
The Research about Supervision of Occupational Health for Industrial Enterprise
——a Case Research of Building Ceramic Production in a City of Shandong Province
国家有限干预来源于WTO技术壁垒的规定,随着经济发展和社会的进步,社会性规制逐渐加强、经济性规制逐步放松的趋势越来越明显,加强职业卫生监管,维护劳动者职业健康权益已成为各国政府和理论界的共识。早在1997年,联合国秘书长安南就曾指出,“职业卫生是一项全球、国际和国家议事日程中的优先任务”。[ ]保护劳动者的职业卫生,维护劳动者的身体健康权益,是国家经济发展与社会进步的必然选择,是实现以人为本、执政为民、构建和谐社会的根本之策,体现了国家与企业的文明化程度和在经济全球化大趋势中所具备的竞争潜力。
第四部分,以山东某市建陶生产行业职业卫生工作为例,通过实地调研,综合运用问卷调查、座谈沟通、现场检测、对比分析等研究方法,从监管对象角度出发,总结分析了该市职业病防治和职业卫生监管工作现状,指出了该市在职业卫生监管方面取得的成绩,并在该市工业企业职业病防治和职业卫生监管工作现状的基础上推而问及我国工业企业职业卫生监管存在的主要问题,从我国的立法体系尚不完善、行政体制改革滞后、部门利益难以打破、多元社会参与缺位、公民道德建设滑坡等方面对存在的问题进行了原因分析。 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
关键词:工业企业 职业卫生 监管
The Research about Supervision of Occupational Health for Industrial Enterprise
——a Case Research of Building Ceramic Production in a City of Shandong Province
The limited governmental intervention comes from the WTO technical barriers regulations. Along with economic development and the progress of the society, the trend of social regulation gradually strengthening and economic regulation gradually relaxing is more and more obvious, the reforestrengthening the regulation of occupational health and protecting the occupational health rights and interests of workers has become the consensus of governments and theories. As early as in 1997, the United Nations secretary general Kofi Annan had pointed out that "Occupational health is a priority in the global, international and national agenda". Protecting workers' occupational health and health rights and interests is the inevitable choice of the national economic development and social progress, which is the root of the policy to implementing people-oriented, governing for the people and building a harmonious society and reflects countries’s and enterprises' degree of the civilization and the competitive potential in the trend of economic globalization. [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Since the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy, the economy of our country has gained rapid development and globally-watched remarkable achievements. As the development of private economy and township enterprises, a large number of migrant workers went into factories, however, because of the excessive speed historical process, moral construction and economic development are not synchronous, which make our country easily won the world's first "crown" in occupational disease and has maintained it ever since. During this time, the occupational health supervision system and mechanism reform several times, but the regulatory system has not been fully straightened, government regulatory enforcement and responsibility implementation has not reached the designated position,which leads a tense situation of occupational disease prevention and control.
In June 2009, the revelations of Zhang Haichao's extreme helpless legal action - "open heart to check lung", vibrated the whole nation and seems to tear the mysterious veil of the occupational disease prevention and control work. But how many people can really know that: the mass occupational diseases turns from accidental event years ago to frequent in recent years which represents a certain trend? What's so relentlessly swallowing the health of workers? Who should take the responsibility for the lives? Occupational health supervision alarm bells ringing already, the problems of moral humanism, scientific development of economy, social harmony and stability have set in front of us.
For further research on industrial enterprises occupational health supervision, on the basis of a lot of reading related literature both at home and abroad, in a case of building ceramic production's occupational health supervision of a city in Shandong province through field investigation to obtain a large number of first-hand information, the author uses the questionnaire survey, field testing, comparative analysis and other research methods to analyze the current situation of the city's occupational health supervision from the angle of the regulatory object, points out the achievements and existing problems and carries on the thorough research to the problem. Combining the current economic society's reality and basic level of productivity, the author summarizes the reasons of the problem and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions.
The full text is divided into six parts and the epilogue part.
The first part is the introduction. The author mainly states the causes of the selected topic and the significance of the research, lists the research methods and the emphases, difficulties and innovations, and reviews the research status of occupational health at home and abroad. The review part majorly states the necessity, subject, target, measures, performance of the regulation and the research based on labor relations, social responsibility and research from ethics angle.
The second part, the author defines and explains the occupational health, occupational hazards and occupational disease hazards, occupational disease harm, occupational disease and legal occupational disease, occupational health supervision and other basic concepts in this field, and describes briefly the theoretical analysis framework used in this study.
The third part, the author briefly analyzed the necessity of strengthening occupational health supervision and makes a brief review from the change of occupational health supervision system in our country and occupational health legal system construction, and by dividing the occupational health regulatory functions of the government institutional reform into node, tentatively makes a staged division to occupational health supervision period. This paper introduces the occupational health supervision responsibility division of labor and status of resumption made by the public sector recently, roughly outlined the basic situation of occupational health legal system construction.
The fourth part, in a case of building ceramic production's occupational health supervision of a city in Shandong province through field investigation, the integrated use of questionnaires, discussion communication, site inspection, analysis and other research methods, the author analyzes the status quo of the occupational disease prevention and control of this city and the occupational health supervision from the angle of the regulated object, points out the city's achievements and the existing problems in occupational health supervision.
The fifth part, introduces the occupational health supervision in some main developed countries such as Britain, American, and Japan. Presents their law and supervision system of occupational health, and summarizes experiences and the direction of our efforts from seven aspects such as law system, functional positioning, supervision power, regulatory model, sanctions, corporate responsibility and social participation mechanism.
The sixth part, the author gives the countermeasure suggestions on occupational healthy supervision based on deep investigation and sufficient demonstration. The author thinks through strengthening the supervision system construction, strengthening technical service support, perfecting the norms to strengthen regulatory measures, strengthening law enforcement to promote the implementation of the responsibility of all the parties and gradually establish and perfect the social participation mechanism can promote the improvement of the grim situation of occupation disease prevention and control work in China greatly and maintain occupational health of workers. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Finally, the author reviews the study on occupation health supervision problems of industrial enterprises in China experience in the conclusion part, and with divergent thinking how to better serve the small and medium-sized private enterprises in occupational health supervision work, protect the occupational rights and interests of migrant workers and other specific groups, the author expresses his personal anticipation and expectation.
Keywords: Industrial enterprise, Occupational health, Supervision
目 录
导 论 1
(一)选题缘由及意义 1
1.选题缘由 1
2.研究意义 2
(二)国内外研究综述 3
1.国外研究综述 3
2.国内研究综述 6
(三)研究方法 11
(四)研究的重点难点及创新点 11
一、基本概念界定与相关理论概述 13
(一)基本概念界定 13
1.职业卫生 13
2.职业危害、职业病危害 14
3.职业性病损、职业病与法定职业病 14
4.职业卫生监管 15
(二)相关理论概述 17
1.利益集团理论 17
2.跨域治理理论 18
3.无缝隙政府理论 19
二、我国工业企业职业卫生监管制度建设回顾 20
(一)我国职业卫生监管体系变迁 20
1.第一阶段:初创与发展期(1949年—1998年) 20
2.第二阶段:建设与规范期(1998年—2003年) 21
3.第三阶段:过渡与磨合期(2003年—至今) 21
(二)我国职业卫生法制体系建设 22
1.第一层次:《宪法》中的相关规定 22
2.第二层次:《职业病防治法》及相关法律 22
3.第三层次:行政法规和地方性法规中的相关规定 23 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
4.第四层次:部门规章和地方性规章以及规范性文件中的相关规定 23
5.第五层次:相关职业卫生标准 23
三、工业企业职业卫生监管现状 24
(一)山东某市建陶生产职业卫生调查 24
1.调研方案 25
2.调研结果 26
(二)该市职业卫生监管主要工作成绩 37
1.职业卫生监管体系初步确立 37
2.职业卫生宣贯培训有序推进 37
3.调查摸底梳理建档全面展开 38
4.监督执法传导压力实效突出 39
5.企业主体责任落实成效显现 39
6.技术服务支撑体系逐步规范 40
(三)工业企业职业卫生监管中存在的主要问题 41
1.职业卫生监管体系仍待完善 41
2.综合监督管理工作仍不到位 46
3.技术服务支撑建设仍旧滞后 51
4.职业卫生各方责任仍未落实 56
5.行政执法监督机制仍不健全 58
(四)存在问题的原因分析 62
1.立法体制机制存在缺陷 62
2.行政体制改革痼疾难除 63
3.GDP考核指挥棒仍在转动 65
4.部门利益难以有效打破 66
5.社会道德建设全面失序 67
四、主要发达国家职业卫生监管经验及其启示 69
(一)主要发达国家职业卫生监管的经验 69
1.英国职业卫生监管的经验 69
2.美国职业卫生监管的经验 71
3.日本职业卫生监管的经验 74
(二)主要发达国家职业卫生监管的启示 76
1.完善的法律体系是基础 76
2.准确的职能定位是前提 77
3.专业的监管力量是保障 78
4.高效的监管模式是重点 79
5.严格的处罚措施是关键 80
6.落实企业主体责任是核心 81 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
7.成熟的社会参与机制是纽带 82
五、解决工业企业职业卫生监管问题的对策建议 84
(一)全面加强职业卫生监管体系建设 84
1.梳理修订职业卫生法律体系 84
2.优化整合职业卫生监管资源 85
3.构建职业卫生长效协调机制 86
4.强化职业卫生监管队伍建设 87
5.细化责任目标考核追究体系 88
(二)着力强化职业卫生监管工作措施 89
1.属地化摸清职业病防治“家底” 89
2.严把预防性监督规范源头治理 90
3.实施量化分级、重点监管措施 91
4.强力推进三大基础性引导作用 92
5.创建推行职业卫生标准化体系 93
(三)规范增强职业卫生技术服务体系支撑 94
1.发挥市场配置资源基础作用 94
2.规范技术服务竞争市场秩序 95
3.完善日常监管引入退出机制 95 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
4.扩展基层专家技术支撑作用 96
5.搭建职业卫生科研实践平台 97
(四)严格执法促进职业卫生各方责任落实 98
1.促进企业主体责任落实 98
2.促进综合监管责任落实 99
3.促进各负有监管职责部门责任落实 100
4.促进技术服务支撑作用全方位发挥 101
5.建立执法司法联动机制保障职业卫生执法效果 101
(五)逐步建立健全社会参与机制 102
1.正确发挥工会组织职能作用 102
2.重塑行业管理组织角色定位 103
3.引导非政府组织多元化发展 104
4.强力推动监督体系发挥实效 104
5.建立历史遗留问题解决机制 105
结 语 106
注 释 107
附 录...............126
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