
本文首先分析了我国农村商业银行不良贷款现状,并分别从银行内部因素和外部因素两个角度出发阐述了不良贷款产生的原因。然后以BH银行为例,分析了BH银行不良贷款现状,不良贷款处置措施,并对目前在不良贷款处置中所面临的主要问题进行描。随后通过对美国、日本、韩国及欧洲等国家在不良贷款处置方面采取的措施、方法与经验进行分析比较,结合我国国情、经济环境及我国农村商业银行的实际情况,从外部社会环境建设、银行完善自身内部制度体系及丰富不良贷款处置方式三个方面,对降低我国农村商业银行不良贷款,提高对不良贷款的处置效率及效果提出对策建议。 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
With the marketization progress of our country and continuous adjustment of industrial structure, the downward pressure on the economy, the continuous decline of asset quality, the worsening of the capital risk and the pressure on the non-performing loan balance and non-performing loan ratio of our country's banks face the pressure. Among all kinds of commercial banks, rural commercial banks always have the highest non-performing loan ratio and the non-performing loan balances have continued to grow substantially. In view of the special status and important role of rural commercial banks in China's rural financial system, China's rural commercial banks The causes of loans and the exploration of disposal strategies are of great significance. How to deal with non-performing loans has become the problem that rural commercial banks must face and pay attention to now. Reducing the non-performing loans has become the key to preventing and resolving the risks of rural commercial banks and improving the operating efficiency of rural commercial banks It is also the key and key task for deepening the reform and development of rural commercial banks. It plays a very important role in promoting the reform of our financial system and the sustained and healthy economic development. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
This paper first analyzes the status quo of non-performing loans of rural commercial banks in our country and expounds the causes of non-performing loans from two aspects of internal and external factors. Then, taking BH Bank as an example, this paper analyzes the current situation of non-performing loans of BH Bank and measures of disposal of non-performing loans. It also describes the main problems currently facing the disposal of non-performing loans. Then through the analysis and comparison of the measures, methods and experiences of the United States, Japan, South Korea and Europe in the disposal of non-performing loans, combined with China's national conditions, economic environment and the actual situation of China's rural commercial banks, from the external social environment construction, Improve its own internal system and enrich the ways of disposing of non-performing loans, put forward countermeasures and suggestions to reduce the non-performing loans of rural commercial banks and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the disposal of non-performing loans.
Key words: Rural commercial bank; Non-performing loans; Disposal method
第1章导论 6
1.1研究背景及意义 6
1.1.1 研究背景 6
1.1.2 研究意义 6
1.2 国内外研究现状 7
1.2.1 国外研究现状 7
1.2.2 国内研究现状 8
1.3 研究内容和研究方法 10
1.3.1 研究的主要内容 10
1.3.2 研究方法 10
1.4 研究的创新点和不足 11
1.4.1 主要创新点 11
1.4.2 不足之处 11
第2章 概念界定与理论基础 12
2.1 不良贷款的概念 12
2.2 相关理论基础 14
2.2.1信用论 14
2.2.2银行脆弱性理论 14
2.2.3信贷风险管理理论 15
第3章 我国农村商业银行不良贷款现状及原因分析 16
3.1 我国农村商业银行不良贷款现状 16
3.1.1 我国商业银行不良贷款现状 16
3.1.2我国农村商业银行不良贷款现状 18
3.2 我国农村商业银行不良贷款产生原因分析 19
3.2.1银行外部因素 20
3.2.2银行内部因素 21
第4章BH银行不良贷款现状及处置分析 23
4.1BH银行不良贷款现状 23
4.1.1 BH银行整体情况 23
4.1.2BH银行不良贷款现状 24
4.1.3BH银行不良贷款现状 26
4.2BH银行不良贷款处置分析 28
4.2.1 BH银行不良贷款管理情况 28
4.2.2 BH银行不良贷款处置方式 30
4.2.3 BH银行不良贷款处置面临的问题 32
第5章国外商业银行不良贷款处置的主要方式及经验 34
5.1美国的不良贷款化解模式及经验 35
5.1.1政府措施及效果 35
5.1.2商业银行措施及成效 36 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
5.2日本不良贷款处置方式及经验 36
5.2.1政府措施及成效 37
5.2.2金融机构措施 37
5.3 韩国的不良资产处置方式及经验 38
5.3.1政府措施及成效 38
5.3.2金融机构措施 39
5.4欧洲主要国家不良贷款处置模式及经验 40
5.4.1英国不良贷款处置模式 40
5.4.2德国不良贷款处置模式 41
5.5各国不良贷款处置模式比较 42
第6章我国农村商业银行不良贷款处置的对策建议 44
6.1打造良好的外部环境 44
6.2加强农村商业银行自身内部建设 45
6.3丰富不良贷款的处置方式 46
6.3.1不良资产证券化 46
6.3.2借助互联网平台 47
6.3.3债转股模式 48
6.3.4农村商业银行成立子公司 48 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]