
摘 要
目前,关于危险废物处理方面,苏州工业园区的危险废物处理在全国范围内,处于领先的地位,工业园区内先进的危险废物处理技术,也给全国其他地区的危险废物处理提供了有效的借鉴与参考。所以,在本文的研究中,我们主要以苏州工业园区为主要研究对象,重点对于苏州工业园区在危险废物处置方式进行了调查分析。全文总共分为以下几个章节: [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
With the development of industrialization in our country, the economic and social development of our country has been promoted. At the same time, there are a lot of unbiodegradable substances in the environment, especially hazardous waste. At present. Hazardous waste has become a very important topic in the world, because it has the characteristics of toxicity, deflagration and corrosivity, which has caused a serious threat to the environment, and whether the disposal of hazardous waste is appropriate. It is directly related to the whole security of an industrial park and the safety of people's life and property.
At present, the hazardous waste treatment in Suzhou Industrial Park is in the leading position in the whole country, and the advanced hazardous waste treatment technology in the Industrial Park. It also provides an effective reference for other areas of the country. Therefore, in the study of this paper, we mainly take Suzhou Industrial Park as the main research object. This paper focuses on the investigation and analysis of hazardous waste disposal methods in Suzhou Industrial Park. The full text is divided into the following chapters:
In the first chapter, the background of the study, the purpose of the study and the significance of the research are introduced, and the destructive effects of hazardous waste are discussed in detail.
The second chapter introduces the advanced experience of domestic hazardous waste treatment in the external treatment of hazardous waste disposal. Abroad, respectively, to the United States and Germany as an example, analysis of the hazardous waste disposal of hazardous wastes and domestic legal mechanism between the two countries. The specific disposition, introduced China's current risk management system and the development of relevant legal system.
The third chapter is the key chapter of the analysis of this study. In the premise of the research on Suzhou Industrial Park under the hazardous waste problem, of its hazardous waste, treatment and disposal issues. Firstly, based on the research of Suzhou Industrial Park, the overall general situation, analysis of the source of the Industrial Park, hazardous waste, waste production amount for the comprehensive evaluation and characteristics of hazardous waste pollution prevention and control ability, finally, according to the investigation, summarizes the existing industrial park capacity of hazardous waste pollution prevention and control problems, finally puts forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions.
In short, I hope that through this study, the research of Suzhou Industrial Park and the hazardous waste treatment status, the successful experience at home and abroad of the prevention and control of hazardous waste as the basis, in accordance with the planning objectives of relevant domestic hazardous waste regulations and the industrial park, the park in hazardous waste management, lack of technical level in the premise, in relevant laws and regulations, management system, process equipment and other fields to give effective measures. "Performance management system from cradle to grave" of the whole link. To lay a good foundation for the industrial park of Suzhou hazardous waste management work smoothly.
Keyword:Hazardous waste, present situation, management, countermeasures
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 选题的研究背景 1
1.2固体废物的定义及分类 1 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
1.2.1 固体废物 1
1.2.2 危险废物 1
1.2.3 生活垃圾 2
1.3危险废物的危害 2
1.3.1对土壤的污染 3
1.3.2对水域的污染 3
1.3.3对大气的污染 4
1.3.4影响人民的健康 4
1.3.5制约可持续发展 4
1.4 研究目的和意义 5
第二章 国内外危险废物的管理制度概述 6
2.1国内危险废物管理制度概述 6
2.1.1我国危险废物管理立法体系 6
2.1.2我国危险废物管理法律制度 7
2.2国外危险废物管理法律机制与借鉴 12
2.2.1美国危险废物管理法律机制与借鉴 12
2.2.2德国危险废物管理法律机制与借鉴 14
第三章 苏州工业园区危险废物管理现状、问题及解决对策 17
3.1园区环境概况 17
3.1.1 地理区位 17 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
3.1.2 自然条件概况 18
3.1.3 社会经济概况 19
3.1.4 环保工作概况 20
3.2工业源危险废物产生源、产废总量及特征 22
3.2.1工业源危险废物产生量 22
3.2.2工业源危险废物的源项特征 23
3.2.3主要危险废物类别分布特征 24
3.2.4主要危险废物的行业分布 25
3.3危险废物污染防治能力综合评估 27
3.3.1危废经营单位数量及其处置能力 27
3.3.2危废经营单位对主要危废种类的处置能力分析 29
3.4工业园区危险废物污染防治能力存在的问题 31
3.4.1企业主体责任落实不到位,环境风险防控能力不足 31
3.4.2经营单位利用处置类别及能力均不足 32
3.4.3危险废物管理支撑体系能力薄弱 32
3.4.4危险废物监管力量薄弱,监管机制有待完善 32
3.5优化苏州工业园区危险废物管理的对策建议 33 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
3.5.1加强危险废物全过程环境管理,强化企业主体责任 33
3.5.2提升危险废物利用处置能力和管理水平 34
3.5.3加强危险废物管理支撑体系建设 36
3.5.4推进监管体系建设和完善 37
3.5.5提高应急处置能力 38
第四章 结 论 40
参 考 文 献 41