
摘 要
除绪论之外,本文一共分为四章。其中,本文第一章主要介绍了票据对价制度的基本理论,票据对价源于合同对价,因而,研究票据对价必须首先要理清合同对价的定义。此外,介绍了票据对价的定义,分析了合同对价与票据对价的联系与区别,以便理解票据对价制度的基本理论形。 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
关键词:合同对价;票据对价 ;票据无因性
Bills from the contract price is a unique concept in common Bill law, Bill price holder system plays an important role. Geneva said negotiable instrument law countries advocated a unilateral act, thus, notes in Geneva law bill was not found in the concept of price. But with the Geneva law of negotiable instruments of integration with common bills law, at the time the legislation draws on experience of foreign legislation, introduced the concept of consideration in negotiable instrument, reflects the progress of the negotiable instruments law and advanced.
The 2nd paragraph of the 10th article of the Bill the Bill's definition of price, Bill price corresponds to approved by both parties. At present, China's theory and practice about the introduction of the Bill to the price system is highly controversial, and the provisions of the law of bills for consideration in negotiable instrument system is too simple, making notes on the price system has had some problems in the practice. This article summarizes current theory and practice about the introduction of the Bill on the price dispute, analyses the causes of China's Bill consideration system, comparing British and American country and Taiwan provisions relating to negotiable instruments in order to form views on the improvement of China's Bill consideration system.
Apart from the introduction, this paper is divided into four chapters. Among them, the first chapter of this paper introduces the basic theory of Bill consideration system, notes on price occurs due to the contract price, and therefore, research notes on prices must first clear definition of contract price. In addition, introduces the definition of negotiable instruments, analysis of contract relationship and difference between price and Bill price, the basic theory to understand Bill consideration system.
The second chapter analyses the legislation of China's Bill consideration system status, status quo and existing problems of practice. First of all, in theory and practice, our prevailing social background, Taiwan introduced bills on successful experiences and Bill consideration system itself has the advantage to analyze China's introduction of ticket price system causes. Secondly, from legislation and practice analysis of problems in China's Bill consideration system current.
The third chapter describes the notes outside the price comparison or reference. First, analysis Geneva the negotiable instruments law and Anglo-American law of negotiable instruments in the notes to the accounts for the differences in price. Secondly, the analysis of British and American national ticket price system and China's Taiwan region's Bill consideration system, and made recommendations for reference.
The fourth chapter elaborates on China's Bill consideration system perfection of, including explicit notes on consideration of the meaning and perfect notes on consideration of the applicable rules and content. Which includes the right to grasp "the parties recognized" and "relative prices", clearly the relationship between "the parties recognized" the scope, clear "corresponding price" criteria, correct understanding of "Bill made" connotation. Latter include clarifying the scope of consideration in negotiable instrument, formal rules, perfect instrument for burden of proof rules, improving the system of negotiable instruments. [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Key words: Consideration; Negotiable Instruments Consideration; No-cause Character of Instruments.
绪 论 3
一、选题背景和意义 3
二、文献综述 4
三、研究方法 5
第一章 票据对价制度的基本理论 6
第一节 合同对价与票据对价的含义 6
一、合同对价的含义 6
二、票据对价的定义 7
第二节 票据对价与合同对价的联系与区别 9
一、票据对价与合同对价的联系 9
二、票据对价与合同对价的区别 9
第二章 我国票据对价制度的立法与实践 11
第一节 我国票据对价制度的立法现状以及存在的问题 11
一、我国引进票据对价制度的背景及原因 11
二、我国票据对价制度的立法现状以及问题 13
三、票据对价制度在立法上存在的问题 14 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
第二节 我国票据对价制度的实践现状以及存在的问题 15
一、 将票据对价作为取得票据权利的要件之一 15
第三章 境外票据对价制度的比较及借鉴 18
第一节 境外票据对价制度的比较 18
一、两大票据法系下票据对价制度的差异 18
二、英美票据法下的票据对价制度 19
三、我国台湾地区的票据对价制度 21
第二节 境外票据对价制度的借鉴 23
一、明确对价含义、形式以及适用规则 23
二、明确规定无对价取得票据的法律效力 23
三、明确规定给付不相当对价的法律效力 24
第四章 完善我国票据对价制度的思考 25
第一节 明确票据对价的含义 25
一、正确把握“双方当事人认可”与“相对应对价”的关系 25
二、明确“双方当事人认可”的范围 25
三、明确“相对应代价”的标准 26
四、正确理解“票据取得”的内涵 26
第二节 完善票据对价的适用规则和内容 27
一、 明确票据对价的范围、形式规则 27
二、完善票据对价的举证责任规则 27
三、完善票据对价制度的内容 28
结 束 语 29