
本文选择10家高星级酒店向员工非随机派发问卷350份,收回问卷325份,回收率92.86%。本次问卷调查采用委托饭店人力资源部向各部门发放以及在酒店员工出入口、员工接送巴士等候点,对酒店从业人员、从事酒店管理教学的专业教师和旅游管理专业的研究生发放问卷。从2014年10月开始,到12月进行调查问卷的发放工作,共发出350问卷最终用于数据分析的有效问卷为322份,问卷有效率为99.08%。对收集到的数据使用SPSS软件进行单因素方差分析、相关分析和回归分析来探讨目前澳门高星级酒店非本地籍员工自我职业生涯管理、组织职业生涯管理与组织特性、自我职业生涯管理与组织职业生涯管理、员工个人认知与组织战略之间的内在关系,以及职业生涯管理对员工工作态度(组织承诺、工作满意度、离职倾向)的影响。 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
In recent years, with the steady development of China's economy hotel industry has achieved sustained development. However, at the same time the overall development of the hotel industry, the hotel industry employees for recognition of occupational relatively low turnover rate has been high. The reason is unreasonable, inadequate career management is an important cause of this phenomenon. This is the overall development of the hotel industry poses a huge threat. In this paper, high-star hotel in Macau and its Non-local employees for the study from the organization's strategy and individual cognitive interaction perspective to the questionnaire as the main research method, high-star hotel in Macau Non-local employee self-management and career organizational career management conducted an empirical study to explore. From the combination of theoretical and empirical point of view, the current domestic enterprises to explore career management and employee self-demographic variables, organizational career management and organizational characteristics of internal relations individual career management and organizational career management between, and career management for employees' attitude (organizational commitment, job satisfaction, turnover intention) effects. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
The results show that: (1) Organizational Career Management Scale including career counseling, career information, systems assurance, supervisor support four factors; individual career management scale include self-awareness, understanding organizational development opportunities, career exploration, career beliefs up communication five factors. (2) organizational career management and employee self-management-related career is remarkable. (3) individual career management of self-awareness, understanding organizational development opportunities, career exploration, both upward communication and organizational commitment, job satisfaction, turnover intention significantly correlated; career beliefs only significantly associated with turnover intention. Career counseling (4) organization career management, career information, systems assurance, supervisor support and organizational commitment are significantly related to job satisfaction, and turnover intention is supported only factor significantly associated with the boss. (5) the marriage, age, education, different income, has a significant impact on employees individual career management. [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
Finally, the authors propose high-star hotels in Macau can try to use to guide employee career planning, set up career development paths for employees, strengthen the management and implementation of career stage four methods succession planning, etc. Because career management is a shared responsibility of individuals and organizations, the paper also presents the role of employees in career management and task should be undertaken. Finally, the author points out the limitations of this study and future efforts should be directed.
Key words:Macao; High-star hotel; Non-local Staff; Organizational Strategy; Career Management
澳门高星级酒店外籍劳工基层员工职业生涯规划管理研究 1
——基于组织战略与个体认知互动的视角 1
摘要 I
Abstract III
目录 V
第一章 绪论 1
第一节 研究背景 1
一 澳门酒店业发展概况 1
二 澳门酒店行业面临的机遇与危机 1
三 澳门酒店业基层员工多为外籍 3
四 澳门高星级酒店组织职业生涯管理现状 5
第二节 研究意义 6
一 研究现状 7
二 现实意义 7
第三节 研究内容与思路 8
第四节 相关概念界定及说明 11
一 高星级酒店定义 11
二 澳门外籍劳务人员政策说明 11
第二章 文献综述 12
第一节 职业生涯 12
一 职业生涯规划 12
二 职业生涯管理 13
第二节 职业生涯管理相关理论 16
一 职业选择论:人-职匹配论,职业性向理论 16
二 职业生涯管理理论:职业锚理论,职位变动理论 17
第三节 组织职业生涯管理理论 17
一 组织职业生涯管理概念与内涵 17 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
二 组织职业生涯管理的结构 19
三 组织职业生涯管理的维度 20
第四节 自我职业生涯管理 21
一 自我职业生涯管理的概念 21
二 自我职业生涯管理相关研究 22
第五节 职业生涯管理研究中尚存在的问题 23
第三章 研究设计与数据收集 25
第一节 研究方法 25
第二节 26
第二节 问卷设计 27
第三节 问卷调查实施 30
第四章 数据统计分析 31
第一节 描述性统计分析 31
第二节 信度与效度分析 32
一 信度分析 32
二 效度分析 33
第三节 单因素方差分析 33
一 性别差异 34
二 婚姻差异 35
三 年龄差异 35
四 职位差异 36
五 学历差异 36
六 收入差异 37
七 工龄差异 37
第四节 回归分析 38
第五节 相关分析 39
第六节 组织职业生涯管理分析 39
一 访谈过程 39
二 访谈基本情况 40
三 访谈结果分析 41
四 结论 42
第五章 研究结果与讨论 43
第一节 结论 43
第二节 建议 43
一 组织职业生涯管理的实施 43
二 外籍员工自我职业生涯管理的实施 47
第六章 总结与展望 50
一 总结 50
二、研究限制和后续研究建议 50
参考文献 52
致谢 56
附录 57 [来源:http://Doc163.com]