
摘 要
研究者结合现行的《大学英语》课程,采用包括访谈与调查问卷为主的方法对江苏某职业学院2014级畜牧兽医专业两个班开展了项目教学法的教学实验。两个班被分为对照班和实验班,对照班采用传统教学方法教学,实验班采用项目教学法开展教学活动,并在最后通过实践得到前后测成绩与前后测问卷,研究者采用SPSS22.0 对这些数据展开分析,得出项目教学法在高职院校大学英语教学中具有可行性的结论。通过研究发现,抛开其他因素,使用项目教学法的实验班后测成绩比前测成绩平均分提高6分,并且被采访的学生普遍表示喜欢这种新型的教学方法,而对照班英语成绩平均分基本保持不变。项目教学法优势显而易见,不过,本研究也有一定的局限性:首先,研究对象单一,只是一个学校一个班的学生;其次,研究时间短暂,四个月的教学实验必然会对研究结果产生一定的影响;最后,相关文献资料匮乏,对研究的理论构建产生一定的影响。
Strong momentum, the development of world economy have been rendered under this trend, the fusion of China and the world more and more closely, English as a common international degree is one of the most widely language also seem increasingly important in foreign exchange, such as economic and trade industry and tourism, etc. English professional basic knowledge of good and oral English fluency has become the basic requirement of any size company recruiting graduates, especially in the field of multinational corporations, higher foreign language level requirements for the applicant. However, the reality is not optimistic, in the present stage of English teaching in higher vocational colleges in all sorts of problems still exist, such as still use the traditional teaching methods, such as level of professional teachers scarce, leading to school hard to cultivate a large number of outstanding graduate students. Situation is not optimistic, reform the current higher vocational college English teaching model has become the consensus of experts and scholars. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
Project teaching method is the main characteristic of the traditional subject system of knowledge into more specific teaching program, students directly involved in all the project to explore and study. The advanced teaching method abroad has been approved, and implementation in school, also has obtained the good effect, but the domestic relevant teaching reform are still rare, relevant research is scarce. Therefore, the researchers hope that through this study to enrich project teaching method of college English teaching in higher vocational colleges for related research.
The researchers combined with the current university English course, including interview and questionnaire methods a vocational college in jiangsu animal husbandry and veterinary professional level 2014 two classes carried out project teaching method of teaching experiment. Two classes were divided into that in comparative classes and experimental classes, and that in comparative classes in traditional teaching methods, experimental class adopts project teaching method to carry out teaching activities, and in the final test results before and after and through practice survey questionnaire before and after the data analysis, the researchers adopt SPSS22.0 draw project teaching method in college English teaching in higher vocational colleges is the conclusion of feasibility. Through the study found that, among other factors, the use of project teaching method in the experiment after test scores than the pretest score improved average of 6 points, and interviewed students generally said like this new type of teaching method, and the average record that in comparative classes English basic remain unchanged. Project teaching method advantage is obvious, however, this research also has some limitations: first of all, the research object of a single, only a school, a class of students; Second, the research time is short, four months of teaching experiments is bound to be a certain influence on the results of the study; Finally, the lack of relevant literature, to study the theory of building have influence. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
Key Words: Project-based Approach; Higher Vocational College;College English Teaching
目 录
绪 论 1
一、研究背景 1
(一)职业学院人才培养面临着提升学生职业技能的挑战 1
(二)高职院校英语教学亟需改革 1
(三)研究者个人的困惑和兴趣 2
二、研究意义 2
三、论文结构简介 3
四、文献综述 3
五、 关键概念界定 5
(一)高职院校大学英语课程 5
(二) 项目教学法 5
六、 研究方法 6
第一章 理论基础 7
一、项目教学法 7
(一)项目教学法理论基础 7
(二)国内外有关项目教学法研究现状 9
二、高职院校实施项目教学法的可能性 12
第二章 项目教学法在高职大学英语教学中的应用设计 12 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
一、项目教学法的构成要素 12
(一)内容 13
(二) 活动 13
(三)情境 13
(四)结果 13
二、项目教学法的实施条件 13
三、 项目教学法的实施步骤 13
(一)确定项目 14
(二)制定计划 14
(三)活动探究 15
(四)实施活动 15
(五)共享成果 15
(六)评价总结 15
四、项目教学法在高职大学英语课程中的教学研究 15
(一)研究对象 15
(二)研究目标和假设 15
(三)研究工具与方法 16
(四)研究步骤 16
第三章 项目教学法在高职院校大学英语教学中的研究结果 22
一、T检验法 22
二、 调查对象的描述性分析 23
三、两个班级的英语成绩前测和前测试问卷调查 24
(一)前测数据分析 24
(二)前问卷调查数据分析 24
(三) 实验班前访谈数据分析 26
四、两个班级的后测和后问卷调查 26
(一) 后测数据分析 26
(二)后问卷调查数据分析 27
(三)实验班后访谈原文及数据分析 29
五、教学研究结果讨论与分析 30
(一) 提高高职院校学生的交际能力(附访谈原文) 30
(二) 提高学生的合作能力和自信心(附访谈原文) 31
六、对优化教学的启发 32
(一)对教师的启发 32
(二)对学生的启发 33
(三)对教学资源的整合 33
第五章 结论与反思 34
一、主要结论 34
二、研究的局限性 34
(一)文献研究上的不足 34
(二)实践应用研究存在一定不足 34
(三)教师缺乏测试实践经验 35 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
三、对未来研究的建议 35
参考文献 35
附录 I 38
附录Ⅱ 39
附录Ⅲ 41
附录Ⅳ 42
附录Ⅴ 43
附录Ⅵ 44