
摘 要
关键词: 网络公共事件; 魏则西事件; 风险扩散; 政府应对
A Study on Social Risk Diffusion and Government Response Mechanism of Network Public Events - A Case Study of Wei Zexi Event
The Internet is one of the greatest inventions of human society and profoundly affects the real world. The popularity of the Internet and in-depth development, so that the public after the incident occurred through the network to express their views, emotions and attitudes become more convenient and frequent, and the public network of public opinion also showed normalization, expansion and complexity of the trend. It is of great practical significance to pay attention to the analysis, guidance and monitoring of public opinion in emergencies. It is a very important political task of the current party and government.
Public events easily lead to Internet users onlookers and hot, the formation of hot network public opinion, a network of public events. The spread of the risk of public events in the network has an important impact on the development and disposal of public events, and the improper guidance will affect the smooth settlement of public events. Public affairs network public opinion, the risk is how to spread, the government how to deal with the network of public events This is the article to explore the issue. In this paper, the use of public management, communication management and other knowledge to Wei Zexi event as an example to analyze the risk of the spread of public events, and how to deal with the government to deal with emergencies network risk. Firstly, after defining the connotation of the network public opinion and the theoretical basis of the research, the process of network public event risk communication is analyzed, and the evolution process of the network public opinion of Wei Zexi event is closely linked, and the government departments are analyzed. In the presence of the problem. On this basis, the author analyzes the reasons of the risk spread of the network public events, and then puts forward the ability and strategy to enhance the government's response to the network public events. The ability to optimize the government's response to the network public events should proceed from five aspects: smoothing the network information distribution channels, improving the technical level of network supervision, perfecting the network legislation supervision, strengthening the government image construction, and building a harmonious and harmonious network ecology. [来源:]
Key words: Network public event; Wei Zexi event; Risk diffusion; Government’s response
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 4
1.1选题背景及意义 4
1.1.1选题背景 4
1.1.2选题意义 4
1.2国内外研究综述 5
1.2.1国外研究现状 5
1.2.2国内研究现状 6
1.3 研究目标、思路、内容与方法 7
1.3.1 研究目标 7
1.3.2 研究思路 7
1.3.3研究内容 8
1.3.4 研究方法 8
第二章 相关概念及理论基础 9
2.1 相关概念 9
2.1.1网络公共事件 9
2.1.2社会风险 10
2.2理论基础 10
2.2.1传播学理论 10 [资料来源:]
2.2.2公共治理理论 11
2.2.3风险的社会放大理论 12
2.2.4蝴蝶效应 12
第三章 网络公共事件社会风险扩散过程分析:以魏则西事件为例 14
3.1魏则西事件梗概 14
3.1.1魏则西事件阶段划分 14
3.1.2政府在处置魏则西事件中的不足 15
3.2魏则西事件的社会风险扩散过程 16
3.2.1沉默的螺旋 16
3.2.2意见领袖利益聚合 17
3.2.3舆情持续到高潮 18
3.2.4公众关注度降低至平息 18
3.3魏则西事件诱发的社会风险及后果 19
3.3.1网络公共事件扩散的表现 19
3.3.2网络公共事件社会风险的影响 20
3.3.3网络公共事件社会风险的后果 22
第四章 魏则西事件的社会风险扩散原因分析 24
4.1社会环境因素 24
4.2制度因素 24 [版权所有:]
第五章 社会网络公共事件的政府应对机制构建 26
5.1畅通网络信息发布渠道 26
5.1.1加强信息数据收集 26
5.1.2做好公开信息的时效性 27
5.2提高网络监管的技术水平 27
5.2.1建立网络公共事件预警及监控机制 27
5.2.2重视技术对网络舆情治理的作用 29
5.3完善网络立法监管 30
5.3.1转变网络立法观念 30
5.3.2进一步完善网络法律法规体系 30
5.4加强政府形象建设 31
5.4.1加强政府内部信息沟通 31
5.4.2提高政府媒体公关能力 32
5.5构建和谐良善的网络生态 33
5.5.1制定网络舆情预案 33
5.5.1做好善后工作,健全相关制度 34
第六章 结论与展望 35
6.1结论 35
6.2展望 36
参考文献 37
致 谢 39