
英文题目:Analysis and Optimization on Sales & Operation Planning of G Manufacturing Enterprise
对于制造企业而言,供应链是企业运营管理中至关重要的内容,而在供应链业务环节中,尤其是产销协同计划(Sales and Operations Planning, S&OP)对销售和供应链业务起到承上启下的关键作用。白酒行业具有多品种、小批量、包装材料采购周期长的特点,其产销协同计划对整体供应链运营会产生着直接的影响。本文的研究对象是国内知名白酒企业G公司的产销协同业务,从实践的角度优化设计符合G公司产销协同业务特性以及未来发展需要的供应链组织架构、梳理职能职责、制定管理流程,以提升供应链运营效率和管理水平。通过对白酒行业供应链运营业务若干问题的研究,意在提出解决白酒企业供应链业务环节存在的主要问题、对策和措施,为企业经营者提供指导和参考。
其次,针对G公司需求和计划(产销协同)存在的问题进行全面分析,总结出产销协同业务最关键的六个要素:统一计划、跨部门会议、数据、组织职能、绩效考核和管理流程,并利用六要素建立产销协同设计模型,在此基础上,对产销协同模型中的六要素分别展开进行优化设计,优化设计的原则是满足灵动性和协同性,从而实现供应链的效率化、协同化和可视化。 另外,针对产销协同的这六要素,提出实施的路线图和实施建议,从而确保产销协同能够顺利实施和落地。
Concerning manufacturing enterprises, supply chain is the most important part in enterprise operation and management. In the supply chain business, especially the Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) plays a key role in connecting sales and supply chain businesses. The liquor industry has many characteristics, such as multiple varieties, small quantities, and long procurement period of packaging materials. S&OP has a direct impact on the whole supply chain operation. The research object of this paper is S&OP business of a domestic well-known liquor company named G company, from the perspective of practice optimization design of G company, collaborative business characteristics and future development needs of the supply chain organization structure, combing the responsibilities and establish management processes, to improve supply chain operational efficiency and management level. By studying the problems of supply chain operation in liquor industry, it is intended to propose the main problems and corresponding strategies and solutions, to provide guidance and reference for business operators of enterprises.
Firstly, this paper analyzes of the current situation of supply chain of G company, based on the analysis of the liquor industry status of supply chain business, comparison of the business situation with the industry benchmark enterprise, proposed that the supply chain management perspectives of G company need to be improved, especially in the planning management, procurement management, manufacturing, and logistics management and so on. Moreover, establishing the framework model of supply chain management and value chain, to diagnosis and analyze supply chain management problems and pain points of G company, points out the contradiction between demand and supply plan is the biggest cause of chain management.
Secondly, according to the demands and supply plan of G Company to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the existing problems, summed up the six key elements of S&OP: unified plan, cross departmental meetings, data, organizational functions, performance appraisal and management processes, then used the six elements to build a collaborative design model and carried out to optimize and design to meet efficiency, coordination and visualization. In addition, be aimed at the six elements of S&OP, just proposed the implementation road map and suggestions to ensure the smoothly implementation and landing of S&OP.
Finally, analyzed the two simulation results of S&OP to compare and prpose the improvement of the business process. According to the results of optimization contrast, the optimization of S&OP will significantly improve the following key performance indicators: sales order fulfillment rate, package material packing rate, production plan completion rate and demand plan accuracy. And ultimately bring about the improvement of business operation and financial efficiency: shorten customer delivery time, improve inventory turnover times, reduce inventory level and improve customer service level.
Key words: Demand and supply plan; S&OP; Unified plan; Inter-departmental meeting; Management processes.
摘要 I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 2
1.2 研究思路及方法 2
1.2.1 研究思路 2
1.2.2 研究方法 3
1.3 研究内容 4
1.4 预期创新点 5
第2章 相关理论及文献综述 6
2.1 供应链管理 6
2.1.1 供应链概念 6
2.1.2 供应链管理与发展 7
2.2 供应链计划管理 8
2.3.1 供应链计划概念 8
2.3.2 供应链计划管理与发展 9
2.3 产销协同(S&OP) 12
2.3.1 S&OP的定义 12
2.3.2 S&OP的作用 12
2.3.3 S&OP的因素 14
2.3.4 S&OP的流程 15
2.4 国内外研究现状 18
2.5 本章小结 21
第3章 G公司产销协同(S&OP)现状及问题分析 22
3.1 白酒行业现状分析 22
3.1.1 白酒行业特点和现状 22
3.1.2 白酒行业发展情况 23
3.1.3 白酒行业现存问题 24
3.2 G公司现状分析 25
3.2.1 G公司简介 25
3.2.2 G公司供应链现状 26
3.2.3 G公司供应链产销协同现状和问题 28
3.3 本章小结 31
第4章 G公司产销协同(S&OP)优化方案设计 32
4.1 S&OP优化设计原则 32
4.2 S&OP统一计划优化设计 33
4.3 S&OP产销协调会议优化设计 34
4.4 S&OP数据优化设计 36
4.5 S&OP组织职能优化设计 37
4.6 S&OP关键绩效指标(KPI)优化设计 37
4.7 S&OP管理流程优化设计 39
4.8 本章小结 49
第5章 G公司产销协同(S&OP)优化方案实施 50
5.1 S&OP优化方案实施路线图 50
5.2 S&OP优化方案实施建议 52
5.3 S&OP预期优化成果前后对比分析 54 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
5.4 本章小结 55
第6章 结论与展望 56
6.1 研究成果 56
6.2 研究展望 56
参考文献 58
致谢 60
Abstract I
English Abstract III
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Significance 1
1.1.1 Background Information 1
1.1.2 Research Significance 2
1.2 Research Thought and Method 2
1.2.1 Research Thought 2
1.2.2 Research Method 3
1.3 Research Contents 4
1.4 Research Innovation 5
Chanpter 2 Relevance Theory and Literature Review 6
2.1 Supply Chain Management 6
2.1.1 Supply Chain Concepts 6 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
2.1.2 The Development of Supply Chain 7
2.2 Supply Chain Planning Management 8
2.3.1 Concepts of Supply Chain Planning 8
2.3.2 The Development of Supply Chain Planning 9
2.3 Sales and Operations Planning(S&OP) 12
2.3.1 The Definition of S&OP 12
2.3.2 The Significant of S&OP 12
2.3.3 The Factors of S&OP 14
2.3.4 The Processes of S&OP 15
2.4 Research Status in China and Abroad 18
2.5 Summary 21
Chapter 3 Current Situation Analysis and Exiting Problems of G Chinese Liquor Manufacturing Enterprise 22
3.1 Current Situation Analysis of Chinese Liquor Industry 22
3.1.1 Characteristics of Chinese Liquor Industry 22
3.1.2 The Developmentof Chinese Liquor Industry 23
3.1.3 The Existing Problemsof Chinese Liquor Industry 24
3.2 Current Situation Analysis of G Company 25
3.2.1 Introduction of G Company 25
3.2.2 Supply Chain Current Situation of G Company 26
3.2.3 Current Situation and Existing S&OP Problems of G Company 28
3.3 Summary 31
Chapter 4 S&OP Optimization and Solution Design of G Company 32
4.1 S&OP Optimization and Design Prinsiple 32
4.2 S&OP Unified Plan Design 33
4.3 S&OP Meetnig Design 34
4.4 S&OP Data Design 36
4.5 S&OP Organization Design 37
4.6 S&OP KPI Design 37
4.7 S&OP Process Design 39
4.8 Summary 49
Chapter 5 S&OP Optimization Result of G Company 50 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
5.1 S&OP Contrast Analysis of Optimization Results 50
5.2 S&OP Optimization and Implementation Roadmap 52
5.3 Contrast Analysis of the Simulation Results 54
5.4 Summary 55
Chapter 6 Conclustion and Future Work 56
6.1 Conclusion 56
6.2 Future Work 56
References 58
Acknowledgement 60 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]