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Research on Information Management of Government Investment Projects



This thesis mainly studies the information management of government investment projects. With the rapid development of China's economic stability, government investment projects are also increasing, the government investment has become the main force of economic growth in China, the management of this kind of project is very important. At present, the government departments in order to improve the management of government investment projects and management efficiency, and proposed to build information system for government investment projects management. At present, e-government has become more and more mature, but in the field of government investment project management, the emphasis is put on the research on government investment management mode, and neglect the whole process of the investment system. This actually has an impact on the management level of government investment projects.

This thesis points out the significance of the information work of government investment projects, the paper makes a comparative analysis on the current situation of government investment projects management, and studies the development of foreign project management information. Then from the technical level in the face of government investment in information technology needs of external support environment from the computer software and hardware and personnel reserves, etc.. After the system of government investment project management mode of the status quo of the research, a comparative analysis of several common patterns, focusing on the management of the construction of the system has been introduced.
Through the theoretical research of the system, the government investment projects from the practice of the government investment projects, the need for information system construction function analysis, related to the main functions of project management, project management, project information analysis, government investment project management, major project management, SMS platform, etc.. On the basis of the analysis of the requirements of the system to achieve the introduction, the system design principles, design goals, the overall framework and the function of the system to achieve the specific functions are described.

In this thesis, from the perspective of theory and practice, the government investment projects in the information management of the full range of the paper, through the implementation of these work, and effectively illustrate the importance of information management of government investment projects is of great significance.
KEYWORDS:government investment project; information management; investment management model; environmental support
摘要    III
序言    V
1  绪论    1
1.1  研究背景    1
1.2  研究目的与研究意义    2
1.3  研究解决的问题    2
1.4  研究内容    3
1.5  论文结构    4
2  国内外政府投资项目信息化管理    5
2.1  国外项目管理的现状与发展    5
2.1.1  国外项目管理信息化的发展历程    5 [资料来源:]
2.1.2  项目信息门户平台技术特点    6
2.2  国外政府投资项目管理信息化的现状    6
2.3  我国政府投资项目管理信息化现状    7
2.3.1  项目管理各阶段信息交流不畅    9
2.3.2  项目决策阶段的信息化工作不够重视    9
2.3.3  政府投资项目管理信息系统重建轻管    9
2.3.4  阻碍政府投资项目管理信息化有效推进的原因    9
3  政府投资项目信息化管理软硬件支撑    11
3.1  关于政府投资项目信息化管理的环境和技术支撑    11
3.1.1  信息化的环境支撑    11
3.1.2  信息化实现的技术支撑    11
3.2  信息化管理的硬件平台和人才动力    12
3.2.1  政府投资项目信息化管理的硬件平台    12
3.2.2  政府投资项目信息化管理的人才动力    13
4  政府投资项目管理模式    15 [资料来源:]
4.1  政府投资项目管理模式优劣分析    15
4.2  政府投资项目代建制的产生及信息化的轨迹    16
4.3  政府投资项目代建制现状    17
4.4  市政府投资项目建设模式的介绍    17
5  某市政府投资项目信息化管理需求分析    19
5.1  系统的可行性分析    19
5.2  业务需求分析    19
5.2.1  项目库管理需求分析    20
5.2.2  项目管理需求分析    20
5.2.3  项目信息统计分析需求分析    20
5.2.4  政府投资项目管理需求分析    20
5.2.5  重大项目管理需求分析    20
5.2.6  短信平台需求分析    21
5.3  非功能性需求分析    21
5.3.1  项目信息的主要分类    21
5.3.2  信息的收集分析存档和查询    21
6  某市政府投资项目信息化管理系统的实现    22

6.1  系统设计的原则    22
6.2  系统设计的目标    22
6.3  系统的总体框架    22
6.4  系统的功能    22
7  总结与展望    23
参考文献    24 [资料来源]

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