
ABSTRACTII The building block has a unique educational value, which is one of the basic learning materials for children. The game of building blocks has also become an essential activity in the kindergarten. This research focuses on the following aspects: how does the teacher guide the game of building blocks, what kinds of problems exist, what are the influencing factors and what ways to improve it?
This research mainly used the methods of observation and interview, the 4 small children in two kindergartens and 4 class teachers conducted a survey for a period of two months, and the guiding behaviors of teachers in detail records. The text includes the following four parts:
Part one: the present situation of teachers' guiding small class children's building blocks. This part mainly adopts the method of observation and interview to investigate the time, frequency, content, way of guidance, the number and way of intervention, the effect of guidance, and the evaluation after the game.
The second part: the problem of teacher guiding small class children's building block game. After the investigation on the current situation of the first part of the collation, analysis, summed up the teachers' guidance problems are: to carry out the game time is less, the lack of the guidance of the rules, build too guiding skills, games, guiding the alienation of the implicit value, action mode of implicit shape control of construction process, children's games, and any language interference let is serious, improper timing of intervention, interrupt activities, lack of effective guidance and lack of evaluation, evaluation results, evaluation of the main single light. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
The third part: the analysis of the reasons for the problem of teachers' guiding small class children's games. After in-depth analysis of collected observation records and interview records, the main reasons are: Teachers' backward concept and ability, lack of attention in kindergartens, and the unique game development characteristics of children in small classes.
The fourth part: suggestions for teachers to guide small class children's building blocks. Mainly includes: first, teachers: improve the theoretical accomplishment, and accumulated experience; focus on the observation of children, enhance the ability of observation; to stimulate children's interest, enrich their life experience; children master the game state, choose appropriate time to intervene in the game; based on the age characteristics of children, to provide appropriate guidance; respect for children, patience pay attention to the game; sharing links, promote the realization of the value of the game. Second, kindergarten: to carry out seminars; to invite experts to guide the garden under conditions of conditions, or to take turns for teachers to go out for training.
1 绪论 III
1.1问题的提出 III
1.2相关概念界定 III
1.3关于幼儿积木游戏中教师指导的相关研究 III
1.3.1关于游戏中教师角色的研究 III
1.3.2关于游戏中教师指导作用的研究 III
1.3.3关于游戏中教师介入时机的研究 III
1.3.4关于游戏中教师指导内容、介入方式和指导方式的研究 III
1.3.5关于积木游戏中教师指导现状的研究 III
1.4研究设计 III
1.4.1研究目的 III
1.4.2研究意义 IV
1.4.3研究内容 IV
1.4.4研究方法 IV
2.小班幼儿积木游戏中教师指导存在的问题 IV
2.1开展游戏时间较少 IV
2.2指导内容:缺乏对规则的指导,过于指导搭建技能,忽视指导的隐性价值 IV [资料来源:Doc163.com]
2.3指导方式:以动作方式控制游戏过程,语言干扰幼儿,包办和放任严重 IV
2.4介入指导:介入时机不当 IV
2.5指导效果:缺乏有效指导 IV
2.6游戏评价:缺乏评价环节,重结果、轻过程,评价主体单一 IV
3.影响教师指导小班幼儿积木游戏的原因 IV
3.1教师自身的因素 IV
3.1.1观念 IV
3.1.2能力 V
3.2.幼儿园的因素 V
3.2.1缺乏重视 V
3.2.2提供较少学习机会 V
3.3小班幼儿游戏发展特点的因素 V
4.建议 V
4.1教师方面 V
4.2幼儿园方面 V
参考文献 V
附录 V
致谢 V [资料来源:Doc163.com]