
马克思女性解放思想的提出并非一蹴而就,而是随着马克思经典著作的不断阐发而逐步地构建出其哲学理论基础。在马克思的中学时代就深受人道主义、理性主义以及启蒙思想的启迪,其思想中就显示出将实现全人类解放作为自己的人生目标。随后,《1844年经济学哲学手稿》当中,以异化劳动理论为基础,马克思初探了女性受压迫的经济原因,为以后正式提出女性解放思想起到了铺垫作用。在恩格斯所写的《英国工人阶级状况》一书中,恩格斯记录了当时英国工人阶级的生存状态,并且针对于女性工人的生存生产状况进行了探究,在女性解放思想道路上又前进一步。在《神圣家族》一书当中,马克思将女性解放与人类整体解放联系在一起,将女性解放划分为人类整体解放的一部分,女性解放思想已初步形成。在《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》一书中,恩格斯剖析了女性受压迫越来越严重的整个历史过程,并提出了有效实现女性解放的方法,可以说这部著作是马克思主义女性解放理论的重要代表著作之一。实际上,通过对这一系列著作的研究和分析,马克思女性解放思想的理论已经十分清晰:以马克思科学的辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义方法论为指导,针对同女性相关的问题,如女性的社会地位、社会权利、社会角色和作用的变化等问题,进行科学的分析,并为实现女性自由解放提出有益的科学探讨;其基本观点是:第一,广大女性是无产阶级的一部分,只有无产阶级获得解放,女性才能得到解放;第二,女性解放的方式是可以被理解为革命的实践;第三,作为社会较为弱势的一方,女性解放程度在一定程度上标志着整个社会的解放程度。 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
在进一步研读马克思主义经典著作的基础之上,深入挖掘马克思主义的两种生产理论、人类解放理论、社会分工和私有制理论、人的全面发展理论等理论中同女性解放命题密切相关的重要思想:两种生产理论表明,作为实现人类自身种的繁衍的直接承担者,女性长期被束缚于家务劳动之中,难以分出大量精力从事社会生产劳动,因而被压迫的地位开始形成;在人类解放理论中,整个人类的解放之中自然包括占据总人类一半数量的女性的解放,两者相互关联,女性的解放有赖于整个人类的解放,同时,整个人类的解放进程又受到女性解放的影响。一方面女性解放依赖人的解放,而另一方面女性解放又影响人类解放的进程,女性解放程度在一定程度上标志着整个社会的解放程度;在分工和私有制理论中,社会的两次大分工导致了私有制的产生,又是因为私有制的原因,社会出现贫富分化,进而出现了剥削阶级,女性本身逐渐成为男性的私有财产,这直接导致女性作为男性的附属品而处于被压迫和奴役的社会地位,因此,消灭私有制是女性解放的首要条件;人的全面发展理论是整个马克思主义理论体系中最具生命力的组成部分之一,女性作为人类的一部分,女性的全面发展就是人类全面发展的一部分,所以实现人的自由全面的发展是女性解放的目标。 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
关键词:马克思 女性解放 两种生产 人类解放
In the classic works of Marxism, specially discusses on the problem of women, women as a philosophical category in Marx there has not been fully particularly discussed, compared with the "class liberation" and "humanity liberation", "women's liberation" indeed belong to the edge of the classical Marxist theory. This will require the scholars to further study to realize the rich, development and perfection of the emancipation thought of Marx. [来源:http://Doc163.com]
The idea of women's liberation in Marx was not accomplished overnight. It was the classic work of Marx, which gradually constructed the philosophical theoretical foundation of the emancipation of women. Marx was inspired by humanism, rationalism and enlightenment when he was still a student, and he has shown that he aims to realize the liberation of mankind as his life goal. In "economic and philosophical manuscripts of 1844", Marx put forward the theory of labor alienation, the economic reasons of female oppression, for later formally put forward women's liberation thoughts to matting role. In his book of British working class, Engels recorded the living conditions of British working class, and to explore the status of the female workers, for the first time in women before further emancipate the mind on the road again. In "holy family", Marx to women's liberation and human liberation interrelated whole, that is, women's liberation is an integral part of human's liberation, women's liberation thoughts has been initially formed. In the manifesto of the communist party, ma and the two teachers made a series of groping for women's liberation and the declaration of the struggle for women's liberation. At this point, the Marxist concept of women's liberation has been basically clear: Marx women liberation thought is Marx using dialectical materialism and historical materialism world outlook and methodology, the changes of the social status of women and women's social rights increase or decrease, the change of the social function of women and women fighting for their emancipation such basic problems as ways and means to make scientific analysis and summarization. The basic view is that: first, the majority of women are a part of the proletariat, and only the proletariat is liberated, and women can be liberated. Second, the way women are liberated can be understood as the practice of revolution; Third, the degree of female liberation is the natural standard of human liberation. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
On the basis of further study of Marxist classics, dig into two kinds of production theory of Marxism, human liberation theory, theory of social division of labor and private ownership, man's all-round development theory and the women's liberation in the proposition is closely related to the important thoughts: the two kinds of production theory suggests that women who take the production of man himself, and a lot of housework, women out of the social labor, the status of the oppression of women begin to form. In the theory of human liberation, the women's liberation as part of the human liberation, on the one hand, the liberation of the women's liberation depend on people, on the other hand women's liberation and influence the process of human liberation is the natural measure of human liberation; In division of labor and private ownership theory, revealed as a result of social division of two big led to the production of private ownership, and because of private ownership, social inequality, and thus appeared the exploiting classes, with the establishment of private ownership, marks the formation of the oppression of women status, so the elimination of private ownership is the first condition of women's liberation; Man's all-round development theory is the theoretical system of Marxism, one of the most valuable part of women as part of the human, the women's all-round development is part of the human comprehensive development, so realize human's free comprehensive development is the goal of women's liberation.
Because of the vestige of the ideology of the feudalist and consumerism misleading, our country contemporary women mainly exists in politics proportion is not up to standard, employment recruitment discrimination, birth sex ratio imbalance problems such as for a long time. For thousands of years, Chinese women affected by the feudal thought, "self-consciousness" is weak, Marx women liberation for the Chinese women's liberation to set up the idea of gender equality, and more completely for building the socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist feminist theory provides the ideological basis. It also improved the legal guarantee for the emancipation of women in contemporary China, and promoted the political liberation and economic independence of women's liberation in contemporary China. In the perspective of the development of The Times, it reveals the contemporary value of the Marxist feminist theory of emancipation and the philosophical way to grasp this contemporary value.
Key words: Marx; Female emancipation; Philosophy theory; Chinese value [资料来源:Doc163.com]
摘要 I
Abstract III
目录 III
导论 1
(一)研究背景和意义 1
1.研究背景 1
2.研究意义 1
(二)当前国内外研究现状及存在问题 1
1.国内研究现状分析 1
2.国外研究现状分析 3
(三)研究内容和方法 4
1.研究内容 4
2.研究方法 4
(四)研究目标和创新点 5
1.研究目标 5
2.创新点 5
一、马克思女性解放思想的形成历程与要旨 6
(一)马克思女性解放思想的形成历程 6
1.马克思女性解放思想的萌芽 6
2.马克思女性解放思想的确立 7
(二)马克思女性解放思想的含义 8
(三)马克思女性解放思想的基本观点 9
1.无产阶级的解放是女性解放的前提 9
2.在人类社会实践过程中实现女性解放 10
3.女性解放的程度是衡量人类普遍解放的天然标准 10
二、马克思女性解放思想的哲学理论基础 12
(一)两种生产理论 12
1.两种生产与人类社会发展的关系 12
2.两种生产与女性解放的关系 12
(二)人类解放理论 13
1.人类解放的思想内涵 13
2.人类解放与女性解放的关系 14
(三)社会分工和私有制理论 16
1.两次社会大分工是私有制产生的基础 16
2.分工和私有制是女性受压迫的根源 17
3.消除私有制是女性解放的首要条件 17
(四)人的全面发展理论 18
1.人的全面发展 18
2.女性的全面发展 18
3.实现人的自由全面发展是女性解放的目标 19 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
三、马克思女性解放思想在当代中国的价值 21
(一)马克思女性解放思想在当代中国女性解放中的理论价值 21
1.为中国女性解放树立两性平等的观念和自我解放意识 21
2.为中国特色社会主义女性解放思想的形成提供了思想基础 22
(二)马克思女性解放思想在当代中国女性解放中的现实价值 22
1.马克思女性解放思想促进完善当代中国女性的法律保障 22
2.马克思女性解放思想促进当代中国女性广泛参政 23
3.马克思女性解放思想促进当代中国女性的经济独立 23
结语 25
参考文献 26
(一)著作 26
(二)论文 27