
After a long history of development, the automotive industry presents a rich and diversified development trend. In the current and future period of time, intelligent driving and electrification will be two very important topics.Intelligence aims at liberating people's hands and realizing driverless driving.Electrification is to make cars get rid of dependence on gasoline, diesel and other energy sources.
The purpose of this paper is to complete the overall design of five-seat electric wheeled vehicleequipped with partial automatic driving function.The overall design includes the selection of the type and structure of the car, the selection of the main parameters of the car and the selection of the motor, etc. This part will be calculated and designed based on the given reference vehicle model.In addition, this paper also uses MATLAB to check the dynamic performance of the vehicle, so that it can meet the requirements of power, maximum climb, acceleration time, and completes the simulation of handling stability and ride comfort combined with CARSIM.Finally, the three-dimensional model of body shape is built by CATIA, and the drawing of body shape, chassis layout, interior layout and front wheel jumpdiagram is completed by AutoCAD.The realization of some automatic driving functions,i.e. the selection and arrangement ofsensors, is also mentioned.
Key words: partial automatic driving; electric wheeled vehicle; overall design
参数名称 值 单位
长/宽/高 4610/1790/1500 mm
轴距 2652 mm
轮距(前/后) 1530/1520 mm
整备质量 1450 kg
满载总质量 1800 kg
最高车速 140 km/h
最大爬坡度 30 %
续驶里程 >280(60km/h等速) km

第1章绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景 1
1.2 电动轮汽车国内外研究现状 1
1.3部分自动驾驶汽车国内外研究现状 2
1.4 总体设计的目的、意义和基本内容 2
1.4.1 总体设计的目的和意义 2
1.4.2 总体设计的基本内容 3
第2章汽车类型结构的选择和主要参数的确定 4
2.1汽车类型的选择 4
2.2汽车结构形式的选择 4
2.3 汽车主要参数的确定 5
2.3.1 汽车主要尺寸的确定 5
2.3.2 汽车质量参数的确定 6
2.3.3 汽车性能参数的确定 7
第3章电动机和轮胎的选择及电池组容量计算 14
3.1 电动机的选择 14
3.1.1 轮毂电机的介绍与选型 14
3.1.2轮毂电机参数匹配计算与电机的选择 14
3.2 轮胎的选择 17
3.3 电池组容量设计 17
3.3.1 动力电池的介绍与选型 17
3.3.2 由续驶里程计算电池组容量 18
3.3.3 动力电池的选择 19
第4章底盘其他主要总成的选型与布置 20
4.1 电机与电池组的布置 20
4.2转向系统的选型和布置 20
4.3悬架系统的选型和布置 21
4.4 制动系统的选型和布置 22
4.5底盘布置图 23
第5章车身外形设计与传感器的布置 24
5.1 车身外形设计 24
5.2 转向轮运动校核 25
5.3 车身内部布置 26
5.4 传感器的布置 27
第6章整车性能校核和仿真 29
6.1 校核最高车速 29
6.2 校核最大爬坡度 31
6.3 校核加速时间 32
6.4 操纵稳定性仿真 35
6.5平顺性仿真 38
第7章总结与展望 41 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
参考文献 42
致谢 43
附录 44