A high-rise commercial and residential plumbing design
Abstract:The design of a floor to the ground five layer for the municipal pipe networkdirect supply, six to sixteen layers of variable frequency pump water supplywater supply mode. Direct introduction pipe part is connected with a DN150 from the municipal water supply pipe network, the other two DN100 into thepipe connected to the underground pool of life and fire water tank. The pool of life and fire water tank with brick concrete structure, in the basement. Water use of sewage, waste water sewage system. Ventilation tube adopt specific vent stack ventilation. Pump drainage channel by pooling discharged to theunderground sewage well, the submersible sewage pump up and drained to the inspection well after a septic tank into the municipal drainage pipe. Buildingsix layer and above the sewage pipes in five layers of the ceiling, the sewagecollection pipe properly discharged into the drainage pipe after. Roof rainwaterdischarge of gravity type drainage systems, rainwater collected from the roof rain water bucket rain water pipe break.
According to the specification, the building is a building, belonging to moderate risk level. Indoor fire hydrant flow 30L/s, outdoor 30L/s. Full water columnlength is 25m 12M, hose, gun nozzle flow 5.2L/s, riser diameter DN100,DN150. In the top set test fire a, each indoor hydrant box are equipped withremote start the fire pump button.
The building adopts wet type automatic sprinkler system, alarm valve is arranged on the floor, each layer shall be provided with flow indicator, terminal testing device and signal valve, the signals are sent to the fire control centerfor processing. The system is divided into 3 districts of this engineering firesprinkler. The roof water tank of 18 cubic meters for fire water tank, storageautomatic water spraying 10min water fire extinguishing system, indoor fire hydrant system. The early automatic sprinkler system and fire hydrant fire system from a water tank water supply, fire pump and later by flowing water supply basement.
Keywords: water supply system, drainage system, fire hydrant system,automatic sprinkler system, rain water system [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 给排水工程设计任务书 1
1.1 工程概况 1
1.2设计依据 1
1.3 设计内容 1
1.4设计图纸及要求 1
1.4.1撰写开题报告(综述) 1
1.4.2设计说明书 1
1.4.3图纸内容 2
1.4.4设计进度计划 2
第二章 设计说明书 3 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
2.1给水系统 3
2.2排水系统 4
2.3消火栓给水系统 5
2.4自动喷淋系统 6
第三章 计算说明书 7
3.1给水系统 7
3.1.1用水量计算 7
3.1.2室内给水管网水力计算 8
3.1.3设备的计算与选择 16
3.1.4 生活贮水池容积计算 16
3.2排水系统 17
3.2.1卫生器具排水定额及排水管道设计秒流量公式的确定 17
3.2.2建筑内排水管道计算 17
3.2.3化粪池设计计算 38
3.3消火栓系统 38
3.3.1室内消火栓系统布置 39
3.3.2校核 39
3.3.3减压设置 43
3.3.4消防水箱 43
3.3.5消防贮水池 44
3.4自动喷水灭火系统 44
3.4.1自动喷水灭火给水系统计算 44 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
3.4.2减压孔板计算 48
3.4.3水泵接合器 49
3.5雨水排水系统 49
3.5.1 降雨强度的确定 49
3.5.2 雨水立管的布置及管径确定 49
4.1集水坑 49
参考文献 50
致 谢 51