
Shadowing banking, government audit and financial security
-Based on empirical data of domestic financial institutions
摘 要
反观国内,2011年以来,受次贷危机的影响,国内银行信贷政策收紧,影子银行业务开始受到青睐,温州、鄂尔多斯等地一直有比较活跃的民间借贷地区,却开始出现“跑路”、“倒闭”的场景,中融国际信托的拍卖抵押资产多数流拍,华夏银行理财产品成为“庞氏骗局”无法兑现,中国的影子银行体系已经不再平静,严重影响了中国的金融稳定与安全。而究竟我国影子银行体系对宏观经济会产生怎样的影响,其风险状况如何,如何规避其系统风险?这些都已经成为当前国内金融运行中一个亟待解决的问题。 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
第三部分:理论分析。首先介绍了国外对影子银行概念的界定以及国内影子银行的概念及分类,并结合国内影子银行的现状分析了我国影子银行的特征;其次分析了国内影子银行存在的风险隐患,包括自身的风险以及加大金融体系的系统性风险;最后对比政府金融监管、内部审计及社会审计,讨论了政府金融审计在防范金融系统性风险方面的优势。 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
关键词:影子银行 政府金融审计 系统性风险
From 2007-2009, the global financial system was hammered by the subprime crisis. As the culprit, the emerging financial term of "shadow banking" became a new focus in financial research. After the crisis, the world's major economies and IMF, the Basel committee, BIS and FSB has embarked on a series of financial regulatory reform, and got ready before the arrival of the next crisis, to reduce the damage of the crisis on the real economy.
In China, since 2011, under the influence of subprime crisis, domestic banks tightening credit, shadow banking business began to be favored. But in the active private lending areas, such as Wenzhou, Ordos and the other places, bosses started to "run" and factories "close down". Most of the auctioned mortgage assets of ZRGG being abortive auction, financial products of HXB becoming a "Ponzi scheme", unable to meet, shadow banking system of China was no longer calm, affecting the financial stability and security of China seriously. Because of this, questions may be brought out: How does the shadow banking system in China affect the macro economy, what about the risk condition, and how to avoid the systemic risk? These have become an urgent problem in the current domestic financial operation.
In December 2007, the auditor-general Liu Jiayi put forward the national audit is the "immune system" of national economic operation for the first time. As the "immune system" of national management and economic management, the government audit plays a natural role in maintaining financial safety. For this reason, based on the effect of shadow banking’s risk on financial stability, this paper explores the influence of government financial audit on financial security and stability caused by shadow banking. This paper is divided into following six parts:
Part I: Introduction. Which elaborates the research background and research significance, research ideas and methods, and possible innovations.
Part II: Literature review. This part reviews the literature of the shadow banking, government audit, systemic risk. Firstly, this part introduces the concept of shadow banking, the estimation of size and the impact on the financial stability. Secondly, this part analyzes the factors that affect the government auditing, function orientation of government audit and the necessity of the implementation on shadow banks of the government financial audit. Lastly, this part introduced the methods of measuring systemic risk, and illustrates the mechanism of the government financial audit on maintaining financial security, laying the foundation for subsequent theoretical analysis and the research design.
Part III: Theoretical analysis. At first, this section introduces the definition of shadow banking abroad and the concept and classification of shadow banking in China, and analyzes the characteristics of shadow banking by combining the current situation of the domestic shadow banking. Then this section introduces the risks of shadow banking, including its own risks and the systemic risks of the financial system. Finally, compared with the government financial regulation, internal audit and social audit, this section discusses the advantages of government financial audit on preventing financial risks. [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Part IV: Research design. First of all, based on the above theoretical analysis, this part straightens out the positive stimulus that shadow banking brings on systemic risk of financial system and the mechanism how government financial audit prevents systemic risk, and puts forward the research hypothesis; And then, the part sets the research variables and build the model. All data of the shadow Banks, government audit and systemic risk variables is from CSMAR database, using statal2 version to process relevant data.
Part V: Empirical research. Through descriptive statistics and correlation analysis, this part introduces the basic situation of the research object roughly, making sure that there is no multicollinearity in the regression model. And then this part does regression analysis of the hypotheses put forward in the research design.
Part VI: Research conclusion, suggestion and prospect. By summarizing the empirical research, this part is done with research conclusions, research limitations, the improvement direction of follow-up researches and suggestions for the development of shadow banking. [资料来源:Doc163.com]
Key Words: Shadow banking, Government financial audit, Systematic risk
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
目 录 1
1.绪论 1
1.1研究背景和研究意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究目的和意义 3
1.2研究思路与方法 4
1.2.1研究思路与结构 4
1.2.2本文的研究方法 6
1.3本文研究的难点、创新和不足 6
2.文献综述 7
2.1有关影子银行方面的研究 7
2.1.1影子银行概念厘定 7
2.1.2影子银行产生的原因 8
2.1.3影子银行规模的估计 8
2.1.4.影子银行对金融稳定的影响 8
2.2有关政府审计方面的研究 9
2.2.1影响政府审计的因素 9
2.2.2政府审计功能定位 10
2.2.3影子银行与政府金融审计 10
2.3有关金融系统性风险方面的研究 11
2.4有关政府金融审计维护金融安全的实现机制的研究 12
2.5文献评述 13
3.理论分析 15
3.1 影子银行概述 15
3.1.1国内外影子银行的定义 15
3.1.2影子银行成因分析 17
3.1.3国内影子银行的分类及现状 18
3.1.4影子银行的特征 22
3.2影子银行的风险隐患 24
3.2.1影子银行自身的风险 24
3.2.2影子银行加大金融体系的系统性风险 26
3.3政府金融审计防范金融风险优势分析 27
3.3.1金融审计防范金融风险的作用 27
3.3.2政府金融审计在国家金融监督体系中的地位 28
3.3.3政府金融审计防范金融风险的优势 30
3.4本章小结 34
4.研究设计 35
4.1研究假设 35
4.1.1影子银行影响金融稳定的内在机理 35
4.1.2.政府金融审计在影子银行对金融稳定影响下的作用 36
4.2数据来源 37
4.3变量设计 37
4.3.1因变量设计 37
4.3.2自变量设计 37
4.3.3控制变量设计 38
4.4模型构建 38
5.实证研究 41
5.1描述性统计与分析 41
5.2相关性分析 42
5.3稳健性分析 42
5.4回归结果分析 43
5.4.1假设1回归分析 43
5.4.2假设2回归分析 43
6.结论与启示 45
6.1研究结论 45
6.2相关建议 45
6.2.1强化对影子银行机构的资本与杠杆率监管。 45
6.2.2健全影子银行机构的自律机制。 46
6.2.3完善信息披露制度。 46
6.2.4合理构建政府金融审计机制。 47
6.2.5构建影子银行非系统性风险应急反应机制。 47
6.3研究局限与展望 48
6.3.1研究的局限性 48
6.3.2未来研究展望 48
参考文献 49