
摘 要
在当前快速变化的市场营销环境下,竞优房地产管理软件公司详细分析企业的外部营销环境,通过对人口、经济、科技、政治法律等宏观外部环境因素的逐项分析,以及特别针对于客户市场和竞争环境这两项关键微观外部环境因素进行重点研究的基础上,探明外部环境对于竞优软件公司营销策略的影响力。与此同时,借助竞优房地产管理软件公司企业内部环境的人员、资金、组织架构、管理水平、企业文化等因素的分析,梳理公司营销策略的现状并找到当前营销策略存在的问题点,进一步明确了竞优房地产管理软件公司营销策略完善的必要性。在此基础上,依据经典的STP理论和4Ps及4Cs营销理论的指导,通过重新细分市场、选择目标市场及定位,竞优房地产管理软件公司完善了目标市场营销策略,结合公司未来三年的发展目标,确定选择定制化开发目标市场和标准化产品目标市场相结合的营销组合策略作为公司未来发展的营销策略。竞优房地产管理软件公司针对于两个不同需求层级的子目标市场分别采用差异性营销策略和具体的营销策略实施方案。对于定制化开发目标市场,结合其市场和目标客户群的特点,提出由客户需要的4Ps营销导向提升为以客户满意的4Cs营销导向为目标的营销策略及实施方案;对于标准化产品目标市场,结合其市场和目标客户群的特点,提出强化客户需要的4P营销策略及实施方案。在具体营销策略实施方案提出的同时,为了保障营销策略方案的有效落地执行,公司在内部组织架构和人力资源以及在对应的员工绩效制度方面也提出了有效的保障机制,确保营销策略能够在公司有效推动并产生实际效果。 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
关键词: 竞优房地产管理软件公司,营销策略,市场细分,目标市场
A Study of IFCA Software Co.,Ltd Marketing Strategies
In the past 20 years, Chinese real estate industry has developed rapidly. As real estate industry change in macroeconomic policies and other internal and external environment, the new demands and the higher targets for enterprise management software are also undergoing new changes. The real estate enterprise need deeply application of management software to support the enterprise growth, increasing profitability, strengthening management and standardizing enterprise processes, so as to the long-term healthy development of enterprises.
This paper took the marketing strategy of IFCA Soft as the research object, in the current marketing environment, explored the current marketing strategy situation of IFCA real estate enterprise management software companies, the problems and the corresponding measures and actions. This paper used the literature review and the case study, on the basis of the domestic and foreign seniors’ literature review, such as the macro marketingenvironment of real estate industry, the development of real estate enterprise information and the marketing strategies of the management software companies, this paper selected the case study of IFCA Soft company to analyze and research in more detail. IFCA Soft adopted the same marketing strategy and provided the services to the different types and the varying sizes of enterprises, and has already made some progress in the current stage gradually. As real estate companies rapid change in external marketing environment and the booming needs for real estate enterprise information management, individuation,layered of customer’s demands and focusing on customer’s demands of product and service have challenged IFCA Soft current marketing strategy.
In the current marketing environment with rapidly change,IFCA Soft analyzed the macro external marketing environment in deep ,to study the factors in the external environment ,such as population, economy, science and technology, politics and law term by term, especially for both the environment factors of customer market and competitor which were the key points of micro external marketing environment to analyze and research, and defined the influencing factors of external environment for IFCA Soft’s marketing strategy.Meanwhile, to analyze the factors of marketing strategies in the internal environment, such as personnel,capital, organizational structure,management level and corporate culture, thereby to analyze in depth the current status of marketing strategies and the existence problems of IFCA Soft in the current environment, to define the necessity of perfection of IFCA Soft in marketing strategy.Based on the guidance of classic STP theory,4Ps and 4Cs marketing strategy theory, through the analysis in the marketing segmentation, target market and positioning, IFCA Soft perfected the marketing strategy in target market, according to company’s development target in the next three years, defined the marketing strategy combination of the customized development target market and the standard product target market as the future marketing strategy in company development.IFCA Soft has adopted the differential marketing strategies and specific implementation plans for different demands in the two sub-target markets. In customized development target market, according to the characteristics of marketing and client base, to define the marketing strategy and implementation plan from the strategy of 4Ps focused on the customers’ demands to the strategy of 4Cs focused on the customer satisfaction. In standard product target market, according to the characteristics of marketing and client base, to define the marketing strategy and implementation plan of 4P marketing strategy strengthening the customer demands.When the detailed marketing strategies were applied, to ensure the efficient implementation,IFCA Soft established efficient security mechanisms including the internal organization structure,human resource and staff performance policy, so as to make the marketing strategy implemented smoothly and efficiently in company.
This paper took the marketing strategy of IFCA Soft as the research object, based on the previous related analysis reports, meanwhile studied in segments according to the current marketingenvironment. what is different from other studies is that from two perspectives, the different types and the varying sizes of enterprises in real estate industry,this paper focused on researching the different marketing strategies of IFCA Soft in different sub-target marketing.I also hope that through this research and analysis so that it could make the practical guiding significance and reference to the related corporates in the real estate management software industry.Because of my imperfect theory and some restrictions of study period,inevitably the research conclusions show limitation and deficiency.
Keywords: “[IFCA Soft]”“[marketing strategy]”“[market segmentation]” “[target market]”
目 录
第一章论文导论 1 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
第一节研究背景和目的意义 1
一、研究背景 1
二、研究目的意义 1
第二节国内外研究现状 2
一、房地产行业的宏观市场环境研究 2
二、房地产企业信息化发展现状的研究 3
三、管理软件公司的营销策略研究 4
四、文献研究总结 4
第三节研究的内容与思路和方法 5
一、研究的内容 5
二、研究思路 5
三、研究方法 6
第四节主要的贡献与不足 7
第二章相关概念及基础理论 8
第一节相关概念的界定 8
一、房地产管理软件服务对象的类别 8
二、房地产管理软件的概念 9
第二节营销策略的基础理论 10
一、市场需求与STP市场细分目标定位理论 10
二、客户需要与“4Ps”营销理论 11 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
三、客户满意与“4Cs”营销理论 12
第三节影响房地产管理软件营销策略的因素 12
第三章竞优房地产管理软件公司的外部营销环境 13
第一节竞优房地产管理软件公司的宏观营销环境 13
一、人口环境因素 13
二、经济环境因素 14
三、科技环境因素 15
四、政治法律环境因素 15
第二节竞优房地产管理软件公司的客户市场环境 16
一、客户市场规模与市场需求 16
二、客户分类与客户需求 18
三、客户满意度的预期分析 19
第三节竞优房地产管理软件公司的竞争环境 19
一、产品服务型供应商的竞争 19
二、资源外包型供应商的竞争 23
第四章竞优房地产管理软件公司完善营销策略的必要性 24
第一节竞优房地产管理软件公司的内部营销环境 24
一、竞优软件公司简介 24
二、竞优房地产管理软件公司内部营销环境 24
第二节竞优房地产管理软件公司强化营销策略的意义 28
一、竞优房地产管理软件公司的市场营销状况 29
二、竞优房地产管理软件公司市场营销存在的问题分析 30
第五章竞优房地产管理软件公司完善营销策略的措施 32
第一节竞优房地产管理软件公司的目标市场营销策略 32
一、按照房地产企业专业化分工细分市场 32
二、按照房地产企业规模细分市场 33
三、竞优房地产管理软件公司的目标市场选择及定位 33
第二节竞优房地产管理软件公司的营销组合策略 36
一、竞优房地产管理软件公司的发展目标 36
二、竞优房地产管理软件公司的营销组合策略 36
第六章竞优房地产管理软件公司营销组合策略实施方案 38
第一节定制化开发目标市场营销策略的实施方案 38
一、由产品向客户价值提升的策略 38
二、由价格向客户成本提升的策略 39
三、由渠道向客户便利提升的策略 39
四、由促销向客户沟通提升的策略 40
第二节标准产品目标市场营销策略的实施方案 41
一、产品策略 41
二、价格策略 42
三、渠道策略 43
四、促销策略 43
第三节营销组合策略执行的保障机制 44
一、公司组织架构优化及资源保障机制 44
二、公司绩效体系保障机制 45
第七章结论与展望 46
一、本文的主要研究结论与展望 46
二、本文研究的局限与不足 47
参考文献 48