
摘 要
随着项目管理理论的发展,国内一些企业开始将项目管理的理论、方法和工具应用于建设项目绩效管理过程中。但是,对电力设施建设项目的绩效管理模式和方法的研究却很少。为此,本文探索性的研究了这方面。首先,从电力建设项目的特点、项目管理和绩效管理、项目绩效管理等理论研究进展入手,在此基础上,重点介绍了XC电力施工企业项目管理系统,电力建设项目的特点以及现有的绩效评价体系进行分析,找出了电力建设项目绩效管理XC电力施工企业存在的主要问题,包括:现有的组织体系不能有效适应电力工程建设的特点;电力建设项目在过程管理和绩效管理上严重脱节。最后,运用目标与关键成果法理论,结合XC电力建设公司企业项目种类多、时间紧、多项目同时运行、跨部门等特点,提出了阿米巴小组制的绩效管理模型。一是在现有按照专业设置的公司组织体系基础上,设立阿米巴小组式的项目管理体系,围绕一个电力建设项目建立专门的项目建设团队;二是围绕电力设施的项目建设,为项目建立关键绩效指标(O),并参与项目团队成员绩效评价的关键成果(KR),将项目过程目标融入到项目绩效评价中;三是建立电力建设项目绩效反馈机制,形成项目建设周期与项目绩效管理的有效结合。本文认为对电力设施施工企业的团队绩效管理就是要打破以前电力行业吃“大锅饭”的体制思想问题,要针对每个项目的特点,组建适合于本项目的人才队伍,然后施以合理的绩效考核方案,让团队成员的创造性和积极性提高,从而实现团队效率的提高,进而提高企业的经济效益。 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Power supply is the most important the main business of electric power enterprise, power supply depends on the construction of electric power facilities, enterprises expand the purpose is to increase the supply of electricity market, so the construction of electric power facilities is particularly important. With the development of the country's "13th five-year plan" in 2016, China's power infrastructure has entered a new stage. Human resource management plays an increasingly important role in the infrastructure construction of the power industry, which directly affects the construction of power facilities. And the construction of power facilities is related to the basic industry of national people's livelihood. The construction project of power facilities has the characteristics of professional strength and long construction time. Therefore, the construction of power facilities is inseparable from teamwork. Performance management is the core link of power construction project management, which determines whether the implementation of power construction projects can be successful.With the development of project management theory, some domestic enterprises began to apply the theory, methods and tools of project management to the construction project performance management. However, the research on the performance management mode and method of power facilities construction project is less. To this end, this paper has conducted exploratory research on this aspect. First comb from electric power construction project, project management and performance management, the progress of project performance management theory research, on this basis, this paper analyzes the XC electric power construction enterprise project management system, the characteristics of the electric power construction project, the present situation of the performance evaluation system, summarizes XC electric power construction enterprises in the main problems of electric power construction project performance management, including: the existing organization system can not effectively to adapt to the characteristics of electric power project construction; The power construction project is deeply disjointed in process management and performance management. Finally, using the key performance management theory and the balanced scorecard management theory, combined with the enterprise XC power facilities construction company project variety, time is tight, many projects running at the same time, characteristics of cross-sectoral, amebic group type of performance management model is put forward. First, on the basis of the existing organizational system of the company, the project management system of amoeba group is established, and a special project construction team is built around a power construction project. Secondly, the key performance indicators of the project are set up around the construction of power construction projects, and the performance evaluation of the team members participating in the project is effectively connected. Integrate the project process objectives into the project performance evaluation, and the performance evaluation of each member of the team will be used to effectively support the project's process indicators. The third is to establish the performance feedback mechanism of power construction project to form the effective combination of project construction cycle and project performance management. This paper argues that team performance management of electric power facilities construction enterprises is to break the electric power industry to eat before the problem of the Commons "system thought, should according to the characteristics of each project, establish suitable for project team members, through the performance management to beat team members fully the enthusiasm and creativity, so as to improve the efficiency of the project team, to raise the economic benefits of enterprises. [资料来源:Doc163.com]
Keywords: projectteam, performance managem
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究的背景 1
1.2 选题的来源及研究的意义 2
1.3研究目的与内容 3
1.3.1 研究的目的 3
1.3.2 研究内容 3
1.4 研究的思路与方法 4
第二章 团队绩效管理相关理论综述 5
2.1 绩效管理相关理论 5
2.2 团队绩效管理相关理论和研究 8
2.2.1 团队的概念 8
2.2.2 团队绩效管理 9
2.3 项目团队绩效评价方法 10
2.4项目团队绩效评价指标 15
2.4.1建立完善的绩效评价指标的意义 16
2.4.2 绩效评价指标的确定标准 17
2.4.2完善绩效评价指标 18
2.5 完善的绩效管理制度的建立 18
2.5.1 绩效管理制度的建立思路 19 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
2.5.2 绩效管理制度的建立原则 20
2.6 本章小结 21
第三章XC电力建设公司的项目团队绩效管理现状 22
3.1 电力设施建设项目的内涵和特征 22
3.1.1电力设施建设项目的内涵 22
3.1.2 电力设施建设项目的特征 22
3.2 XC电力建设企业简介 23
3.3 XC电力设施建设的组织构架 24
3.3.1采用直线职能型组织结构 24
3.3.2现有项目的管理现状及存在的问题 24
3.3.3现有项目的绩效管理现状 25
3.3.4现有项目绩效管理存在的问题 26 团队成员的观念没有转变 26 电力建设项目绩效管理制度落后 26 电力建设项目绩效评价指标单一 26
3.4项目管理存在的问题原因分析 27
3.4.1电力建设项目绩效管理体系不完善 27
3.4.2缺乏科学合理的电力建设项目绩效评价指标 27 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
3.4.3项目建设团队的水平有待提升,内部人才培养缺乏机制 28
3.5本章小结 28
第四章XC电力建设公司的项目团队绩效管理改进 29
4.1 完善项目团队的绩效管理体系 29
4.1.1建立小组制的项目建设团队 29
4.1.2明确项目经理的权利 30
4.1.3加强电力建设项目各阶段过程管理 30
4.2 选择合适的项目绩效管理方法 32
4.3 建立全方位的绩效评价体系 33
4.3.1建立全方位的绩效评价体系思路 33
4.3.2 建立科学的项目绩效评价方法 33
4.3.3项目的绩效管理体系建立 34
4.4项目绩效关键结果的设计 42
4.4.1项目建设前期的绩效指标建立 44
4.4.2项目建设中期的绩效指标建立 45
4.4.3项目建设后期的绩效指标建立 46
4.5组建专门的绩效管理团队 46
4.6 绩效管理申诉 46
4.7 本章小结 47
第五章 “宁海听涛”项目OKR的应用 48
5.1 “宁海听涛”项目的基本情况 48
5.2 “宁海听涛”项目的绩效管理改进 48
5.2.1加强“宁海听涛”项目的过程管理 48
5.2.2 “宁海听涛”项目的OKR管理的指标及结果 49 项目建设前期的关键目标与成果 49 项目建设中期的关键目标与成果 50 项目建设后期的关键目标与成果 51
5.4 本章小结 55
第六章 结论与展望 56
6.1 结论 56
6.2不足或局限性 56
6.3针对不足展望未来 57
致谢 58
参考文献 59