
Study on the Influencing Factors of Normal Students’ Career Planning
第二部分为概念界定和相关问题阐述。分别对职业生涯、职业生涯规划和师范生职业生涯规划进行定义,同时对师范生职业生涯规划的意义进行了阐述。 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
The expansion of university enrollment ,on the one thing , makes more people get higher education , on the other thing causes great occupation pressure for graduates. As the special group , normal school students lose their protection and advantage in the market-oriented employment situation . Both the Reform of Teacher Qualification Examination System and Compulsory Educational Institutions Access System make normal school students face much harsher situation . Besides, our nation’s encouragement and support towards college students ,to some extent, let some normal students shake their original professional planning . It is vital for normal school students to decide how to arrange their own professional careers and improve the core-competitiveness . [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
Through questionnaire method , the paper studies the factors that influenced normal school students’ professional career planning and analyses the data which affect their professional careers. Moreover, the paper gives respective suggestions towards normal school students , society and nation so that normal school students can make professional career planning more scientifically , effectively and worked out successfully.
The paper can be divided into five parts.
The first part is introduction. It introduces the background , the meaning, thinking, methods and the current research status related to the paper .
The second part is the concept definition and the explanations of some related questions. It defines the professional career, professional career planning and normal school students’ professional career planning.
The third part is on the analysis of some factors influenced normal school students’ professional career planning. Based on the questionnaire , this part studies each factor’s important degree and analyses the effects. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
The fourth part gives some suggestions in regard to normal school students themselves and other parts of the nation which help normal school students implement their professional career planning well.
The fifth part is the conclusion . It makes a brief conclusion and points out some shortcomings of the paper.
Key words : normal school students , professional career planning , influencing factors
目 录
中文摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 2
1.2 研究综述 3
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 研究意义 5
1.5 研究思路和方法 7
1.5.1 研究思路 7
1.5.2 研究方法 7
第二章 概念及相关问题阐述 8
2.1 概念 8
2.1.1 职业生涯 8
2.1.2 职业生涯规划 8 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
2.1.3 师范生职业生涯规划 9
2.2 师范生职业生涯规划的意义 9
第三章 师范生职业生涯规划的影响因素调查分析及结论 11
3.1 研究对象 11
3.2 研究工具 11
3.3.1 个人因素分析 11
3.3.2 学校因素分析 12
3.3.3 家庭因素分析 13
3.3.4 社会因素分析 13
3.3.5 国家因素分析 14
3.3.6 人际关系因素分析 14
3.3.7 总体调查结果分析 14
3.4 结论 15
第四章 对师范生做好职业生涯规划的建议 34
4.1 师范生自身方面 35
4.1.1 正确认识自我,增强规划意识 15
4.1.2 利用学校条件,合理安排生活 15
4.1.3 用足国家政策,适应社会需求 15
4.1.4 结合家庭实际,淡化负面影响 15
4.1.5 善于思考审视,科学调整修正 15 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
4.2 其他方面 35
4.2.1 国家提供政策扶持 34
4.2.2 社会创建有利环境 34
4.2.3 学校提供优质条件 34
4.2.4 家庭营造良好氛围 37
结语 34
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