
4)完成驱动机构、车架金属结构的施工设计及SolidWorks三维仿真建模; [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
5) 利用ADAMS软件完成牵引车的运动学仿真。
At present, most of China’s coal, grain, ore, petroleum, steel, and other large materials are transported by train. The power of freight trains is provided by train tractors. In order to increase the utilization of train tractors, they usually arrive at designated locations. Car and train separated. The maximum traction of a train tractor depends on the weight of the train's tractor and the friction coefficient of the tractor's wheels and rails. The train tractor designed by this subject is mainly aimed at the improvement of the traction device and the frame structure. The traction device is set on the cross beam, and the traction device is used to realize the movement of the train traction vehicle, and the friction between the wheels and the track of the train is increased and the friction is reduced. The weight demand of the tractor itself. In addition, the size of the clamping force of the traction device can be set to meet the traction requirements of the train tractor in different situations and achieve the purpose of rational energy utilization. In addition, we can achieve greater load traction through the connection of multiple tractors. The main design of the paper includes: [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
1) Calculation of the working principle, overall structure type, and traction ability of the train tractor;
2) Determine the type of drive mechanism, complete the drive power calculation, and complete the drive mechanism drive device, such as motor, reducer, coupling, brake selection;
3) Determine the metal structure of the frame, use ANSYS software to complete the analysis and calculation of the metal structure of the frame;
4) Complete the construction design of the drive mechanism and frame metal structure and SolidWorks 3D simulation modeling;
5) Use ADAMS software to complete the kinematic simulation of the tractor.
This paper designs a 15t low-speed heavy-duty train tractor, improves and innovates on the traditional train locomotive, and uses a traction device to increase the traction, which provides a theoretical basis for the operation of the train tractor. At the same time, the traction drive device is designed and discussed to promote the practical application of the train tractor in this way. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Key words: traction device;traction;drive mechanism;ANSYS;SolidWorks 3D simulation,;kinematics simulation

第1章绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景、目的 1
1.2国内外研究的现状 2
1.3 本文完成的工作及意义 3
第2章火车牵引车总体设计 5
2.1火车牵引车的工作原理 5
2.1.1火车牵引车牵引力的形成 5
2.1.2 黏着牵引力及其系数的计算 5
2.1.3 牵引车的工作原理 6
2.2 火车牵引能力的计算 6
2.2.1 黏着力计算 6
2.2.2 阻力计算 7
2.2.3 牵引功率的计算 8
2.3 火车牵引车的总体布置 8
2.3.1机车车辆限界 8
2.3.2机车总体设计原则及设备布置要求 8
2.3.3 火车牵引车设备布置 9
2.4火车牵引车车体车架 10
2.4.1车体车架的组成、作用及要求 10
2.4.2 车体的结构型式及总装技术要求 10 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
2.4.3火车牵引车车体钢结构 11 底架 11
2.5 轮对 13
2.6牵引车的作业流程 14
第3章火车牵引车驱动机构设计 15
3.1 驱动机构 15
3.2电动机减速器的选取 15
3.2.1电动机功率计算 15
3.2.2电动机减速器的选取 15
3.2.3齿轮传动装置 16
3.3齿轮联轴器的选取 17
3.4制动器选取 17
3.4.1基础制动装置 17
第4章火车牵引车的运动 20
4.1牵引装置的设计 20
4.1.1 牵引装置的构造 20
4.1.2 伸缩装置 20
4.1.3 牵引装置的安装 20
4.2火车牵引车运动过程分析 20
第5章车架金属结构的ANSYS分析 22
5.1 ANSYS Workbench 概述 22
5.2 ANSYS Workbench 车架分析过程 22 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
5.2.1 车架模型的建立 22
5.2.2 分析项目的创建 22
5.2.3 定义材料数据 23
5.2.4 添加几何模型 23
5.2.5 建立加载力的点 24
5.2.6划分网格 25
5.2.7施加约束和集中力 26
5.2.8 求解 27
第6章三维仿真建模和运动学仿真 29
6.1三维仿真建模 29
6.1.1 SolidWorks介绍 29
6.1.2 驱动机构三维仿真建模 29
6.1.3车架金属结构三维仿真建模 30
6.2运动学仿真 30
第7章全文总结 31
7.1 全文概述 31
7.2经济环保性探究 31
参考文献 32
致谢 33