
摘 要
The Effect and Insufficiency of Accurate Poverty Alleviation through Helping Aids: A Case Study of Poverty Alleviation in Gaoping District People's Court, Nanchong City
Poverty relief development has always been valued by the Chinese government. Since the reform and opening up, China has implemented a series of rural poverty alleviation policies and measures, which have resulted in great changes in the rural poverty situation. The number of poor people has substantially decreased, and the living standards of rural residents have further improved. However, due to the reasons of our country’s history, natural conditions and other reasons, the economic development situation is very uneven within each region and region, coupled with regional differences, the poverty issue has not been completely eliminated, and rural poverty problems exist to some extent. . At present, China’s poverty alleviation situation is still grim, and rural poverty alleviation work has entered the sprint period of hard-bones and offensive. In this context, the theory of precision poverty alleviation came into being.
This article first uses the literature research method to interpret and analyze the related theories of precision poverty alleviation and pair-assisted help, and combines the research findings of foreign countries to provide theoretical support for writing. Secondly, taking the case of accurate poverty alleviation assisted by the People's Court of Gaoping District, Nanchong City as an example, it conducted an in-depth investigation into the personal information of poor households and the implementation and results of twinning aids in Gaoping District People's Court. Once again, an analysis was made of the problems that emerged in the Gaoping District People's Court to help with the precision poverty alleviation work. Finally, according to Gaoping District People's Court, the state of assisted work promotion, the actual state of the helpers, and the measures for accelerating the progress of accurate poverty alleviation in the four stages of precision identification, precision assistance, precision management, and precision assessment are respectively proposed. . It is hoped that this study will help the Gaoping District People’s Court to complete the last task of precision poverty alleviation.
Key words: Pair-finding; Precision poverty alleviation; Yongan Village
目 录
摘 要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 1
1.2国内外研究综述 2
1.2.1国外研究综述 2
1.2.2国内研究综述 3
1.3研究思路与研究方法 5
1.3.1研究思路 5
1.3.2研究方法 5
1.4可能的创新与不足 6
1.4.1创新 6
1.4.2不足 6
2相关概念及理论 7
2.1概念介绍 7
2.1.1贫困及扶贫标准 7
2.1.2精准扶贫 8
2.1.3结对帮扶 9
2.2精准扶贫的提出 10
2.2.1我国扶贫历程简介 10
2.2.2精准扶贫的提出 11 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
2.2.3精准扶贫的意义 11
3南充市高坪区人民法院对口帮扶精准扶贫实践状况 14
3.1南充市高坪区精准扶贫工作简介 14
3.1.1南充市高坪区简介 14
3.1.2南充市高坪区精准扶贫工作执行情况 14
3.2 南充市高坪区人民法院精准扶贫工作的基本情况 17
3.2.1南充市高坪区人民法院的基本情况 17
3.2.2帮扶任务介绍 18
3.3 高坪区人民法院结对帮扶精准扶贫工作的开展过程 19
3.3.1建立领导小组 19
3.3.2普及精准扶贫基本知识 19
3.3.3摸清情况 20
3.3.4确定帮扶规划 21
3.3.5完成任务分工、明确工作职责 21
3.3.6建立帮扶台账 21
3.3.7定期考核 22
3.4高坪区人民法院对口帮扶精准扶贫工作所采取的措施 23
3.4.1资金筹集措施 23
3.4.2住房条件改善措施 23
4高坪区人民法院对口帮扶精准扶贫工作存在的不足 25
4.1帮扶规划不够全面系统 25
4.2识别准确度低 25
4.3群众内生动力不足 27
4.4扶贫管理不到位 28
4.5帮扶干部责任感不强 28
4.6考核监督不到位 29
4.7脱贫质量不高 30
5提升高坪区人民法院对口帮扶精准扶贫工作效果的对策 32
5.1精准识别方面 32
5.1.1确立科学有效的识别标准 32
5.1.2公开识别程序邀请群众监督 33
5.2精准帮扶方面 33
5.2.1 制定科学的帮扶规划 33
5.2.2 实施产业扶贫 34
5.2.3激发贫困群众内生动力 35
5.3精准管理方面 36
5.3.1实建档立卡动态管理 36
5.3.2 加强扶贫干部队伍建设 37
5.4优精准考核方面 37
5.4.1健全考核体系 37
5.4.2 引入群众评价机制 38
6 总结与展望 40
6.1 总结 40
6.2 展望 40
参考文献 41
致 谢 44