
我国医疗责任保险制度以在国家产品化及政策性文件和在各地以制度性探索的形式展开,具有多个层面的问题:医疗机构持观望态度,仍然采取传统的纠纷处理方式;保险公司持谨慎态度,医疗责任保险运营状况困难;患者存在误解。本质上讲,造成上述问题的原因有:思想认识落后、规则体系混乱、强制效力缺乏、操作过程僵化、智力支撑不足。构建医疗责任强制保险制度应当首先奠定理论基础,经济学角度提供了福利经济思维,认为医疗责任强制保险制度是使得整个社会的福利总量进行扩增的“放大器”、对社会福利总量进行个体化最佳分配的“协调器”、对社会福利进行政府干预、防止其出现失衡的“稳定器”;法学基础理论认为,医疗责任强制保险是对公民健康权的保障,这在国际条约、宪法和民法中均有体现;当前社会是一个风险社会,诊疗活动风险是医患纠纷解决的重要内容,风险分散理论能够使风险承担主体增多、压力承担面扩大,从而为医疗责任强制保险制度设定理论基础。在我国,该制度建立的现实基础应当透过医患关系来分析,我国当前医患关系日益恶化,从经济学的角度看,其本质是人民群众日益增长的医疗服务需求同仍不完善的医疗服务市场之间的矛盾;从社会学的角度看,医生具有单向主导性,患者缺乏对信息的知情以及信息的知情;从伦理学的角度看,医患关系具有多元的、双向的伦理影响;同时,医务人员的疏忽或盲目自信造成误诊、医务工作者能力不足等也是造成现实医患关系紧张的原因。医疗责任强制保险制度能够保障患者权益、缓解医疗机构以及医务工作人员的压力、促使医患矛盾得到缓解。作为本土化分析的对象,医疗责任保险制度具有与交强险相似的性质与制度设计,在我国更具有观念上的可接受性。医疗责任强制保险具有社会性,能够解决社会矛盾、照顾弱势群体;具有功能性,能够重建医疗信任、缓解医患矛盾,有效弥补医疗损害,优化医疗资源配置;具有价值性,需要在效率、公平以及秩序之间进行选择。 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Abstract: Medical disputes will result in the disruption of social order, such as the tension between doctors and patients. The main means of dealing with medical disputes in our country is still the lawsuit system after the event, according to the extraterritorial experience, the medical liability compulsory insurance has more effect, and it has academic value, applied value and social significance to realize the localization of the system. The academic value level, the compulsory medical insurance system emphasizes the native characteristic, the theory life exuberant, promotes the interdisciplinary and the comprehensive application of the discipline, the application value level, the compulsory medical insurance system conforms to the time background, promotes the legislation consummation; Based on this, in order to perfect the tort liability law's risk dispersion theory, to help the reform and development of medical and health care, to bring about new ideas for the settlement of medical disputes, to provide theoretical support for the maintenance and guarantee of patients ' rights and interests, to disperse the practice risks of medical personnel and medical institutions, this article is based on the definition in the broad sense, the law of tort liability Taking the responsibility in the insurance system as the core and understanding the medical liability in a broad sense not only as civil liability, on the basis of this concept, the research on the compulsory insurance system of medical liability in our country is studied as the theme.
China's medical liability insurance system in the national product and policy documents and in the form of institutional exploration, there are many aspects of the problem: the medical institutions hold a wait-and-see attitude, still take the traditional way of dealing with the dispute, insurance companies cautious, medical liability insurance operating conditions difficult; In essence, the causes of the above problems are as follows: The thought is backward, the rule system is confused, the force is short, the operation process is rigid, and the intelligence support is insufficient. The construction of medical liability compulsory insurance system should first lay the theoretical foundation, the economics angle provides the welfare economic thinking, thinks that the medical liability compulsory insurance system is the "amplifier" which makes the whole social welfare total increase, the "coordinator" of the individual optimal distribution of the total social welfare, and the government intervention to the social welfare, The "stabilizer" that prevents it from appearing unbalanced; the basic theory of law holds that medical liability compulsory insurance is the guarantee of citizens ' right to health, which is embodied in international treaties, constitutions and civil law. At present, society is a risk society, the risk of diagnosis and treatment is the important content of the dispute resolution, and the risk spreading theory can make the subject of risk increased The pressure bearing face expands, thus establishes the theory Foundation for the medical liability compulsory insurance system. In our country, the realistic foundation of the system should be analyzed through the relationship between doctors and patients, at present, the relationship between doctors and patients is deteriorating, from the angle of economics, its essence is the contradiction between the people's increasing demand for medical service and the still imperfect medical service market. From a sociological point of view, the Doctor has a one-way lead, Patients lack of information and information, from the perspective of ethics, doctor-patient relationship has a pluralistic, two-way ethical impact, at the same time, the negligence or blind self-confidence of medical staff caused misdiagnosis, medical workers lack of ability, etc. is also caused by the real relationship between doctors and patients tension. The medical liability compulsory insurance system can guarantee the patients ' rights and interests, relieve the pressure of the medical institutions and medical staff, and make the doctor-patient contradiction relieved. As the object of the localization analysis, the medical liability insurance system has the similar nature and the system design with the strong risk, and has the concept acceptability in our country. Medical liability compulsory insurance has sociality, can solve social contradictions, take care of disadvantaged groups, has function, can reconstruct medical trust, relieve doctor-patient contradiction, effectively make up medical damage and optimize medical resource allocation; It is valuable to choose between efficiency, fairness and order. [资料来源:Doc163.com]
The establishment of medical liability compulsory insurance system should be legislated, so the legal relationship should be defined first. The insured is a medical institution, having the right to terminate the contract and the obligation to pay the insurance money on time and to truthfully inform; The insured shall be a medical institution or medical officer, but the physician, the appointed physician and the trainee, with the right to designate the beneficiary, and the obligation to inform the truth, should be excluded; It has the right to ask the insured to pay the insurance premiums, to require the insured and the insurer to give truthful notice to the insured, and also to have the obligation to explain the content of the insurance and the content of the insurance. Secondly, the insurance interests should be analyzed. The liability basis of insurable interest should be based on different circumstances to distinguish fault liability, without fault liability and fair liability, the ultimate compensation effect belongs to the injured person, the premium is borne by the medical institution, the compensation limit is actually the tort liability problem, which should distinguish the personal injury compensation and the mental damage compensation, specifically designed for direct compensation and indirect compensation, Positive mental damage compensation and negative mental damages. The design of contract scope should be divided into the following key issues, medical liability compulsory insurance should exclude medical intentional damage compensation, medical negligence caused damage compensation should not be excluded, medical accident caused damages should be included in the scope of the contract. The exemption of medical liability compulsory insurance should include the exemption cause of tort liability law, should also contain the exemption cause of insurance law, but also should have the characteristics of the department's laws, that is, to consider the issue of balance of interests, the exemption is to balance the interests of all parties, according to the experience of Japan, Taiwan, combined with the local context, The general clause of the exemption cause shall be divided into the reason exemption, circumstances, specific losses, costs and liabilities; in the practice of the medical personnel in the absence of compliance with the treatment of the exemption, in respect of medical personnel used substandard medical equipment, drugs and other exemptions, for not the medical activities carried out under the exemption, An exemption from unexpected surprises. Based on the above discussion, the exemption of medical liability compulsory insurance should be divided into the exemption cause of medical negligence liability insurance and medical accident liability insurance, the former includes intentional behavior and non practice of the insured or its medical personnel, the latter includes the responsibility of all kinds of medical accidents. In addition to the legal system design of traditional insurance liability, relevant supporting system and mechanism should also be perfected: firstly, we should construct the unified medical damage appraisal system, realize the unification, establish the solution way of ADR of medical dispute, promote the real solution of the dispute outside the lawsuit, and strengthen the construction of the mediation team of medical dispute, To establish a medical liability insurance treatment Organization or institution within an insurance company, establishment of expert database and so on; In addition, the establishment of medical risk and insurance databases and the establishment of medical liability insurance funds and mutual aid organizations are the new supporting schemes under the background of the Times, and the supervision of compulsory medical liability insurance should be strengthened in addition to the overall system design. [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
Keywords: medical liability compulsory insurance, doctor-patient contradiction, risk dispersion theory, interest balance principle
目 录
第1章绪论 1
1.1问题的提出 1
1.2研究意义与目的 1
1.2.1 研究意义 1
1.2.2 研究目的 4
1.3 研究现状 8
1.3.1 域外对医疗责任保险实行强制之后的效用的研究 9
1.3.2 关于我国医疗责任保险制度建构与发展现状的研究 12
1.3.3 医疗责任保险制度的建立和意义研究 14
1.3.4 是否应当构建强制性医疗责任保险制度的研究 15
1.3.5 医疗责任保险制度中的法律关系研究 15
1.3.6我国部分省市医疗责任强制保险试点的实效研究 16
1.4研究思路、方法和研究内容 17
1.4.1研究思路 17 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
1.4.2研究方法 19
1.4.3研究内容 20
1.5相关概念界定 21
1.5.1医疗的定义 21
1.5.2责任的定义 22
1.5.3医疗责任的定义 23
1.5.4保险的定义 24
1.5.5医疗保险与医疗责任保险的区分 25
第2章我国医疗责任保险的制度困境与成因 27
2.1我国医疗责任保险制度现状描述 27
2.1.1 国家层面的推进 27
2.1.2地方层面的探索 28
2.2我国医疗责任保险制度的发展困境 28
2.2.1 医疗机构的观望 28
2.2.2保险公司的谨慎 29
2.2.3 患者的误解 30
2.3我国医疗责任保险制度陷入困境的成因 30
2.3.1思想认识滞后 30
2.3.2规则体系混乱 31
2.3.3强制效力缺乏 31
2.3.4操作过程僵化 32 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
2.3.5智力支撑不足 33
2.4小结 33
第3章医疗责任强制保险制度建构的理论逻辑与现实背景 35
3.1医疗责任强制保险制度的理论基础 35
3.1.1实行医疗责任强制保险的经济学动因 35
3.1.2医疗责任强制保险对健康权的保障 40
3.1.3医疗行为的风险性与风险分散理论 44
3.2我国建立医疗责任强制保险的现实背景:以医患关系为中心 48
3.2.1我国当前日益恶化的医患关系及其实质 49
3.2.2医疗责任强制保险对医患关系的缓解作用 54
3.3观念上的可接受性:与交强险的比较 56
3.4小结 61
第4章医疗责任强制保险制度的定性、功能和价值选择 64
4.1医疗责任强制保险的社会性 64
4.1.1社会性的概念辨析 64
4.1.2医疗责任强制保险社会性的体现 65
4.2医疗责任强制保险制度的功能 66
4.2.1重建医疗信任,缓解医患矛盾 66
4.2.2有效弥补医疗损害 67
4.2.3优化医疗资源配置 68
4.3价值选择 69
4.3.1效率价值 69
4.3.2第三方介入带来的公平性 69
4.3.3个人自由与公共秩序的共同实现 70
4.4小结 71
第5章医疗责任强制保险制度中的法律关系 72
5.1投保人、被保险人与承保主体 73
5.1.1医疗责任强制保险制度中的投保人 74
5.1.2医疗责任强制保险制度中的被保险人 77
5.1.3医疗责任强制保险制度中的承保主体 80
5.2医疗责任强制保险的保险利益 84
5.2.1保险利益的责任基础 84
5.2.2保险利益的归属主体 86
5.3医疗责任强制保险的保费承担 87
5.3.1保费的承担主体 87
5.3.2保费的确定依据 88 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
5.4医疗责任强制保险的赔偿额度 90
5.4.1赔偿额度的决定因素 90
5.4.2赔偿额度的具体设计 92
5.5小结 93
第6章医疗责任强制保险的承保范围 95
6.1我国医疗责任保险承保范围的现状 95
6.2我国医疗责任强制保险承保范围的确定 95
6.2.1医疗故意引起的损害赔偿不应承保 96
6.2.2医疗过失引起的损害赔偿应当承保 99
6.2.3医疗意外引起的损害赔偿应纳入承保范围 102
6.3小结 106
第7章医疗责任强制保险的免责事由 108
7.1免责事由概述 108
7.1.1免责事由 108
7.1.2免责事由的类型 109
7.1.3保险合同免责事由 109
7.1.4我国医疗责任免责事由的立法模式 110
7.2免责事由:医疗责任强制保险的利益平衡 111
7.2.1医疗责任强制保险可能带来的利益失衡问题 111 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
7.2.2免责事由是对各方利益的重新平衡 112
7.2.3医疗责任保险免责事由的明确说明 113
7.3域外医疗责任保险免责事由的相关规定 114
7.3.1日本医疗责任保险免责事由 114
7.3.2我国台湾地区医疗责任保险免责事由 115
7.4我国医疗责任强制保险免责事由的具体设计 116
7.4.1免责事由的一般条款 117
7.4.2实践中我国的医疗责任保险免责事由 120
7.4.3免责事由的具体设计 123
7.5小结 124
第8章相关配套制度和机制的完善 126
8.1医疗损害鉴定制度的一元化构建 126
8.1.1当前二元对立的医疗损害鉴定制度 126
8.1.2一元化医疗损害鉴定制度的优势 128
8.1.3一元化医疗损害鉴定制度的构建路径 131
8.2建立医疗纠纷ADR解决 136
8.2.1ADR的主要类型 137
8.2.2医疗责任保险中ADR的建构 139 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
8.3配套机构的建设和完善 141
8.4医疗风险及保险大数据库的建立 142
8.5医疗责任保险基金及互助组织建立 144
8.6强化对医疗责任强制保险的监管 145
8.6.1美国医疗危机带来的保险监管启示 146
8.6.2构建有力的医疗责任强制保险监管机制 146
8.7小结 148
第9章结语 149
参考文献 154
附录:医疗责任强制保险条例(主要条款建议稿) 155 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]