
摘 要
The 21st century is a diversity era which reflects on high technology development, high competition and human resource management. With company development and business expansion, talents are becoming one of the most important resources. How to develop and retain talents is a big question to most companies. Training as one of the effective tools to develop and retain talents is used very popularly, through training, staffs could learn more knowledge, gain new skills, polish their competency and the company could improve the overall performance with a high-quality, strong talented team. [版权所有:]
L company like other companies, also conduct a big investment on training activity year by year but the training results were not shown as what management expected. More and more challenges came to HR department on explaining how to understand the return on invest on training. The research is based on this situation, starting from collecting the information from company, reference lots of books, materials and finally worked out a model of influencing the training effectiveness of L company.
The research covers six chapters:
(1) Brief the background and objective
(2) Theories and books reference
(3) L company and current training problem introduction
(4) Data analysis to find the key factors influencing the training effectiveness
(5) Proposal for improving the training effectiveness of L company
(6) Research summary
The research result shows that there are lots of factors influencing the training effectiveness and the training job is not only for HR department but also for everyone, especially for all people leaders. The model of influencing L company training effectiveness includes a lot factors, from personal wide, it is training concept, learning motivation, self-efficacy and the capability of knowledge transferring; from company, it is training needs analysis and objective setting, training knowledge transferring atmosphere set up; from training system wide, it is training content, trainer and training time. All these nine factors strongly affect the training effectiveness. [资料来源:]
Base on the training model and current training status, the improvement strategy has been proposed. The proposal covers three categories: they are people, company and the training organizer. Standing on the people point of view, a unified understanding on training should be set up, engage the staffs on the training and motive them to apply what they’ve learned. For the company, a detailed training needs analysis report should be worked out and the training plan needs to reflect what business needs. For the training organizer, improve the training execution system, update the training evaluation system and create a learning transferring environment are the focus areas. All these solutions aim to improve the training effectiveness of L company and increase the training satisfaction for all staffs.
The research will help L company to update the training system and the proposed follow up actions will improve the training effectiveness. The research is not only helpful to L company but also useful to other organizations.
Keywords: Training effectiveness evaluation, Training effectiveness influencing factors, Training effectiveness improvement strategy
目 录
第1章 绪 论 15
1.1研究背景 15
1.2研究思路 17
1.3研究方法 18
1.4研究假设 19
第2章 文献综述与相关理论 20
2.1员工培训理论 20
2.1.1员工培训基本概念 20
2.1.2员工培训体系 22
2.2培训效果评估研究 24
2.2.1国外培训效果评估研究 24
2.2.2 国内培训效果评估研究 29
2.3 培训效果影响因素研究 32
2.3.1 国外培训效果影响因素研究 32
2.3.2 国内培训效果影响因素研究 34
2.3.3 培训效果影响因素理论模型 34
第3章 L公司员工培训现状和存在问题的提出 39
3.1 公司概况 39
3.2 公司员工培训现状 42
3.2.1 培训基本情况 42
3.2.2 培训形式 44
3.2.3 培训效果评估方法 45
3.3 公司员工培训存在问题的提出 46
第4章 L公司员工培训效果影响因素分析 53
4.1 研究方案设计 53
4.1.1 深度访谈 53
4.1.2 专家小组讨论 56
4.1.3 问卷设计原则 58
4.1.4 调查问卷设计 59
4.2 调研分析与结论 59
4.2.1调研样本情况 60
4.2.2 调研数据分析 61 项目分析 61 信度及效度分析 61 因子分析及描述性统计 62 人口统计变量年龄和学历对培训效果的影响 67 [资料来源:] 相关分析 69
4.3 小结 71
第5章 L公司员工培训效果提升策略分析 72
5.1 统一培训认知,提高员工学习动力和自我效能 72
5.2 完善培训需求分析,提高培训规划合理性 73
5.3 提高培训执行体系 74
5.3.1 明确培训内容的有效性和系统性 74
5.3.2 选择合适的培训讲师,着重培养内部培训师 75
5.3.3 丰富培训手段,合理安排培训时间 76
5.4 提升培训效果评估体系 77
5.5 强化培训激励机制,创造良好的培训转化氛围 79
第6章 结论 81
6.1 论文研究结论 81
6.2 论文的局限性 82
参考文献 83
附 录 86
附录一:访谈提纲 86
附录二:调查问卷 87
致 谢 89