
传统的人力资源业务模块中,人员招聘、薪资发放、社会保险办理、人事档案托管均是事务性和重复性的工作,这些工作在企业内部均属于非盈利性业务,都是基础性的支持性工作。根据核心竞争力理论,企业应减少非核心业务的投入,最大限度的摆脱非核心业务的束缚,要集中优势专注在有利于企业发展的核心业务。美国著名的管理学家德鲁克曾经说过:“任何企业中仅做后台支持而不创造营业额的工作都应该外包出去,任何不提供向高级发展的机会、活动和业务也应该采用外包形式。” 外包服务业务在各个行业均有不错的业务空间与市场。
招聘流程外包(Recruitment Process Outsourcing,文中简称RPO)业务, 是指企业把它内部招聘的整个流程或部分流程外包给专业的人力资源服务公司。所谓整个流程是指从职位需求确定到用人理念分析、用人标准制定、寻访渠道布局、简历甄选评估、人才筛选测评、面试流程管理、录用审批管理,直至候选人报到入职等所有环节。RPO业务在帮助企业提高招聘效率、节约招聘成本、完成招聘任务方面具有专业的服务优势。“RPO服务在国外市场已经非常普遍,美国大概有85%的企业进行人力资源服务外包,全球500强企业中的大部分都习惯采用RPO服务模式”。 在国际化和全球化的趋势刺激影响下,在中国RPO服务也越来越备受企业管理者的青睐,正以一种崭新的姿态呈现在中国众多企业面前。
以“流程再造”理论闻名的哈佛大学教授迈克尔•哈默认为,一个流程就是一组能够为客户创造价值的相互关联的活动进程 。一个单独的活动很难创造价值,只有将所有活动一起放在一个整体框架里进行协作配合才能创造价值,这个整体框架就是一个流程,这就是RPO业务流程的服务价值。
M公司服务标准与流程在国际上处于领先地位,但中国本土化只有二十多年的时间,随着中国90年代后经济突飞猛进的发展要求,没有更多的时间可以考虑国际服务流程标准与本土化需求中间存在着的差异,为了快速适应中国市场的需要,最大规模的占领市场地位,M公司开展了许多举措。M公司RPO服务在中国的业务发展属于实践创新型业务,在这种情况下,不断地探寻与完善,不断地发现问题、解决问题、预测问题,不断进行流程优化与再造是持续的课题。 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
通过诊断发现,M公司RPO服务流程中,时效性没有优势,以互联网研发职位为例,初级职位的招聘周期需要30天,中级职位的招聘周期需要45天,高级职位的招聘周期需要60天;与自主招聘的企业对比,效率一般,没有绝对优势,且企业内部推荐渠道得到大力激励,使得招聘准确性相当高,好的企业内部推荐渠道的占比达到40%以上,从成本效益方面看这冲击了RPO服务商一部分的价值。当下,人力资源市场非常活跃,乙方转向甲方是RPO从业者的择业趋势,M公司内部招也面临着招聘顾问流失与缺乏培养的问题,内外部的冲击与压力是M公司不得不考虑的因素。 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
关键词:人力资源 招聘流程外包(RPO) 业务流程再造(BPR)
In the past two decades, with the rapid development of China's economy and the expansion of domestic enterprises, the demand for talent recruitment has also shown an explosive growth. The competition of enterprises is more and more reflected in the competition of talents. As the most competitive resource, human resource has gradually become an important part of enterprise core competitiveness.
In the traditional human resource business module, there are more transactional and repetitive tasks, such as salary payment, personnel recruitment, social insurance handling and personnel file hosting, etc.
According to the basic theory of core competence, the enterprise should be the maximum cast off the yoke of the non-core business, reduce the number of non-core business investment, focus on advantage focus on is conducive to the development of the enterprise's core business. The management of the famous American scientist drucker once said: "any only do back without producing turnover should be outsourced, any activity to senior development opportunities are provided, and the business should also adopt outsourcing form."
Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) refers to the Outsourcing of the whole Process or part of the Process to the outside professional human resource service company. From the entire process refers to the job requirements to determine the concept of choose and employ persons, demand direction, standard of choose and employ persons, resume filtering, talent assessment, the interview process, the hiring process, until the candidate report to all of the link. The RPO business has professional service advantages in helping enterprises to improve recruitment efficiency, save recruitment costs and complete recruitment tasks. RPO service is very common in foreign markets. About 85% of enterprises in the United States are outsourcing human resource services. Most of the global 500 companies are accustomed to adopting RPO service mode. Now, with the trend of internationalization and globalization continuously strengthen, RPO service is becoming more and more popular in China, with the development of a new mode of present many enterprises in China.
Standing in the point of view of the human resource service company of RPO business, enterprise customers most attracted to its core superiority lies in standardization project process and professional service team, mature RPO service manages the whole process of enterprise recruitment, including employer brand management, the management of the internal and external recruitment channels, recruitment strategy management, a direct search for senior personnel, the interview screening, hiring negotiation processes, excessive entry process, probation, etc. Thus, the key core of RPO business lies in the management of the process.
According to Michael hammer, a harvard professor who is well known for his "reengineering process" theory, a process is a set of interconnected activities that can create value for customers. There is no single activity that creates value, and only when all activities are put together in an overall framework to create value, the overall framework is a process. This is the business value of the RPO business services company. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
M company is a world famous with 70 years of experience in human resources services company, the company's annual revenues of more than $22 billion, as the world's groundbreaking hr solutions leader, M company hired by employers to provide covers the entire life cycle and business cycle is a series of services, including talents recommendation service, temporary and contract dispatch service, staff assessment and selection, training services, to change your job recommendation service, outsourcing and consulting services, etc.
M RPO business started late in China, but nearly 10 years of business development in the fastest and largest scale expansion, its provides human resources services market type of business service mode, service standard and the concrete operation process of practice, in reference to the standardization of global foreign service mode, and greater combined with Chinese national conditions, creatively develops a lot of customized service, compared with European and American enterprises, Chinese enterprises adopt RPO service has obvious characteristic, most of Europe and the United States enterprise itself has built a large number of processes, therefore in the outsourcing process, human resources service provider first completed work is just the process reengineering, the road has built like, just after a large number of sports car specification management, but Chinese companies are very different, the vast majority of Chinese enterprises, even new ground of European and American companies in China, the process has not yet been built, which means the road is not, because business needs, has to a large number of sports car, which makes Chinese RPO business services must be guided by the results. No matter what the road is, the delivery of people is in place first. Therefore, the enterprise's satisfaction with RPO service is mainly based on timeliness and accuracy. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Through detection, M RPO service process, timeliness no advantage, in research and development of the Internet job, for example, entry-level position recruitment cycle takes 30 days, the intermediate position of hiring cycle need 45 days, senior position recruitment period to 60 days; Compared with the independent recruitment of enterprise, efficiency in general, there is no absolute advantages, and enterprise internal referral channels have strong incentive, make hiring accuracy is quite high, good internal accounted for 40% more than the recommended channel, in terms of cost and benefit that more or less impact on the value of the part RPO service providers. At present, the human resources market is very active, party b to party a is the trend of profession practitioner RPO, M company's internal recruitment consultant also facing loss and training problems, internal and external impact and pressure are factors to consider.
To improve the competitiveness of the RPO service to promote the progress of M company, we must re-create the existing process. When it comes to business process reengineering, the BPR theory proposed by Professor Michael hammer and Professor James champy is to be mentioned. This theory born in the late 20th century, when the enterprise is faced with a variety of crisis and the difficulties, while some leading enterprises rely on the successful implementation of process reengineering BPR theory, finally from good to great. [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
The core of process reengineering is the business process of customer satisfaction. Based on the successful reconstruction of BPR theory, the following basic process improvement principles should be followed: 1.Eliminate waste; 2.Reduce waste;3. Simplify the process; 4. Possible combination of process steps when needed; 5. Design process with optional path; 6. Parallel thinking; 7. Collect data at the data source; 8. Application of information technology improvement process; 9. Involve the user in process reorganization.
Combined with BPR technology, theory and practice of M company in the customer to choose, the division of business support team organizational structure, employee motivation, optimal allocation of resources, etc. Put forward the corresponding optimization measures, to improve project process and delivery of quality service, implementation services quickly reach recruitment requirements.
Keywords: Human Resource, RPO , BPR
第1章 绪论 11 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
1.1选题背景 11
1.2研究目的与意义 12
1.2.1 研究目的 12
1.2.2 研究意义 13
1.3研究方法 14
1.4论文的创新点 14
1.5论文结构 15
第2章 相关文献综述 17
2.1 RPO的相关研究综述 17
2.1.1 RPO的概念 17
2.1.2 RPO的服务类型 18
2.1.3 RPO在中国发展与服务现状概述 20
2.2 BPR的相关理论 21
2.2.1 BPR的概念 21
2.2.2 BPR理论的基本原则 22
2.2.3 国内外学者对BPR理论的研究 22
2.2.4 BPR理论的实践方法 26
2.3 本章小结 26
第3章 M公司RPO业务介绍 28
3.1 M公司及其RPO业务介绍 28
3.2 M公司RPO业务概述 30
3.2.1 服务业务基本流程 30 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
3.2.2 业务标准化流程 30
3.2.3 M公司外部环境分析 34
3.2.4 M公司内部环境分析 35
3.3 本章小结 36
第4章 M公司RPO业务中存在的问题与原因分析 37
4.1 诊断业务服务流程存在的问题 37
4.1.1 项目交付质量问题 37
4.1.2 项目交付时效问题 40
4.1.3 流程分工问题 42
4.1.4招聘顾问流失问题 43
4.2 分析RPO业务流程问题的原因 44
4.2.1 项目管理机制不完善 44
4.2.2员工保留与培养不完善 45
4.2.3 多渠道资源库挖掘不强 45
4.2.4 招聘流程系统效率不高 46
4.3 本章小结 47
第5章 M公司基于BPR理论的业务服务流程再造 48
5.1 M公司服务流程再造目标 48
5.2 M公司流程再造内容 49
5.2.1 组织结构再造 49 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
5.2.2 绩效管理与培训发展再造 51
5.2.3 流程管理再造 53
5.2.4 招聘管理系统 61
5.3 业务服务流程改进效果评估 62
5.4 本章小结 64
第6章 研究结论与展望 65
6.1 研究结论 65
6.2 论文不足之处与未来展望 66 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]