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摘  要



Real estate industry is facing financing problems and countermeasures of China
The real estate industry is the pillar industry of China's national economy , the real estate industry for nearly 10 years, greatly boosted the development of China's economic development , led to the development of the tertiary industry , to a certain extent, solve the difficult employment , housing demand big problem . However, compared to the developed financial markets and monetary policy , China's real estate financial market , there are still a large gap between the real estate financing systems are still inadequate , so the study of real estate financing has very important theoretical and practical significance , regardless , I can solve the current problems of real estate financing in order to be able to promote their healthy development .


Real estate companies operating a wide range of large-scale investment , the amount of investment required large number of self-funded real estate companies often can not meet the production and reproduction of capital chain , can not effectively support the healthy development of enterprises. Corporate finance is to solve the shortage of funds in the investment process is a very important channel of China's current real estate business financing approaches most nearly to diversify its financing include: bank loans, real estate trusts, bond financing , equity financing , real estate funds and other financing, although the real estate financing is geared towards diversification, but coordination between its financing and other issues are still not well resolved.
Firstly, the country 's real estate financing are outlined under the premise of the capital structure theory and the efficient market theory, and on some of the issues currently exist in China's real estate elaborated on the current financing of the real estate business environment SWOT analysis , but also on the causes of these problems still exist were analyzed on a typical a real estate enterprises in the case studies, analyzes a real estate business is problematic because the existence of the problem and put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions ; against the current Chinese real estate causes of the problems and issues presented from the effective explore various financing channels , improve the policy system of financing the real estate industry , real estate corporate finance capabilities to improve three aspects are discussed , so our suggestions and views of real estate financing.


This paper aims to combine theory and real estate practice methods to reduce the difficulties which our real estate corporate finance issues and high financing risk for the sustainable development of the real estate business to provide a new way of thinking and new ways to achieve the best corporate finance optimization, lowest cost , lowest risk option.
Innovation of this paper is mainly for China's real estate business problems in financing policies , financing systems , financing capability analyzed and discussed .
Keywords:The real estate industry; financing; SWOT analysis; capital structure      

目   录
摘  要    - 1 -
ABSTACT    - 2 -
1绪论    - 1 -
1.1 选题背景与研究意义    - 1 -
1.1.1 选题背景    - 1 -
1.1.2 研究目的及意义    - 1 -
1.2 文献综述    - 2 -
1.3 研究方法与内容    - 2 -


1.3.1 研究内容    - 2 -
1.3.2 研究方法    - 5 -
2 房地产行业融资概念及理论基础    - 5 -
2.1 房地产行业融资概述    - 5 -
2.1.1 融资及房地产融资界定    - 5 -
2.1.2 房地产融资特征及原则    - 6 -
2.2 房地产行业融资理论基础    - 7 -
2.2.1 资本结构理论    - 7 -
2.2.2 有效市场理论    - 8 -
3 中国房地产融资现状及存在问题分析    - 9 -
3.1 中国房地产业发展状况    - 9 -
3.1.1 房地产行业融资发展历程    - 9 -
3.1.2 房地产市场供需情况分析    - 11 -
3.1.3 房地产行业格局分析    - 12 -
3.2 中国房地产融资现状分析    - 14 -
3.2.1 融资环境SWOT分析    - 14 -
3.2.2 主要的融资模式分析    - 15 -
3.3 中国房地产行业融资中存在问题及原因分析    - 16 - [来源:]
3.3.1 融资过分依赖银行贷款,渠道单一    - 16 -
3.3.2 融资中介服务机构缺乏,体系不完善    - 17 -
3.3.3 融资金融监管力度不够,调控缺失    - 18 -
4 案例分析——以A房地产开发企业为例    - 19 -
4.1 A房地产公司融资基本情况1800    - 19 -
4.1.1 企业简介    - 19 -
4.1.2 企业融资发展历程    - 19 -
4.1.3 企业融资现状    - 20 -
4.2 A房地产公司融资存在问题及原因分析    - 21 -
4.2.1 企业融资存在问题    - 21 -
4.2.2 企业融资存在问题原因分析    - 22 -
4.3 A房地产公司融资创新    - 25 -
4.3.1 融资改进方向    - 25 -
4.3.2 融资问题解决及创新    - 25 -
5 中国房地产行业融资对策及建议    - 26 -
5.1 有效开拓多种融资渠道    - 26 -
5.1.1 开拓房地产信托融资渠道    - 26 - [资料来源]
5.1.2 鼓励有限合伙制等各类私募基金的发展    - 27 -
5.1.3 资产证券化    - 27 -
5.1.4 积极推动企业在境内外发行企业债    - 28 -
5.1.5 保险资金进入住宅融资市场    - 28 -
5.1.6 大力推行融资租赁方式    - 29 -
5.2 完善地产行业融资政策体系    - 29 -
5.2.1 完善融资产业政策    - 29 -
5.2.2 完善融资金融政策    - 30 -
5.2.3 完善融资税收政策    - 30 -
5.3 完善房地产行业信用体系建设    - 30 -
5.4 提高房地产企业融资能力    - 31 -
5.4.1 合理选择融资模式    - 31 -
5.4.2 争取融资多元化发展    - 31 -
5.4.3 争取上市拓展融资渠道    - 32 -
6 结论    - 32 -
6.1 总结    - 32 -
6.2 对未来的展望    - 33 -
参考文献    - 34 -
致谢    - 36 -


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