
摘 要
The study on the employment of land-lost farmers in the process of new-type urbanization is an example of huishui county
As the process of new urbanization has been accelerating in recent years, the problem of landlessness and employment among farmers has become increasingly serious. To protect the normal life of peasants after they have lost their land, they must be allowed to achieve employment. For farmers, land is their most fundamental source of living material, and its importance is self-evident. Other social problems that are urgently needed to be resolved, which have been triggered by the problems of farmers losing land, must be resolved by increasing the employment of farmers. Because most of the farmer's labor skills and cultural levels are relatively low and are socially disadvantaged groups, they are difficult to survive in the fierce market competition situation. In addition, the employment training system is not perfect, the social security system is imperfect, the overall quality of landless farmers is low, and many factors such as unscientific land acquisition and resettlement policies are also the reasons for the difficulty of employment of landless peasants. In the process of building a socialist market economy and a socialist harmonious society, the difficult problem of employment of landless peasants needs to be resolved.
Based on the analysis of research background, significance, research results at home and abroad, research ideas, research methods, basic concepts, and theoretical basis, this paper takes the employment difficulties of landless peasants in Huishui County as the research object. Its purpose is to promote the loss of land in Huishui County. Farmers get better employment. The author used the convenience and advantages of living and working in Huishui County to collect relevant data on the number of landless peasants, resettlement status, employment status, and social security status in Huishui County, summarizing the current forms of employment difficulties for landless peasants in Huishui County and policies With regard to institutional, socio-economic, and landless peasants themselves, they are deeply digging into the reasons for the employment difficulties of land-lost peasants, and based on this as a basis, there are targeted suggestions and measures to scientifically and reasonably solve the difficult problems for land-lost peasants. Specifically, it includes: enriching skills training to improve the competitiveness of employment, improving the security system to increase the survival guarantee of land-losing farmers, improving related employment policies to reduce the employment resistance of land-losing farmers, and optimizing the industrial structure to achieve the combination of industrial layout and employment. The author hopes that this article can bring some help and reference for the employment of land-lost farmers in Huishui County.
Key words: Land-lost farmers, Employment, Social security
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract III
1 绪论 1
1.1选题的背景与意义 1
1.1.1问题的提出 1
1.1.2研究意义 2
1.2国内外失地农民问题的相关研究综述 2
1.2.1国外失地农民问题的相关研究综述 3
1.2.2国内失地农民问题的相关研究综述 5
1.3研究思路与研究方法 9
1.3.1研究思路 9
1.3.2研究方法 9
2基本概念与理论基础分析框架 11
2.1基本概念 11
2.1.1城镇化与新型城镇化 11
2.1.2失地农民 12
2.1.3就业 13
2.1.4失业 14
2.2理论基础 14
2.2.1社会保障理论 14
2.2.2 公共就业服务理论 15
2.3基本概念关系阐述 16
2.3.1新型城镇化与失地农民关系阐述 16
2.3.2失地农民与就业问题关系阐述 16
3惠水县新型城镇化进程中失地农民就业难现状 18
3惠水县新型城镇化进程中失地农民就业难现状 18
3.1惠水县概况及失地农民就业保障措施 18
3.1.1惠水县概况 18
3.1.2惠水县失地农民就业保障措施 19
3.2惠水县新型城镇化进程中失地农民就业总体情况 21
3.2.1失地农民数量不断增加 21
3.2.2失地农民就业比例低 21
3.3 惠水县新型城镇化失地农民就业难表现形式 22
3.3.1就业质量不高 22
3.3.2收入低、稳定性差 23
3.3.3就业意向受文化程度影响大 23
3.4失地农民就业难容易引发的社会后果 24
3.4.1影响农民自身发展及本县三农问题 24 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
3.4.2影响本县城镇化建设 25
3.4.3对本县社会治安造成威胁 26
4惠水县新型城镇化进程中失地农民就业难的原因 27
4.1政策和制度因素 27
4.1.1国家对失地农民安置及补偿手段存在不足 27
4.1.2养老保障程度低 28
4.1.3就业培训针对性不高并未落到实处 28
4.2社会和经济因素 29
4.2.1农民群体仍遭受歧视与偏见 29
4.2.2各类新兴产业和乡镇企业无法完全吸纳劳动力 30
4.2.3城乡之间劳动力市场存在严重不足 30
4.3失地农民自身因素 31
4.3.1就业意识淡薄 31
4.3.2自身能力欠缺 32
5新型城镇化进程中解决失地农民就业难的对策和建议 33
5.1丰富技能培训,提高就业竞争能力 33
5.1.1重点发展职业技术教育 33
5.1.2引导和强化培训意识 33 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
5.1.3以需求为导向开展定向培训 34
5.2健全保障制度,增强失地农民生存保障 34
5.2.1设立适合失地农民的就业岗位 34
5.2.2积极为失地农民就业提供相应服务 35
5.2.3重视商业保险的辅助作用 35
5.2.4失地农民社会保障的法律化 35
5.3完善相关就业政策,减少失地农民就业阻力 36
5.3.1实行优惠的就业政策 36
5.3.2拓宽失地农民就业渠道 36
5.3.3鼓励农民自主创业 37
5.4优化产业结构,做到产业布局与就业相结合 38
5.4.1升级产业结构充分考虑失地农民就业问题 38
5.4.2失地农民培训与产业布局相适应 39
6 结语 40
参考文献 42
致 谢 47