计 9
3.1 车轮定位参数 9
3.2 偏频的选取 10
3.2.1 偏频的定义 10
3.2.2 选择依据 10
3.3 静挠度与动挠度的确定 11
第4章导向机构和防倾杆的设计 12
4.1 导向机构 12
4.1.1 侧倾中心 12
4.1.2 纵向平面布置方案 13
4.1.3 横向平面布置方案 13
4.1.4 水平面布置方案 14
4.1.5 上控制臂与下控制臂长度的比例 14
4.2防倾杆的设计 14
4.2.1设计思路 14
4.2.2 目标侧倾角刚度 15
4.2.3悬架侧倾角刚度 16
4.2.4 防倾杆的匹配 16
第5章弹性元件及摇臂的设计 17
5.1 弹性元件的选择 17
5.2 传递比的计算 17
5.3 摇臂设计: 18
第6章减震器的选取 20
6.1 阻尼计算 20
6.2 减震器选取 21
结论 22
参考文献 23
致谢 24 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]