
Hybrid Light Bus Drive Axle Assembly 3D Modeling
In the process of graduation design ,the driving axle assembly of iveco busbecomes the research object.Aiming at the deficiency of traditional design method of drive axle, the automobile drive axle assembly is designed in 3d by reverse engineering modern design concept. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
This paper mainly introduces the reverse engineering of driving axle assembly based on CATIA, which can be divided into five steps: 1) obtain point cloud data by scaning various parts of the driving axle with a 3d laser scanner; 2)improve cloud quality by conducting preliminary repair of point cloud data; 3)closed surface was used to approximate the point cloud model of the drive axle and generate three-dimensional entitiesin CATIA; 4)each component is restrained according to the actual assembly relationship to complete the virtual assembly work in the assembly module; 5) draw 2d engineering drawingsand mark dimensions, tolerances and technical requirements according to production practicein CAD.
Keywords: Reverse engineering; CATIA; Drive Axle Assembly; 3D Modeling;Engineering drawing

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章绪论 1
1.1研究意义 1
1.2驱动桥介绍 1
1.3国外驱动桥设计研究现状 3
1.4国内驱动桥设计发展历程及研究现状 3
1.4.1早期传统设计 3
1.4.2有限元法的工程应用 4
1.4.3虚拟现实技术的应用 4
第二章基于CATIA的驱动桥零部件逆向建模 5
2.1逆向工程介绍 5
2.2软件介绍 5
2.3点云数据获取及处理 6
2.3.1激光扫描技术介绍 6
2.3.2点云数据获取 6
2.3.3点云数据处理 8
2.4驱动桥三维模型设计 10
2.4.1驱动桥壳模型设计 10
2.4.2驱动桥壳盖模型设计 13
2.4.3主动轮模型设计 14
2.4.4从动轮模型设计 14
2.4.5驱动桥半轴模型设计 15
2.4.6半轴齿轮模型设计 15
2.4.7差速器壳体模型设计 16
2.4.8差速器壳盖模型设计 16
2.4.9差速器行星齿轮模型设计 17 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
第三章驱动桥总成虚拟装配 18
3.1主减速器总成装配 19
3.2差速器总成装配 19
3.3半轴总成装配 20
3.4驱动桥壳总成装配 21
3.5驱动桥总装 22
第四章二维工程图 24
4.1二维工程图导出 24
4.2二维工程图修整及尺寸标注 26
第五章设计经济性分析 30
第六章总结与展望 32
6.1总结 32
6.2展望 32
参考文献 34
致 谢 36