
摘 要
关键词: 绩效管理,平衡计分卡,KPI,阿米巴
The Research of KK's Performance Management
KK – a private enterprise in Zhejiang province with R&D, manufacture and marketing for diapers in hygienic products industrial. Over the past 20 year’s development, under the background of the universal two-child policy and the huge increase of ageing population, KK has got a golden development opportunity. In the current process of Company’s rapid development, the performance management ability has to been improved. And the company management has understood the importance of performance appraisal. But the past performance appraisal was based on crude mode of KPI. Which is difficult to combine with talent training, promotion system, salary adjustment and the strategic objectives, and it is difficult to achieve the company’s goal.Therefore, the company has been highly needed to adopt a new & more suitable performance management system for KK’s strategic objective’s development.
With the detailed analysis of the advantages and weakness of KK’s past performance management, combining the characteristics and culture of KK, based on the theory of performance management to establish a completely loop system of performance management. This is based on BSC and Amoeba organization to promote strategy execution, encourage and attract talents.
KK is a typical sample which is rapid development and private enterprise with weakness of management. The performance management scheme constructed in article has a high reference value for the developed private enterprises. KK has proposed a set of performance management to combine the BSC, Amoeba Management and KPI, with its function of plan, monitor, evaluation and encouragement, the special and complete performance management system provides some reference for other growth enterprises. The private enterprises are required to integrate concepts and methods from different performance management theories, complement one another and construct the Details and Customization performance management system that is suitable for their own condition and improve continuously.
KEYWORDS:Performance management,The balanced scorecard,KPI,Amoeba
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
第一节 研究意义 1
第二节 论文研究思路 3
第二章 绩效管理理论综述 6
第一节 相关概念和理论 6
一、绩效相关概念 6
二、目标管理理论 7
三、关键绩效指标理论 8
四、360度考核法 9
五、平衡计分卡理论 10
六、阿米巴经营理论 11
第二节 文献综述 13
一、 国外的研究及趋势 13
二、 国内研究相关观点 15
第三章 KK公司绩效管理现状和问题分析 17
第一节 KK公司概况 17
一、KK公司基本情况 17
二、KK公司组织架构及人员构成 18
第二节 KK公司绩效管理现状 18
一、KK公司绩效管理现状概述 18
二、KK公司绩效计划环节现状 19
三、KK公司绩效监控环节现状 20
四、KK公司绩效评价环节现状 21
五、KK公司绩效反馈环节现状 22
六、KK公司绩效现状总体评价 22
第三节 KK公司绩效管理存在的问题及原因分析 22
一、KK公司绩效管理问卷调查 22
二、绩效管理核心思想不清晰 24
三、绩效管理机构不健全 24
四、绩效计划战略关联性不足,目标沟通不充分 25
五、绩效指标及考核方法不合理 26
六、绩效考核未能与薪酬和晋升形成密切关联 27
七、绩效导向的企业文化没有建立 27
第四章 完善KK公司绩效管理的建议 28
第一节 明确绩效管理的核心思想 28
第二节 完善绩效管理机构 29
一、战略发展部在绩效管理中的作用 29
二、人力资源部在绩效管理中的作用 29
三、财务部在绩效管理中的作用 29
四、设立绩效管理委员会 30
第三节 强化绩效计划同战略的关联 31
第四节 优化核心部门的绩效管理指标 35
第五节 运用相关方法进行绩效沟通与改善 40
第六节 KK公司绩效管理与薪酬连动机制 41
第七节 股权激励机制的应用 45
第八节 建立良好的企业文化 46
第一节 主要研究结论 49
第二节 展望 49
参考文献 50
附录1 绩效管理调查问卷 52
附录2 KK公司2018年目标责任书 55