
摘 要
Cross-border e-business in China is estimated to reach 6.5 trillion RMB (US$1.02 trillion) in 2016, with an increase of 30% growth rate and 20% in the ratio of China’s total import and export trade, according to Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOC). It boosted the exports of small and medium-sized enterprises and played a positive role in job creation. At present, more than 200,000 companies are running cross-border e-commerce businesses in China via 5,000-plus e-commerce platforms. Take apparel products for instance, nearly 40% of apparel products sold in the US are imported from China. In the US apparel counts for only 3% of the total B2B ecommerce.
On the other hand, with the tendency that Chinese consumers have a increasing demand for foreign goods over the years, and many buy these via overseas online shopping platforms or through purchasing agents. The China E-Commerce Research Center (CECRC) predicted the number of China’s haitao shoppers to increase from 18 million in 2014 to 35.6 million by 2018, with the amount spent growing from 150 billion (RMB) in 2014 to 1 trillion (RMB) in 2018.
Using the figures given above, it can be easily seen that cross-border e-commerce is being fast forwarded at an unprecedented speed under the rapid development of internet technology and domestic e-commerce. It’s incomparable flexibility and low cost served as a big plus on bringing up tremendous challenges and immeasurable opportunities to the traditional international trade at the same time. Therefore, study and discussion on cross border e-commerce has grown to be a fascinating topic in the field of trade and academic research both internationally and domestically.
Under such circumstances, based on the comparative advantage theory and other economic theories, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the four main aspects of payment, logistics, taxation and legal system of China's cross-border e-commerce.
The status quo of the development and research of the global and domestic e-commerce and it’s mutual comparison have been summarized after a large number ofrelevant literatures, research reports had been studied, combined with the reality oftrade practice, the modification has been made finally. The hope is to find some existing problems, and actively explore the possible optimal solutions in order to better promote the prosperity and development of cross-border e-commerce in our country. [来源:]
Keywords: Cross border; E-commerce; International trade
摘 要 I
Abstract I
第一章 研究背景 1
一、研究意义和目的 1
二、研究现状 2
(一)国内研究现状和特点 2
(二)国外研究现状和特点 3
三、研究思路和方法 4
二、创新点与不足 5
(一)本文的创新点 5
(二)本文不足点 5
第二章 跨境电子商务概念和理论 6
一、跨境电子商务的概念与特点 6
(一)跨境电子商务的概念 6
(二)跨境电子商务的特点 6
二、跨境电子商务的兴起背景 7
三、相关涉及理论 7
(一)交易费用理论 7
(二)竞争优势理论 8
第三章 跨境电子商务的发展 9
一、国外跨境电子商务发展现状及特点 9
(一)市场规模的急剧扩大 9
(二)地域局限的消除 9
(三)电商领域的大宗并购加剧垄断效应 10
二、国内跨境电子商务发展现状及特点 10
(一)我国跨境电子商务的发展历程 10
(二)我国跨境电子商务发展特点 11
三、中国跨境电商的发展对传统外贸产业的影响 12
(一)跨境电商与传统外贸的特点对比 12
(三)跨境电商对传统外贸的影响 13
第四章 中国跨境电子商务现存的主要问题及原因分析 16
一、跨境电子商务的支付问题 16
(一)跨境支付欺诈问题 16
(二)物流原因而导致的支付问题 17
(三)国际结汇中的限额问题导致的支付问题 17
(四)国际间各国政策、文化和语言不同导致的支付问题 21
二、跨境电子商务中的税收问题 21 [版权所有:]
(一)跨国贸易征税信息的取得难度较大 21
(二)税源监控存在很多的薄弱环节 22
(三)跨境电商存在的逃税问题 23
三、 跨境电子商务中所面对的法律问题 25
(一)关于相关立法方面存在的问题 25
(二)关于相关执法方面存在的问题 26
(三)关于相关监管方面所面临的问题 27
(四)关于相关纠纷的类型,特点及目前相关解决方式 27
四、跨境电子商务中面对的物流问题 30
(一)跨境物流概述 30
(二)跨境物流的特点以及现状 31
(三)跨境电商的物流困境 32
(四)跨境电商的物流解决对策探讨 33
五、相关专业人才的欠缺 34
六、相关IT安全技术亟待提升 34
第五章 国外跨境电子商务的经验借鉴 36
一、几大跨境电商发达国的现行促进政策经验分析 36 [来源:]
(一) 各国协定和政策上的调整经验 36
(二)各国对支付体系的风险控制经验 36
(三)信息技术的提升,以及与相关组织合作机制的经验 37
(四)跨境物流运输体系的规模度和专业度的经验 37
(五)支付信用体系的完善的经验 37
二、综合各国经验对我国跨境电商发展的启发 38
(一)争取国际商务合作规则制定权 38
(二)思索定位我国自己的发展模式 38
(三)市场和政府职责的明晰 38
(四)跨行业合作的加强以及资源整合效率的提升 38
(五)加强信息平台工作进一步的透明化和效率 39
第六章 中国跨境电子商务发展的对策建议 40
一、以促进跨境电商发展为导向的传统贸易模式的调整 40
(一)角色的重新定位 40
(二)小批量生产的尝试 41
二、通关方面的对策建议 41
三、税务方面的对策建议 42
四、支付问题的对策建议 42
五、物流方面的对策建议 43
结语 44
参考文献 45
致 谢 47