
The impact of leadership on team performance- A case study on Consulting Team in P company
本文将以P公司咨询团队为例,采用案例和访谈方式进行实际资料调研,探究所在企业中领导力对团队绩效的影响,通过在案例企业中选取待研究的高绩效团队和低绩效团队,然后对每个团队中的一定数量的成员进行访谈记录,归纳高绩效研发团队的特征,并把高绩效咨询团队的特征和低绩效咨询团队的特征进行比较,最终得出案例企业中领导力对咨询团队绩效的影响因素。 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
关键词:领导力 团队绩效 咨询团队
Along with speed developing economy, the competition among the enterprises is more and more drastic. How to improve their competitiveness in the fierce competition,retain the original market and even expand the market share have become a problem that wortheach enterprise thinking about. After years of research, companies have found that it is necessary to enhance the competitiveness of each department and even each teamto improve the overall competitiveness. In other words, the department of an enterprise must have high performance in order to have high returns. Performance is influenced by many factors.The external factors comes from market,raw material, environment and political influence. There are also many factors within enterpirse, such as production factors, management factors and employees' own factors. Generally, the internal factors are influenced by leadership. Many companies have recognized this and launched a study of leadership.
This paper take the consulting team of P company for instance to study the impact of leadership on team performance by using the method of interviews. Based on the selected high performance and low performance team in P company, conduct in-depth interviewsamong the team members.Summarizes the characteristics of high performance teamand compare the characteristics of high performance with low performance .Conclude the influence factors of leadership on team performance.
This study found that the team leader of high performance team has the following characteristics: Strong decision-making and sensitivity, clear goal setting, the effective communication and reasonable arrangement of the task among the team.Lead to low performance leadership factors are: Lack of leading experience or the ability is insufficient, lack of team structure rationality, fuzzy goal setting and communication breakdowns.
Key words:LeadershipTeam performance Consulting Team
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究内容 2
1.3 研究目的与意义 2
1.4 研究方法与研究创新点 3
1.4.1 研究方法 3
1.4.2 研究创新点 3
第二章 文献综述 4
2.1 领导概念的提出 4
2.2 领导力理论综述 5
2.2.1 早期领导理论 5
2.2.2 现代领导理论 7
2.3 团队与团队绩效的理论综述 8
2.3.1 团队的概念 8
2.3.2 绩效的内涵 10
2.3.3 团队绩效的概念 11
2.4 知识型团队的内涵与特点 12
2.4.1 知识型员工概念 12
2.4.2 知识型员工的特征 12
2.4.3 知识型团队的界定 13
2.4.4 知识型团队的特点 14
2.5 扎根理论概述 15
2.5.1 扎根理论的概念 15
2.5.2 扎根理论研究的数据收集方法 16
2.5.3 扎根理论研究的抽样方法 16
第三章 P公司实例介绍及资料收集 16
3.1 P公司企业简介 16
3.1.1 P公司概况 16
3.1.2 P公司组织架构 17
3.1.3 职业发展道路 17
3.2 咨询团队介绍 18
3.2.1 咨询团队工作介绍 19
3.2.2 咨询团队的绩效评判标准 19
3.2.3 优秀咨询团队和低绩效研发团队的选择 20
3.3 研究方法以及数据来源 21
第四章 资料分析与结果讨论 23
4.1 对高绩效研发团队的特征进行归纳 23
4.1.1 高绩效团队A基本情况及访谈资料整理 23
4.1.2 高绩效团队B基本情况及访谈资料整理 29
4.1.3 高绩效团队领导力特征比较分析一致性比较法 36
4.2 对低绩效研发团队的特征进行归纳 37 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
4.2.1 低绩效团队C基本情况及访谈资料整理 37
4.2.2 低绩效团队D基本情况及访谈资料整理 41
4.3 领导力对咨询团队绩效影响分析-差异性比较方法 46
第五章 总结与展望 50
5.1 研究总结 50
5.2 研究启示 51
5.2.1 领导选拔的建议 51
5.2.2 领导力培养的建议 52
5.3 存在不足 53
5.4 展望 53
参考文献 54