
Study on the development strategy of The Belt and Road JSHT under the background of marine products company
本研究从个案研究和行业研究相结合的视角,阐述了船舶及其配套工业在目前一带一路下的形势和未来发展趋势。本研究主要采用文献法和问卷调查法,运用现代战略管理理论和研究方法,以JSHT船舶配套产品公司为例,在一带一路和船舶企业发展的大背景下,针对自身情况特点,运用SWOT分析方法,分析目前公司的优势、劣势、发展机遇以及经营风险,研究该公司在当前环境下战略发展存在的问题及原因,并提出优化战略的具体措施。通过本文的研究发现,JSHT船舶配套产品公司发展战略主要存在四个方面的问题:市场战略局限于国内市场、忽视船舶配套产品国际性人才、产品战略缺乏竞争力、科技战略未得到有效实施,而导致JSHT船舶配套产品公司发展战略存在问题的原因是因为战略管理缺乏国际化视野、公司缺乏完善的高层次人才吸引机制、公司未有效进行准确船舶配套产品定位、公司在科技方面投入不足。JSHT船舶配套产品公司想要提升发展战略,必须深入理解一带一路战略构想、积极实施海外市场战略、引入船舶配套产品国际性人才、注重产品与一带一路战略需求相结合、完善科技战略、建立基于市场需求导向的战略定位、采用产品差异化战略,才能在一带一路下保证竞争优势,从而进一步促进船舶行业的可持续发展。 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
Shipbuilding industry is an important pillar industry in China. In recent years, China's shipbuilding industry has developed rapidly, and the volume of shipbuilding has reached the top two in the world. The implementation of "One Belt And One Road" has brought important opportunities to the development of JSHT ship supporting products company. The construction of the silk road economic belt will lead to the construction of transportation infrastructure including roads, railways, aviation and ports, which will create market opportunities for the enterprises carrying out related equipment manufacturing operations. The "one way" has brought more direct benefits to the shipping company. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to formulate the development strategy of JSHT company as soon as possible and develop the supporting equipment of ships, which is of great practical significance to promote the healthy development of China's shipbuilding industry.
From the perspective of case study and industry research, this paper expounds the current situation and future development trend of ship and its supporting industry in One Belt And One Road. This research mainly adopts the literature method and questionnaire investigation, using the modern strategic management theory and research method of JSHT Marine products company, for example, in the area and ship under the background of enterprise development, all the way to solve the problem of its own characteristics, using SWOT analysis method, find out the company's advantages, weaknesses, opportunities and business risks, the development strategy of the company in the current environment problems and cause analysis, and put forward concrete measures of optimization strategy. Through this article, the study found JSHT Marine products company development strategy mainly four aspects of problems: market strategy is confined to the domestic market, ignore the ship products international talent, lack of competitiveness of product strategy, technology strategy has not been effective. Caused JSHT Marine products company development strategy there is a problem because the lack of international vision, lack of perfect strategic management to attract high-level personnel mechanism, the company did not effectively accurate shipping form a complete set of product positioning, insufficient investment in science and technology company. JSHT Marine products company development strategy, it is necessary to actively implement the strategy of overseas markets, the introduction of ship products international talents, pay attention to product and area along the strategic needs, improve the combination of science and technology strategy, the introduction of high-level personnel and incentive mechanism, establishing the strategic positioning based on market demand guidance, form the ship form a complete set of product differentiation competitive advantage.
Keywords: Belt and Road Initiative; development strategy; company management; strategic management;
目 录
摘要 Ⅳ
Abstract Ⅴ
摘要 IV
Abstract V
目 录 VII
第1章 绪论 10
1.1选题来源与研究意义 10
1.1.1选题来源 10
1.1.2研究意义 11
1.2文献综述 11
1.2.1国外研究现状 11
1.2.2国内研究现状 14
1.3研究思路与研究内容 17
1.3.1研究思路 17
1.3.2研究内容 18
1.4研究方法与相关概念界定 18
1.4.1研究方法 18
1.4.2相关概念界定 18
1.5主要研究贡献 19
第2章 理论基础 20
2.1战略管理 20
2.1.1战略管理的过程 20
2.1.2战略管理的任务 20
2.1.3战略管理的层次 21
2.2公司战略 21
2.2.1公司战略方针的制定 21
2.2.2公司战略目的的设定 21
2.2.3公司战略计划的制定 21
2.2.4公司战略资源的制定 22
2.2.5.公司的战略手段 22
2.3“一带一路”战略内涵 22
2.3.1“一带一路”与经济全球化 22
2.3.2“一带一路”的空间内涵 22
2.3.3“一带一路”战略的重大意义 24
2.4本章小结 25
第3章 一带一路下JSHT船舶配套产品公司发展现状分析 26
3.1 JSHT船舶配套产品公司介绍 26
3.2 一带一路下JSHT船舶配套产品公司发展战略现状 26
3.2.1调查对象确定 26
3.2.2调查问卷设计 26 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
3.2.3调查过程实践 29
3.2.4调查结果分析 31
3.3本章小结 34
第4章 一带一路下JSHT船舶配套产品公司发展战略存在问题及原因分析 35
4.1 一带一路下JSHT船舶配套产品公司SWOT分析 35
4.1.1优势分析 35
4.1.2劣势分析 35
4.1.3机会分析 36
4.1.4威胁分析 38
4.2 一带一路下JSHT船舶配套产品公司发展战略存在问题分析 40
4.2.1战略管理缺乏国际化视野 40
4.2.2公司缺失完善的高层次人才吸引机制 40
4.2.3产品战略缺乏竞争力 41
4.2.4科技战略未得到有效实施 43
4.3 一带一路下JSHT船舶配套产品公司发展战略存在问题的原因分析 43
4.3.1市场战略局限于国内市场 43
4.3.2忽视船舶配套产品国际性人才 44
4.3.3公司未有效进行准确船舶配套产品定位 44 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
4.3.4公司在科技方面投入不足 45
4.4本章小结 45
第5章 一带一路下JSHT船舶配套产品公司发展战略提升研究 46
5.1深入理解一带一路战略构想,形成企业发展思路 46
5.1.1提升企业整体动态能力 46
5.1.2提升企业应对风险的能力 46
5.2积极实施海外市场战略 46
5.2.1加强企业形象推广,增加企业国际知名度 46
5.2.2加快资本、经营、技术、管理、人才国际化的步伐 47
5.3引入船舶配套产品国际性人才 47
5.3.1重点培养国际性人才,发挥主观能动性 47
5.3.2加大“产学研”结合,提升科技创新能力 48
5.4注重产品与“一带一路”战略需求相结合 48
5.5完善科技战略 49
5.6建立基于市场需求导向的战略选择 49
5.6.1基于市场需求制定有针对性的市场竞争战略规划 49
5.6.2根据市场需求建立客户关系管理体系 50
5.7采用产品差异化战略 51
5.7.1优化产品结构,不断提升产品竞争优势 51
5.7.2 JSHT船舶配套产品公司差异化战略的实施 52
5.8本章小结 53
第6章 结论与展望 54
6.1研究结论 54
6.2研究展望 54
参考文献 56
附录:JSHT船舶配套产品公司战略管理现状问卷 58
致 谢 61