摘 要
本设计是二十三层商住楼的建筑给排水设计,主要包括给水系统、排水系统、消防系统。本园区生活用水由地下生活水泵房供给,给水系统采用分区供水,地下一层到二层为一区,三层层到二十三层为二区,由生活水泵房中的微机变频调速水泵机组供水。排水系统采用 污、废水分流制,室内一层及以上污废水重力自流排入室外污水管道,地下室污废水采用潜水泵提升至室外污水井。污水经化粪池处理后,排入市政污水管。本建筑雨水采用内排雨水系统,屋面雨水经雨水斗和室内雨水管排至室外雨水检查井。本工程消火栓给水系统用水由地下消防水泵房供给。消防水池640m^3,与自动喷水系统合用。本工程消防系统为湿式系统,竖向分为两个区:地下一层至二层为低区;三至二十三层为高区。在本建筑西侧原有建筑二十三层顶设置消防水箱,供低区消火栓系统初期灭火用水,与喷洒系统合用。在建筑屋顶消防水箱间内设置消防水箱,供高区消火栓系统初期灭火用水,与喷洒系统合用。消火栓系统采用两路供水,水平管与竖向管构成环状。本工程地下及地上每层均设自动喷水灭火系统,系统用水由地下消防水泵房供给,与室内消火栓系统合用。消防泵房内设喷洒泵两台,一用一备。由湿式报警阀直接控制喷洒水泵启动。 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
给水排水工程;高层建筑;综合楼;自动喷水灭火系统 ;节能
This design is twenty-threelayer complex building of water supply and drainage design, including the water supply system, drainage system, fire control system. This park life underground life water pump water supply by water distribution system using zoning water, underground layer to nine layer skin, ten layer to for eighteen layers of two area, nineteen floors to 27 layer, the life for usurped the pump house microcomputer variable frequency speed pump unit water supply. Drainage system USES corrupt, wastewater confluence system, indoor layer and above unclean wastewater gravity artesian into outdoor sewage pipe, the basement unclean wastewater using submersible promoted to outdoor sewage well. The sewage is septic tank processing, into the municipal sewage pipe. This building rainwater drainage system adopted, roof in row by rainwater fights and indoor rain storm sewer line to outdoor rainwater inspection Wells. This engineering hydrant water system by underground fire water pump water supply. 648m3 fire-fighting for effective volume with automatic water spray system, operable. This engineering fire control system for wet system, vertical is divided into two areas: underground layer to five layers as low area; Six to 27 layer for high area. In this building west side top five original architecture set fire water tank, layer for low area fire hydrant system with spraying extinguishing water, initial share system. In building roof fire water tank fire water tank, installed between high area fire hydrant system for spraying extinguishing water, and initial share system. Fire hydrant system USES two road with water, horizontal air-water vertical tube constitute a ring. This engineering underground and the ground each floor are set automatic sprinkler system, the system of water from underground fire water supply pump, and indoor fire hydrant system share. Fire pump room equipped with spray pump for two, one a. Wet-type alarm valve by spraying water pump start-up direct control. This engineering automatic sprinkler system can be divided into two areas: vertical underground layer to twolayers as low area; [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
Key words:
Water Supply and Drainage Engineering ;high rise building ;
Tall University Building ;automatic sprinkling system ;
energy conservation
摘 要 4
引 言 6
第1部分 方案设计说明书 6
1、概述 6
1.1工程概况 6
1.2设计依据 6
1.3设计内容 7
2、设计方案说明 7
2.1给水系统 7
2.2消防给水系统 8
2.3排水系统 9
第2部分 设计计算书 10
1、室内给水系统的计算 10
1.1给水定额及时变化系数 10
1.2室内给水管网水力计算 11
2、室内消火栓给水系统的计算 16
2.1消火栓的保护半径 16 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
2.2消火栓口所需压力 16
2.3低区消火栓管网的水力计算 17
2.4低区消防水泵的选择 19
2.5高区消火栓管网的水力计算 19
2.6高区消防水泵的选择 21
2.7消火栓及自动喷淋系统增压装置的设计 21
2.8水泵接合器的确定 22
3自动喷淋系统的计算 22
3.1 自动喷淋灭火系统的基本数据 22
3.2 喷头的布置 23
3.3作用面积划分 23
3.4水力计算(采用作用面积) 23
3.5校核 25
3.6喷洒泵的选型 26
4.室内排水系统的计算 26
4.1 建筑内部排水系统的计算 26
4.2屋顶雨水系统 31
4.3地下层集水坑排水 33
5. 致谢.....34