摘 要
关键词:建筑 给水 消防 喷淋 排水
The design of the building is 13 story residential building water supply and drainage engineering design, including the design of indoor water supply system, drainage system design of interior design, indoor fire water supply system, and the design of rainwater system. Life water supply system is divided into two zones: the basement to the five layer for low area, the municipal water supply water supply pipe network directly; the 6 layer to the 13 layer for high, without the use of water pump water supply. Fire water supply system is divided into fire hydrant system and automatic sprinkler system, the building is a kind of civil building, and the building height ≤ 50m, according to the "Regulations" code for design of fire in high-rise civil buildings, indoor fire hydrant water and outdoor fire hydrant water respectively 20L/s and 15L/s, automatic sprinkler system, a pressurizing equipment on the roof. Drainage system with rain and sewage diversion system, drainage system adopts the special single riser drainage roof ventilation system, ventilation at high roof 2.00m. Water supply system adopts PP-R water supply pipe, fire hydrant system and automatic sprinkler system adopts the seamless galvanized steel pipe, drainage riser with PPI spiral drainage pipe, the drainage pipe by common UPVC drainage pipe. A storage tank and the pressure pump in the basement, the basement a sump, sump is arranged in the submersible sewage pump, sewage discharged in time to ensure the.
Keywords: building water supply and fire sprinkler and drainage
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 给排水工程设计任务书 1
1.1工程概况 1
1.2设计的依据 1
1.3设计任务 1
1.4设计成果 1
1.5设计进度计划 2
第二章 设计说明书 3
2.1、建筑给水系统设计 3
2.1.1给水系统选择 3
1.《建筑给排水设计规范》规定: 4
2.1.2 给水系统组成 5
2.1.3 给水管道布置与安装 7
2.2建筑排水系统设计 7
2.2.1排水方式选择 7
2.2.2通气管选择 8
2.2.3 排水系统的组成 8
2.2.4卫生间及排水管道的布置和敷设 10
2.2.5检查口、清扫口、和检查井的设置 12
2.3 消火栓系统设计 12
2.3.1 消火栓给水系统的组成 13
2.3.2 室外消火栓 13
2.3.3 室内消火栓 14
2.3.4 消防给水管道 14
2.4建筑自动喷水灭火系统 14
2.4.1 自动喷水灭火系统的组成 15
2.4.2 自动喷水灭火系统的具体布置形式 15
2.5建筑雨水系统设计 15
2.5.1 雨水排水系统的选择 17
2.5.2 雨水内排水系统的组成 18
2.6各系统管道材料的选择 18
第三章 设计计算说明书 18
3.1给水系统 20
3.1.1室内给水系统的计算 20
3.1.2地下室贮水池容积 20
3.1.3水力计算 20
3.1.4 水表的选择 26
3.1.5 地下室给水泵计算 27
3.2排水系统 27
3.2.1 设计秒流量的计算 28
3.2.2 排水管网水力计算 33
3.2.3集水井容积的计算 33
3.3消火栓系统 33
3.3.1 消防水池 35
3.3.2 屋顶消防水箱 35
3.3.3 消火栓的布置 39
3.3.4 水力计算 39
3.3.5 地下室消防泵计算 39
3.3.6 水泵接合器设置 39
3.4、自动喷水灭火系统 39
3.4.1自动喷淋灭火系统的基本数据 40
3.4.2 喷头的选用与布置 40
3.4.3系统的设计流量 41
3.4.4水力计算(作用面积法) 42
3.4.5 喷淋系统水泵选择 44
3.5 雨水系统 44
3.5.1降水强度 44
参考文献 47
致 谢 48