汽车前照灯作为汽车零件的一部分,为汽车美观性与夜间行驶安全性提供了保障。汽车前照灯力学性能设计的优劣对前照灯的寿命以及各行驶工况是否会发生振动失效具有重大影响。本文借助手持式三维扫描仪、三维建模软件CATIA对长安1.5T紧凑型SUV CS75前照灯进行逆向建模,并通过有限元分析软件ANSYS对前照灯在各行驶工况下受到激励的振动模态进行分析,所得结果对研究前照灯动力学性能,对其结构改良和优化具有重要意义。
As part of the car's parts, the car headlights provide a guarantee for the aesthetics of the car and the safety of night driving. The advantages and disadvantages of the mechanical performance design of automobile headlamps have a significant impact on the life of the headlamps and whether the vibration conditions will occur in all driving conditions. In this paper, the Changan 1.5T compact SUV CS75 headlamp is reverse modeled by hand-held 3D scanner and 3D modeling software CATIA, and the vibration of the headlights under the driving conditions is simulated by the finite element analysis software ANSYS. The modal analysis is carried out, and the results obtained are important for studying the dynamic performance of the headlamps and improving their structure and optimization. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Key Words:reverse engineering;3 D scanning;Vibration modal analysis;headlamp;
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究的背景及意义 1
1.2逆向工程 1
1.2.1逆向工程定义 1
1.2.2逆向工程技术 2
1.3逆向工程研究现状 2
1.4车灯发展现状 3
1.5前照灯性能要求 3
1.6研究内容 4
1.7小结 4
第2章 前照灯点云数据获取及处理 5
2.1数据采集方法介绍 5
2.1.1接触式采集方法 5
2.1.2非接触式采集方法 5
2.1.3手持式激光扫描 5
2.2车灯点云数据获取 6
2.4小结 7
第3章 前照灯自由曲面重构 8
3.1前照灯概述 8
3.2利用 CATIA逆向建模前照灯 9
3.2.1重构要点 9
3.2.2设计流程 9
3.3小结 11
第4章 前照灯的振动模态分析 12
4.1模态分析介绍 12
4.2前照灯的振动特性 12
4.3前照灯的模态分析 13
4.4随机振动分析 15
4.5小结 16
第5章 结论与展望 17
5.1总结 17
5.2前景展望 17
致 谢 18
参考文献 19