
摘 要
In this paper, the steering mechanism of commercial vehicle is chosen as the research object, and the light truck in commercial vehicle is designed and analyzed. The steering mechanism of the automobile plays a driving role in the steering system, it will have a direct impact on the steering performance of the automobile, so the research and design of the steering transmission mechanism is of great significance. Optimization after the design is in line with the trend of the times. In this paper, the function of steering mechanism in automobile and its structure composition are introduced, then the steering trapezoid is selected and the integral steering trapezoid is selected. Then, based on Ackermann's turning theorem, the mathematical model of steering transmission mechanism is established, and the important parameters of steering trapezoid of the designed light truck are calculated. Then the steering trapezoid is optimized with the help of MATLAB, a modern tool. Finally, material selection, dimension design and checking calculation are carried out for the important parts of the mechanism.
Key words: steering driving mechanism;Integral steering trapezoid mechanism;MATLAB.
汽车在做转向运动时,路面情况不一,会存在对汽车阻碍的路面阻力的情况,也存在路面使轮胎磨损的情况,磨损严重,阻力较大,这就是要尽力避免的现实问题。这也就是说在汽车转向时车轮均做纯滚动,这是依靠转向系统保证实现的,如图3.1,即满足阿克曼几何关系: = +K/L[7] 。转向梯形机构的参数将直接影响内侧车轮实际转角与理想内侧车轮实际转角的偏差大小,因此,对于转向梯形中的几何参数就必须放在首先考虑的地位。在实际的研究与工程中,对转向梯形的优化,存在依据阿克曼几何关系得出的期望值,其实也就是使转向梯形的两种角度,即针对实际因变角期望值尽可能贴近。

第1章 绪论 1
1.1选题意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.3论文研究的主要内容 2
第2章 转向传动机构的选型 3
2.1转向传动机构的简介 3
2.2转向传动机构的类型 3
2.3商用车转向梯形的选型 4
2.3.1商用车与乘用车 4
2.3.2商用车的转向梯形选型 4
第3章 整体式转向梯形的设计与优化分析 5 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
3.1转向传动机构的优化原理 6
3.2整体式转向梯形优化分析 6
3.3整体式转向梯形设计实例 8
第4章 基于MATLAB的优化设计 9
4.1 MATLAB的简介 9
4.2基于MATLAB的整体式转向梯形机构优化分析 10
第5章 转向传动机构部件的设计 11
5.1球头销设计 11
5.2转向拉杆设计 13
5.2.1转向直拉杆设计 13
5.2.2转向横拉杆设计 14
5.3转向摇臂设计 15
第6章 总结与展望 17
参考文献 18
附录 20
致谢 21