
摘 要
国内各大券商都已经看到了财富管理业务的重要性并开始布局。近年来,ZX证券在财富管理业务上取得了一些进展,但是发展并不完善。XX营业部的财富管理业务虽然在总部的领导下有所发展,但依然存在诸多问题,传统经纪业务仍然是营业部的主要收入来源。由于传统经纪业务和股市行情息息相关,2015年牛市过后,营业部收入明显下降。所以,发展财富管理业务将是促进营业部长期健康发展的关键。 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
关键词: ZX证券XX营业部,财富管理,案例分析法
Research on the development of wealth management business of ZX securities XX business department
Although China's securities market has expanded its capital market capacity, securities companies have become an important participant in China's capital market, but in fact, China's securities market is still in its initial stage, and most securities companies still focus on economic business. Since the Securities Association announced the Commission floating system in 2002, the securities companies have been engaged in commission warfare, and the income of brokerage business is not as good as before. The rapid development of banks, insurance, funds, Third Party Finance and other financial institutions also poses a growing threat to the development of securities companies. Therefore, the traditional brokerage business model based on the traditional brokerage business is difficult to continue, and it is urgent to seek reform.
With the rapid development of China's economy, people's income level, the rapid accumulation of private wealth, the wealth management needs of the residents is growing, the domestic wealth management market potential can not be ignored, the development of wealth management business as a breakthrough in strategic transformation of securities companies. The wealth management business of financial institutions to high net worth clients "to customers as the center" integrated financial services, brokerage asset allocation by providing a full range of services to customers, to meet customer demand for one-stop financial services, can get a commission, enhance customer stickiness, and seize the market.
All the big coupons in China have already seen the importance of the wealth management business and began to lay out the layout. In recent years, ZX securities have made some progress in the wealth management business, but the development is not perfect. Although the wealth management business of XX business department has developed under the leadership of the headquarters, there are still many problems. The traditional brokerage business is still the main source of revenue for the business department. Since the traditional brokerage business is closely related to the stock market, after the bull market in 2015, the revenue of the business department declined significantly. Therefore, the development of wealth management business will be the key to promoting the long-term healthy development of the business department.
In this paper, using the method of literature, using the methods of comparative method, case analysis method of combining theory with practice, elaborated on the basic situation of ZX XX securities business department, business department of a detailed analysis of the wealth management business, for business department existing in the development process of the wealth management business problems, from domestic and foreign brokerage wealth management business development experience in the business department of the wealth management business long-term steady development to explore a proper way to accelerate the development of wealth management business, increase operating profits, enhance the market competitiveness. It is also hoped that this research can provide references for other brokerage business departments to develop wealth management business, and achieve long-term healthy development of the business department through the development of wealth management business.
KEYWORDS:ZXsecurities XX business department,wealth management,Case analysis
目 录
第一章绪论 1
第一节研究背景 1
第二节 研究的目的和意义 2
一、研究目的 2
二、研究意义 2
第三节研究内容和方法 3
一、研究内容 3
二、研究方法 4
第四节 论文的基本框架和创新点 5
一、论文的基本框架 5
二、论文的可能创新点 5
第二章相关理论与文献综述 6
第一节财富管理的定义 6
第二节 财富管理的相关理论 7
一、生命周期理论 7
二、风险偏好理论 7
三、资产组合理论 7
第三节国内外研究现状 8
一、国外研究现状 8
二、国内研究现状 9
第四节文献评述 10
第三章国内外财富管理的发展概况和经验借鉴 12
第一节国外财富管理业务的发展概况 12
一、国外财富管理业务的发展概况 12
二、国外财富管理典型案例 12
第二节国内财富管理业务的发展概况 13
一、国内财富管理业务发展潜力 13
二、国内财富发展业务主要内容 13
三、国内提供财富管理业务的机构 14
四、国内财富管理政策 16
五、国内财富管理行业的特点 16
第三节国外财富发展经验对国内的借鉴 16
一、打造优秀的财富管理品牌形象 17
二、创新丰富的财富管理产品种类 17
三、培养专业的财富管理精英团队 17
四、提供差异化的财富管理专业服务 17
第四章ZX证券XX营业部财富管理业务的现状与问题 18
第一节ZX证券XX营业部概况 18
一、ZX证券公司概况 18
二、营业部概况 19
三、营业部人员结构及绩效考核体系 19
四、营业部经营情况 20
五、营业部客户群体分析 21
第二节 营业部财富管理业务现状 24
一、客户分类 24
二、客户关系管理(CRM) 25
三、客户服务 25
四、过程管理 25
五、服务渠道 26
六、产品分析 26
第三节 ZX证券XX营业部财富管理业务存在的问题 27
一、竞争激烈客户流失严重 27
二、营业部财富管理业务推进缓慢 27
三、客户质量偏低 28
四、营业部财富管理人才储备不足 29
五、客户服务工作缺乏主动性 30
六、客户服务内容单一,产品同质化严重 30
七、营业部激励考核机制过分重视短期收入 30
第五章ZX证券XX营业部开展财富管理业务的优劣势分析 32
第一节优势分析 32
一、个人财富快速增加,居民投资需求日趋复杂 32
二、公司实力雄厚,资格齐备 32
三、营业部历史悠久,客户资源充足 33
四、营业部产品收益表现优秀,吸引力强 33
五、内部运作规范,风险控制和合规自查完善 34
第二节劣势分析 34
一、财富管理方面的专业人才不足 34
二、产品同质化严重 35
三、高净值客户比例偏低 36
四、客户分类管理体系不完善 36
五、产品营销短期化,财富管理业务尚未形成体系 37
六、宣传方面受合规限制较大 37
七、薪酬绩效体系尚不完善 37
第六章ZX证券XX营业部财富管理业务发展的改进建议 38
第一节 借力公司实力,提供个性化服务 38
一、利用公司品牌优势和专业性特长,迅速拓展市场 38
二、充分利用公司资源,提供差异化服务 38
三、学习公司产品,创新产品体系,提供个性化服务 39
第二节拓展客户开发渠道,完善客户管理体系 40
一、拓展财富管理业务客户开发渠道,提高客户质量 40
二、完善客户分类管理体系 41
第三节 优化业务流程,组建专业团队 42
一、优化财富管理业务流程 42
二、组建专业的财富管理人才团队 42
第四节加强合作,实现共赢 43
第七章研究结论及展望 45
第一节 研究结论及拓展意义 45
一、研究结论 45
二、拓展意义 46
第二节 研究局限及展望 46
一、局限 46
二、展望 47
参考文献 48
致谢 49 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]