
The village in the city is a form of population-based peculiar endeavor in our country that has emerged during the process of urbanization.Nowadays, there are many problems in the villages in the city, including the high density of housing, poor quality, complex population structure, large liquidity, bad environment, potential safety problems and the traditional management system.These problems make the government realize the inevitability of the renovation of the villages in the cities and must carry out the transformation as soon as possible.
Based on the case study of the transformation of urban village in Xi'an, the paper takes three villages in different stages of urban renewal as examples, and analyzes the government behavior in the transformation of urban village. In the existing problems and learn from the advanced experience of urban and rural reconstruction at home and abroad put forward the direction of functional change.The transformation of government functions can be carried out from three aspects, namely, the guiding function, the service function and the supervisory function.The guiding functions mainly put forward the measures of giving full play to the leading role of the government, guiding the broad masses of villagers to participate actively and implementing the transformation of transparency in government affairs.Service functions are mainly proposed to vigorously develop the community employment, construction of social security system for villagers in two aspects of change measures.The supervision functions mainly put forward the measures to strengthen the supervision in advance, strengthen the supervision over the demolition process, strengthen the supervision over the construction process and strengthen the supervision over the resettlement process. [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
The government plays an important role in the reconstruction of the village in the city, and the degree of realization of the government functions determines the completion of the reconstruction of the village in the city.The research results obtained in this paper can effectively improve the administrative efficiency of the government in the process of urban renewal in Xi'an and fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of government departments, which is of great significance.
Key words:Xi'an,Village renovation,Government Functions
摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
1.2.2国内研究现状 3
1.2.3国内外研究评述 5
1.3 研究方法 5
1.4 研究内容与框架 6
第二章 相关理论综述 8
2.1 城中村相关理论 8
2.1.1城中村的涵义 8
2.1.2城中村的特点 8
2.1.3城中村的成因 9
2.2 政府职能相关理论 11
2.2.1新公共管理 11
2.2.2新公共服务 12
2.2.3治理理论 13
2.3 政府职能在城中村改造中的体现 14
2.3.1规划职能 14
2.3.2引导职能 14
2.3.3服务职能 15
2.3.4监督职能 15
第三章 西安市城中村改造现状分析 17
3.1 西安市城中村改造概况 17
3.1.1西安市城中村分布情况 17
3.1.2西安市城中村改造做法 19
3.2 西安市城中村改造现状调查 21
3.2.1城中村居民基本情况调查 21
3.2.2城中村改造中政府行为调查 22
3.3 西安市城中村改造政府职能缺失 25
3.3.1引导职能的缺失 25
3.3.2服务职能的缺失 26
3.3.3监督职能的缺失 27
第四章 国内外政府城中村改造经验与启示 28
4.1 国外政府旧城改造经验 28
4.1.1美国经验 28
4.1.2英国经验 29
4.2 国内政府城中村改造经验 29
4.2.1广州经验 29
4.2.2深圳经验 30
4.2.3珠海经验 30
4.3 国内外经验启示 31
第五章 西安市城中村改造政府职能优化 33
5.1 西安市城中村改造目标与原则 33
5.1.1西安市城中村改造目标 33
5.1.2西安市城中村改造原则 33
5.2 西安市城中村改造中的政府职能转变 34
5.2.1引导职能的转变 34
5.2.2服务职能的转变 35
5.2.3监督职能的转变 36
5.3 西安市城中村改造保障机制 37
5.3.1建立健全城乡统一的户籍管理制度 37
5.3.2完善合理的征地补偿机制 38
5.3.3建立集体经济组织的经营管理和收益分配机制 38
第六章 结论 40
参考文献 42
附录 44