
民事执行参与分配制度作为强制执行程序中的一部分,重在体现执行效率原则,其通过一个执行程序同时实现多个债权人的部分债权利益,既节约了司法资源,同时减轻了申请执行人查找债务人财产的负担,体现了债权平等的基本原则。然而,由于实行有限破产主义,我国参与分配制度当前的定位仅为破产制度的补充,司法实践中执行优先原则和平等原则的交叉适用造成司法适用的混乱,对参与分配制度的定性和价值取向存在误解。另外,《执行规定》与《司法解释》规定的冲突导致司法适用的不统一,究其根本主要在于没有系统的立法规定。本文拟从我国参与分配制度的历史沿革和立法现状入手,通过历史分析法,全面分析散见于各项法律制度中关于参与分配的具体规定,阐述我国参与分配制度的立法概况;其次,通过实证分析法,结合法律的具体规定和司法实践,分析当前参与分配制度理论和实践中的问题,即主体范围不明确,未包括已经采取保全措施并起诉的债权人主体、未将企业法人主体排除在外,对债务人财产能否清偿所有债权的认定标准存在分歧,参与分配的期限规定不明确,未规定主持分配的法院,具体的分配程序,参与分配的救济制度以及对价值取向的界定存在误区;再次,通过比较和综合分析法分析了参与分配制度的罗马法起源和三种立法模式,归纳出我国参与分配制度的价值取向即有限平等原则和维护权利稳定、迅速、廉价且适当的功能,并介绍了德国和台湾关于参与分配制度的规定;最后从五个方面入手,即主体为有执行名义或已经起诉并采取保全措施的债权人、客体即债务人财产需符合资不抵债的主观标准辅之以财产申报、且须为法院已经采取强制措施的财产、申请期间即债务人财产被采取强制措施后至拍卖终结交债权人或分配方案作成之日前、法院的公示公告和审查义务以及救济制度,以期对我国参与分配制度的具体程序建立提出合理化建议。 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
As part of the enforcement procedure, the civil execution participation distribution system focuses on the principle of efficiency of execution. At the same time, it realizes some of the creditor's rights and interests of multiple creditors through an executive procedure, thus saving the judicial resources and alleviating the applicants' execution in finding the debtor's property. The burden of embodying the basic principle of equality of claims. However, due to the limited bankruptcy, the current orientation of China's participation in the distribution system is only to supplement the bankruptcy system. The cross-application of the principle of priority and the principle of equality in judicial practice has caused the disorder of judicial application. The existence of the qualitative and value orientation of the participation in the distribution system misunderstanding. In addition, the conflicts between the "executive regulations" and "judicial interpretations" lead to the non-uniform application of the judicial system. The fundamental reason lies in the absence of systematic legislative provisions. This article intends to start with the historical evolution of the system of participation in our country and the current status of the legislation. Through historical analysis, the article analyzes in detail the specific provisions on participating in the distribution in various legal systems, and elaborates the general situation of our country's participation in the distribution system. Secondly, combined with the specific provisions of the law and judicial practice, analyzing the current participation in the distribution system theory and practice of the problem, that is, the scope of the main body is not clear, not including the preservation measures have been taken and prosecution of the main creditors, not the main body of corporate jurors. There are differences between the criteria for determining whether the debtor's property can settle all the claims. The period of the participation in the distribution is not clear; the court does not provide for the distribution of the distribution; the specific distribution procedure; the relief system to participate in the distribution; and the definition of the value orientation are misunderstood. Thirdly, comparative analysis and comprehensive analysis of the origins of the Roman law are conducted from three kinds of legislative modes of participation in the distribution system. The analyses are summed up the value orientation of our participation in the distribution system that is the principle of limited equality and safeguard the rights of stable, rapid, cheap and appropriate functions, and introduced the participation of Germany and Taiwan in the distribution system. Finally, a reasonable proposal is established from specific procedures from five aspects, namely, the principal is the name of the implementation or has been prosecuted and take measures to preserve the oblige; the object that the debtor's property must meet the subjective criteria of insolvency supplemented by the property declaration; the court has taken the compulsory measures of property during the application period that the debtor's property was taken after coercive measures to the end of the auction the creditor or distribution plan to be made, the court notice of publicity and review obligations and relief system with a view to China's participation in the distribution system.
Key words: civil execution, participation in distribution, bankruptcy system, principle of equality, procedure construction.
摘要 I
Abstract II
引言 1
第一章 我国民事执行参与分配制度内容 3
1.1 我国民事执行参与分配制度的历史沿革 3
1.2 我国民事执行参与分配制度的立法现状 5
1.2.1 参与分配的主体范围 5
1.2.2 参与分配的客体范围 6
1.2.3 参与分配的期间 6
1.2.4 主持分配的法院及分配程序 7
1.2.5 参与分配的救济制度 7
第二章 我国民事执行参与分配制度的实践及存在的问题 9
2.1 我国民事执行参与分配制度的实践 9
2.2我国民事执行参与分配制度存在的问题 10
2.2.1 参与分配的主体范围不明确 10
2.2.2 参与分配的客体范围不明确 11
2.2.3 参与分配的期间不具体 12
2.2.4 未规定主持分配的法院及分配程序 13
2.2.5 参与分配的救济制度不健全 14
2.2.6 对我国参与分配制度的价值取向存在误区 15
第三章 民事执行参与分配制度的法理基础 18
3.1 民事执行参与分配制度的定义 18
3.2 民事执行参与分配制度的起源和立法模式 19
3.3 我国民事执行参与分配制度的价值取向和功能 20
3.4 国外关于参与分配制度的具体规定 22
3.4.1 德国关于参与分配制度的规定 22
3.4.2 台湾关于参与分配制度的规定 23
第四章 我国民事执行参与分配制度的完善 26
4.1 参与分配制度的立法完善 26
4.1.1 参与分配的主体范围 26
4.1.2 参与分配的客体范围 27
4.1.3 参与分配的期间 30
4.1.4 主持分配的法院及分配程序 31 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
4.1.5 参与分配的救济制度 32
4.2 参与分配制度与其他制度的协调与区分 33
4.2.1 与保全制度的协调 33
4.2.2 与破产制度的区分 34
结语 35
参考文献 36 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]