
Effect of Workplace Bullying on Turnover Intention --- a Moderated Mediating Effect Model
本文通过选取职场欺负、工作满意度、离职意向、社会支持四个变量。结合文献研究与实证研究,探讨职场欺负对离职意向的影响,与此同时,验证工作满意度在职场欺负与离职意向关系间的中介作用,并引入社会支持这一变量,研究社会支持在此中介作用中的调节效应,构建一个有调节的中介作用模型。本文首先对职场欺负、工作满意度、离职意向及社会支持的国内外相关理论文献进行研究梳理与归纳, 在丰硕的理论基础上总结了职场欺负、工作满意度、离职意向及社会支持的相关定义、多种影响因素、国内外现有研究成果及测量内容,职场欺负分别与工作满意度和离职意向之间的关系、工作满意度在职场欺负与离职意向关系间的中介作用以及社会调节在此中介模型中的调节作用;其次, 提出了本文的研究框架和假设;再次,本文在前人的关于职场欺负、工作满意度、离职意向和社会支持的所使用的成熟量表基础上,整合了适合本文的研究内容的量表,前后经历1个多月时间,共发放问卷312份,最后确定了有效问卷;通过spss17.0统计软件进行数据分析,对职场欺负、工作满意度、离职意向和社会支持量表分别进行信度、效度分析和同源偏差检验, 验证了量表所具有的良好信度和效度;最后,进行描述性统计分析、职场欺负、工作满意度、离职意向、社会支持的相关性分析、回归性分析、工作满意度的中介作用以及社会支持的调节作用。 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
In this paper, four variables, such as workplace bullying, job satisfaction, turnover intention and social support, are selected. Based on the literature and empirical study, the workplace bullying affects turnover intention, job satisfaction and verify the workplace bullying and turnover intention relationship between the intermediary role, and the introduction of social support for the moderating effect of social support variables, the intermediary role in the construction of a model of the mediating role of regulation. Firstly, the workplace bullying, job satisfaction, turnover intention and social support of the domestic and foreign related literature research, and then summarizes the workplace bullying, job satisfaction, turnover intention and social support of the definition, influencing factors, the existing research results and measurement of the content of workplace bullying and between job satisfaction and turnover intention the relationship between workplace bullying and job satisfaction and turnover intention relationship between the intermediary role and social adjustment in the mediation model of the regulating role; secondly, puts forward the research framework and hypotheses; thirdly, based on the previous workplace bullying, job satisfaction, turnover intention and social support on the basis of a mature scale design the research content for the scale, which lasted 1 months, a total of 312 questionnaires, the effective questionnaire ; the data were analyzed with SPSS17.0 statistical software for workplace bullying, job satisfaction, turnover intention and social support scale. The reliability and validity analysis and homology error test, verified the good reliability and validity; finally, descriptive statistical analysis, workplace bullying, job satisfaction and turnover intention relationship, social support analysis, regression analysis, job satisfaction and the mediating role of the moderating effect of social support.
The results showed: (1) the workplace bullying was positively related to turnover intention; (2) the workplace bullying on job satisfaction was negatively correlated; (3) job satisfaction on turnover intention was negatively correlated; (4) the job satisfaction of workplace bullying and turnover intention mediating effect; (5) social support in the workplace bullying job satisfaction plays a regulatory role; (6) social support on job satisfaction on turnover intention plays a regulatory role; (7) the job satisfaction of workplace bullying and turnover intention has a mediating effect between the first half of the path by social support adjustment; (8) the job satisfaction and turnover intermediary workplace bullying the second half of the path effect intention, social support adjustment. These results verify previous studies and reveal the impact of workplace bullying on turnover intention, and verify the intermediary role model with social adjustment.
Finally, according to the research results, suggestions for the individual to the enterprise human resources management to enhance the proposed, with similar enterprises in improving employee satisfaction, reduce turnover rate, promote the healthy and harmonious development of enterprises to provide a reference; in the empirical research results enrich the related field at the same time, also provides theoretical support for the healthy and harmonious enterprise management.
Key words: workplace bullying; job satisfaction; turnover intention; social support
目 录
第一章 绪论 10
1.1研究背景 10
1.2.2现实意义 12
1.3研究目的 12
第2章 文献综述 14
2.1关于职场欺负的国内外相关研究现状 14
2.1.1职场欺负的定义 14
2.1.2职场欺负的类型 15
2.1.3职场欺负的现有研究 17
2.1.4职场欺负的测量 20
2.2关于工作满意度的国内外相关研究现状 20
2.2.1工作满意度的概念 20
2.2.2 工作满意度的影响因素 21
2.2.3关于工作满意度的测量 23
2.3关于离职意向的国内外相关研究现状 25
2.3.1离职意向的含义 25
2.3.2关于离职意向的研究理论 26
2.3.3离职意向的影响因素 27 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
2.3.4关于离职意向的测量研究 28
2.4关于社会支持的国内外相关研究现状 28
2.4.1 社会支持的定义 28
2.4.2社会支持的分类 29
2.4.3社会支持的测量 30
2.5 职场欺负、工作满意度、离职意向、社会支持的相关关系研究 31
第三章 研究设计 34
3.1研究方法 34
3.1.1文献分析法 34
3.1.2问卷调查法 34
3.1.3统计分析方法 35
3.2国内外研究的局限性 35
3.3研究理论的模型 35
3.4 研究假设的提出 36
3.5 研究过程 37
3.5.1研究对象:样本性质、来源、组成 37
3.5.2问卷的使用 37
3.5.3问卷发放与回收 38
3.6 信度效度验证 38
3.6.1效度分析 38
3.6.2验证性因子分析 40
3.6.3信度分析 41
3.6.4同源偏差检验 42
第4章 数据统计分析及结果 43
4.1描述性统计分析 43
4.2人口统计学变量对职场欺负、工作满意度、离职意向和社会支持的方差分析 43
4.2.1 不同性别的人职场欺负、工作满意度、离职意向和社会支持的方差分析 43
4.2.2 不同年龄的人职场欺负、工作满意度、离职意向和社会支持的方差分析 44
4.2.3 不同学历的人职场欺负、工作满意度、离职意向和社会支持的方差分析 45
4.2.4 不同工作年限的人职场欺负、工作满意度、离职意向和社会支持的方差分析 46
4.2.5 不同单位性质的人职场欺负、工作满意度、离职意向和社会支持的方差分析 47
4.2.6不同职位的人职场欺负、离职意向、工作满意度和社会支持的方差分析 48
4.3 相关分析 49
4.4 回归性分析 50
4.5工作满意度的中介效应检验 50
4.6社会支持的调节作用检验 50
4.7被调节的中介效应检测 50
第 5 章 结论与讨论 54
5.1 结论 54
5.2讨论 55
5.3 研究结果对管理实践的启示 57
5.4创新之处 58
5.5 不足与未来研究方向 58
参考文献 59
附 录 65
致 谢 73