
Study on The background of China(Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone’s Construction and its policies and effects
为适应中国促进自身改革发展的需要,在人民币国际化的发展趋势影响下,以及国际贸易竞争日益加剧的背景下, 2013年9月,上海自由贸易试验区成立。上海自贸区是在上海市外高桥保税区、外高桥保税物流园区、洋山保税港区和上海浦东机场综合保税区等4个海关特殊监管区域上建立的,总面积为28.78平方公里,“四区三港”的格局是上海自贸区运行的基础。本文介绍了依托中国最大的口岸城市、中国对外开放的重要窗口的地位,及贸易与投资、金融市场发展的良好基础,上海进行自由贸易试验区建设的得天独厚的优势。
China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ) was established in September 23, 2013, under the background of accelerating intensifying completion of international trade, the developing trend of RMB internationalization, and to meet the requirements of self-reformation and development.
The bonded area of Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone consists of Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone, Waigaoqiao Free Trade Logistics Park, Yangshan Free Trade Port Area and Pudong Airport Free Trade Zone, the total area of FTZ is 28.78 square kilometers. The Structure of “4 Zones, 3 Ports” is the operation basis of FTZ. The thesis introduces the unique advantages of Shanghai to be the city chosen to establish the Free Trade Zone, with its prominent position of the largest port, the most important window of China’s opening-up, with the solid basis of trade, investment and financial market development.
The thesis introduces in detail of the management of model of “Negative List” and national treatment in the pre-admission, which was referenced from the international common rules. After the establishment, the FTZ adopted the series of measures and favorable conditions of transforming government functions, expanding the investment fields’ opening-up, speeding up the transformation of trade terms, making breakthroughs of financial field’s opening-up and improving the laws and regulations that comply with the international practices.; The measures and conditions boost the economic development and industries transformation of the surrounding area, especially the Yangtze River Delta Area. After the establishment of the FTZ, there was significant change in air and sea transportation, in the form of the passengers’ number, cargo and service projects, which accelerates the establishment of Shanghai International Shipping center.; The measure of tariff reduction reduces the tariff of imported vehicles, meanwhile the international management measures of vehicles accelerates the efficiency of exportation, reduces the export costs, and reveres the current situation of Chinese vehicle [来源:http://Doc163.com]
exportation; After the establishment of the FTZ, there is significant development in markets of land, housing industry and industrial property, there is blowout in commercial housing market and substantial growth of property rental market.; The FTZ introduced tax incentives for financial leasing companies, allowing the subsidiary set up in the FTZ of financial leasing companies which registered in the FTZ, take usage of the favorable conditions of the export tax rebates. The measures and conditions provide favorable conditions of healthy and healthy and sustainable development of the financial leasing companies; The FTA’s service fields’ opening-up provide new market opportunities for the commercial banks , expand the business scope and accelerate the transformation of commercial banks.
The FTZ has brought good opportunities for development, but also brings challenges and risks that have not been experienced in the past. The FTA should seize the good development opportunities, grasp the situation and policies, strengthen risk prevention and control, take effective measures to protect their stable development. There are 0 figures, 4 tables and 23 references in this thesis.
Keywords: China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ); Background; Task measures; Favorable conditions; Effect; Measures
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第一章 绪言 1
第二章 上海自贸区建立的背景 2
第一节 上海自贸区的建立是中国促进自身改革发展的需要 2
第二节 上海自贸区的建立是人民币国际化的发展趋势 2
第三节 上海自贸区的建立是国际贸易竞争加剧的必然结果 3
第三章 上海自贸区运行的基础 4
第一节 上海自贸区的整合基础 4
3.1.1 上海作为自贸区的经济、人才基础 4
3.1.2 上海“四区三港”格局是自贸区运行的基础 4
第二节 上海作为自贸区的优势 5
3.2.1 上海的贸易与投资基础 5
3.2.2 金融市场发展 5
3.2.3 口岸发展 6
第四章 上海自贸区的任务措施及优惠条件 7
第一节 上海自贸区建成后的任务措施 7
4.1.1 加快政府职能转变 7
4.1.2 扩大投资领域开放 8
4.1.3 推进贸易发展方式转变 11
4.1.4 深化金融领域的开放创新 13
4.1.5 完善法制领域的制度保障 15
第二节 上海自贸区的优惠条件 16
第五章 上海自贸区建成后的影响 18
第一节 上海自贸区对周边区域经济发展的影响 18
第二节 上海自贸区对航运业发展的影响 19
5.2.1 上海自贸区对空运的影响 19
5.2.2 上海自贸区建成后对海运的影响 21
第三节 上海自贸区对汽车产业的影响 22
5.3.1对汽车进口的影响 22
5.3.2 对汽车出口的影响 23
5.3.3 对于跨国汽车公司的影响: 23
第四节 上海自贸区对房地产业的影响 24
5.4.1 上海自贸区对土地市场的影响 24
5.4.2 上海自贸区对住宅房地产业的影响 24
5.4.3 上海自贸区对产业地产的影响 24
5.4.4 上海自贸区对商品住宅市场的影响: 25
5.4.5 上海自贸区对房产租赁市场的影响 25
第五节 上海自贸区对融资租赁行业发展的影响 25
第六节 上海自贸区对商业银行的影响 27
5.6.1 服务领域的开放为商业银行提供了新的市场机会 27
5.6.2 贸易发展方式转变有利于商业银行拓展业务空间 28
5.6.3 自贸区的金融政策改革为商业银行的发展提供了新的业务范围 28
5.6.4 上海自贸区可加快境内商业银行的转型 28
第六章 上海自贸区面临的机遇和风险分析及对策建议 30
第一节 上海自贸区周边城市面临的机遇和风险分析及对策建议 30
第二节 上海航运业面临的机遇和风险分析及对策建议 31
第三节 汽车行业面临的机遇和风险分析及对策建议 32
第四节 房地产业面临的机遇和风险分析及对策建议 33
第五节 融资租赁行业面临的机遇和风险分析及对策建议 33
第六节 商业银行面临的机遇和风险分析及对策建议 34
第七章 结论 36
参考文献 37
致 谢 39 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]