
摘 要:传统观念认为,违反组织正式规则通常被认为是员工出于愤怒或自利的原因或不认同组织目标所表现出的不当行为。然而,与将员工视为自利者相反,已有文献表明员工做出违规行为的动机也可能是建设性的,如为顾客提供更优质的服务、提升自身的工作效率、帮助同事更高效的完成工作等等,他们做出此种行为的出发点是为了组织获利,而对自己很少或没有任何好处且可能会存在一定的风险性(如组织惩罚,或者更差的绩效考核结果)。因此,对员工而言,亲社会性违规行为实际上是一种道德选择困境:在特定情境下,是为了最大化组织利益而违背组织规则,还是为了免受责罚而遵循组织既定的规章制度?同时,对组织而言,当员工为获得重要顾客的认可和组织绩效的提高而违背了组织规则时,组织该给予该员工奖励还是惩罚?这对企业者来说是一个难题。因此探究员工亲社会性违规行为的产生机理是十分必要的。
本研究以社会交换理论为基础,依托543份有效问卷探讨了中国管理情境下员工感知的高绩效工作系统对员工亲社会性违规行为的影响机制。实证结果表明:(1)员工感知的高绩效工作系统对员工亲社会性违规行为有显著正向影响; (2)组织支持感在员工感知的高绩效工作系统和员工亲社会性违规行为之间起部分中介作用;(3)工具型和关爱型道德气氛正向调节组织支持感与员工亲社会性违规行为之间的关系,且正向调节员工感知的高绩效工作系统与员工亲社会性违规行为之间经由组织支持感的间接效应;(4)规则型道德气氛负向调节组织支持感与员工亲社会性违规行为之间的关系,且负向调节组织支持感在员工感知的高绩效工作系统与员工亲社会性违规行为间的中介作用。本研究丰富了员工感知的高绩效工作系统对亲社会性违规行为的作用机制和影响边界,同时对组织实施的高绩效工作系统具有一定的指导意义。
A research on the relationships between high performance work systems and Pro-Social Rule Breaking
Abstract: Conventional wisdom holds that violations of the organization’s formal rules are often considered to be due to employees’ anger or self-interest or disapproval of organizational goals. However, contrary to the perception of employees as self-interested, existing literature suggests that employees may be constructive in their motivation for making irregularities, such as providing better services to customers, improving their work efficiency, and helping colleagues to be more efficient. The starting point for them to make such behavior is to maximize organizational interests, having little or no benefit to themselves even may have certain risks (such as organizational punishment, or worse performance appraisal results). Therefore, for employees, pro-social rule-breaking behavior (PSRB) are actually a kind of ethical dilemma: Under certain circumstances, is it to break organizational rules in order to maximize organizational interests, or to follow established organizational rules and regulations in order to avoid punishment? The decision of whether or not to reward employees who break organizational rules to satisfy customers or improve organizational performance is a difficult problem for business managers. At the same time, it is necessary for researchers to explore the mechanism of employees' PSRB at the theoretical level. [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
Based on social exchange theory, using a sample of 543 Chinese workers, this study examines the effect of perceived High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) on PSRB. The results indicate that: (1)Employees' perceptions of HPWS are positively related to employees' PSRB; (2)The relationship between employees' perceptions of HPWS and PSRB was partially moderated by employees' perceived organizational support (POS); (3)an organization's instrumental ethical climate and caring ethical climate positively moderate the relationship between POS and PSRB, as well as the indirect effect of HPWS on PSRB through POS; (4) an organization's rules ethical climate negatively moderates the relationship between POS and PSRB, as well as the indirect effect of HPWS on PSRB through POS. This research describes the mechanism through which perceived HPWS influence PSRB, as well as boundary conditions influencing this relationship. Guidance is also provided to managers regarding the implementation of HPWS.
This thesis contains 12 charts, 32 tables, 139 references. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
Keywords: perceived high performance work systems; perceived organizational support; pro-social rule-breaking behavior; organizational ethical climate
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 研究内容 3
1.3 研究方法 3
1.4 研究整体思路与框架 4
1.5 预期创新点 5
第二章 文献综述 7
2.1 高绩效工作系统 7
2.1.1 高绩效工作系统的内涵 7
2.1.2 高绩效工作系统的构成与测量 8
2.1.3 高绩效工作系统的影响研究 12
2.2 员工亲社会性违规行为 16
2.2.1 员工亲社会性违规行为的内涵 16
2.2.2 员工亲社会性违规的构成与测量 17
2.2.3 员工亲社会性违规行为的影响研究 19
2.3 组织支持感 22
2.3.1 组织支持感的内涵 22
2.3.2 组织支持感的结构与测量 23
2.3.3 组织支持感的影响研究 24
2.4 组织道德气氛 28
2.4.1 组织道德气氛的内涵 28
2.4.2 组织道德气氛的构成与测量 30
2.4.3 组织道德气氛的影响研究 31
第三章 研究假设与理论模型 35
3.1 理论模型 35
3.2 研究假设 36
3.2.1员工感知的高绩效工作系统和员工亲社会性违规行为 36
3.2.2 组织支持感的中介作用 37
3.2.3 组织道德气氛的调节作用 38
第四章 研究设计与数据收集 43
4.1 问卷设计 43
4.1.1 问卷的基本内容 43
4.1.2 问卷设计过程 43
4.2 变量测量 44
4.3 样本数据的收集与分析 45
4.3.1 调查对象与方法 45
4.3.2 数据收集情况汇总 45
4.3.3 样本特征分析 45
第五章 实证研究及结果 49
5.1 信效度检验 49
5.1.1 信度分析 49
5.1.2 效度分析 50
5.1.3 共同方法偏差检验 54
5.2 研究模型假设检验 55
5.2.1 描述性统计和相关系数分析 55
5.2.2 回归分析及假设检验 57
5.2.3 假设检验结果 61
第六章 研究结论与展望 63
6.1 研究结论和理论贡献 63
6.1.1 研究结论和讨论 63
6.1.2 理论贡献和价值 63
6.2 研究的实践意义 64
6.3 研究局限和展望 65
参考文献 67