
摘 要
Rural commercial banks by the jurisdiction of farmers, rural businesses, corporate and other economic organizations of the common shares of corporate stock of local financial institutions. Rural commercial banks, as the "three rural" Credit's main bank, is the rural financial system, an important part, provide a source of funding for rural development. But in reality perspective, rural commercial banks for borrowers are mainly farmers or individual business people in rural areas, are more vulnerable economic entity, poor ability to resist risks, coupled with the many limiting factors Rural Commercial overall credit quality of bank assets is poor, affecting the normal bank's earnings in the long run is not conducive to agricultural development. The presence of deposits and loans in the management of risk, and there is gradual growth trend. Therefore, in the present study rural commercial bank lending risk management has a certain theoretical and practical significance. [资料来源:Doc163.com]
In this regard, this article uses the literature analysis in the study, qualitative and quantitative analysis and empirical analysis to bank credit management theory, the theory of risk management and financial innovation theory, rural commercial banks as the research object for empirical analysis, and selected agricultural firms S H City Branch as a typical case, the analysis stage of agricultural firms in credit operations carried out in the presence of the questions and issues raised on the basis of analysis of the level of risk of various reasons, and then put forward a sound credit management of agricultural firmsIt related countermeasures to improve risk identification and control capabilities, to promote the commercial banks to enhance the management level.
Firstly, the background of the development of China's commercial banks, agricultural firms elaborated stage the market environment, the importance of agricultural firms propose to enhance credit management capabilities, combined with the results of the analysis of domestic and foreign scholars deficiencies exist in previous studies to determine this article space; then this article from a theoretical point of view, analysis of the credit risk related concepts, classification and loan risk management content, and initial use of credit risk models to measure CreditMetrics, later contrastive analysis of credit risk identification model, and the final selection Logit model to identify rural commercial bank loan risk. Finally, select the H S Rural Commercial Bank Branch as a typical case, we analyze the risks faced by S Branch, at all levels, and to discuss the presence of the bank in risk management issues as well as issues on the basis of the causes, and then based on the above It proposes to improve the rural commercial bank credit risk management analysis of policy recommendations. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
Keywords: credit risk; commercial bank; rural commercial bank
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
绪论 5
研究背景 5
第一章 国内外研究现状及意义 6
1.1国内外研究现状 6
1.1.1 国外研究现状 6
1.1.2 国内研究现状 7
1.2研究意义与目的 9
1.2.1 研究意义 9
1.2.2 研究目的 9
第二章 相关概念介绍 10
2.1 贷款风险管理的理念 10
2.1.1 贷款风险管理的涵义 10
2.1.2 贷款风险管理的内容 11
2.1.3 贷款风险管理的程序 11
2.2 CreditMetrics模型 13
2.2.1 模型的简介 13
2.2.2 风险识别模型CreditMetrics的建立 13 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
2.2.3CreditMetrics模型的基本框架 14
2.2.4 CreditMetrics模型信用度量方法 15
2.2.2 CreditMetrics模型的度量应用 17
第三章 H市农商行S支行农户贷款风险分析 19
3.1 H市农商行S支行农户贷款风险的现状分类 19
3.1.1 信用风险 19
3.1.2 操作风险 19
3.1.3 市场风险 20
3.1.4 制度与政策风险 20
3.1.5 流动性风险 21
3.1.5 自然性风险 22
3.1.6风险分析及识别模型 23
3.2 H市农商行S支行农户贷款风险管理概况 23
3.2.1 S支行风险管理流程概况 23
3.2.2 S支行的信用评级机制 23
3.2.3 实施信贷抵押担保机制 24
3.2.4 实施灵活的利率定价策略 24
3.3 H市农商行S支行农户贷款风险中存在的主要问题 25
3.3.1 信贷风险管理不独立 25 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
3.3.2 贷款行业集中度过高,结构不合理 25
3.3.3 信贷管理执行力较低 26
3.3.4 内控制度不完善 27
3.3.5 不良贷款清收困难 27
3.4 H市农商行S支行农户贷款存在问题的原因分析 29
3.4.1 贷前调查存在问题 29
3.4.2历史遗留因素及体制的制约 29
3.4.3信贷管理机制不健全,信贷操作不规范 30
3.4.4 信贷人员综合素质不高 30
3.4.5 信用体系不健全 31
第四章 H市农商行S支行农户贷款风险识别与监控 32
4.1 农户贷款风险的识别模型构建 32
4.1.1主成分分析模型 32
4.1.2线性判别模型 32
4.1.3 Logit模型 34
4.1.4 BP神经网络模型 34
4.1.5 各模型的比较 35
4.2 样本采集与财务指标的选择 36
4.2.1 样本数据的采集 36 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
4.2.2 财务性指标的选择 37
4.2.3 样本数据的处理 38
4.3 利用Logit模型进行识别 38
4.3.1模型参数 38
4.3.2模型的准确性 39
4.3.3模型的检验 40
4.4 农户贷款风险的监控 40
4.4.1非财务性指标风险评价预警模型的实证分析 40
第五章 完善农村商业银行信贷风险管理的政策建议 43
5.1 完善公司治理结构,健全风险管理体系 43
5.2 加强农村商业银行内部管理制度建设 43
5.3 规范信贷操作规程 44
5.4 加强信贷合规文化建设 44
第六章 结论与展望 46
6.1 结论 46
6.2 未来的展望 46
参考文献 48
致谢 49