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Research on Innovation of Small and Small Enterprise Credit Products
摘  要
由此,文章根据金融的革新理念、信息的不对称理念、信贷的配给理念以及企业的金融成长周期理念,使用文献分析法,统计分析法等等的探究方式,由金融创新的视角,对国内小微企业的信贷产品的创新采取系统的解析。文章对国内外的探究进展进行整理,对小微企业信贷产品创新的有关理念采取定义,分析国内商业银行展开小微企业信贷产品创新的必重要性。随后解析国内小微企业信贷产品创新的现状,指出国内商业银行在小微企业信贷产品创新同质化严重、风险防范机制不完善、创新服务保障体制不完善等等问题,且对问题产生的因素采取探究。以国内外优秀经验作为参考,联合国内商业银行成长的真实状况,给出促使小微企业信贷产品创新成长的意见以及策略:商业银行要细致划分市场、激励技术成长;建设全面的动态风险控制体制;提升小微企业信贷产品的订价力;增强小微企业的信用等级体制的构建;完备担保体制的构建;建立科学的小微企业信贷产品创新概念,加强小微企业的信贷业务投入。 [资料来源:]


In the domestic economy, Small and micro businesses occupies a very important position, a large number, wide distribution, variety, more active in regulating and constructing a complete industrial processing, personnel employment, promoting the process of urbanization and has irreplaceable effect, make an important contribution to the economic growth and the progress of the society, the Party's eighteen clearly pointed out the need to grow Small and micro businesses. However, the domestic small and micro enterprises for a long time to face the situation of financing difficulties, bank credit financing has become the main reason for the growth of small and micro enterprises hinder the growth of small and micro enterprises. At the same time, with the continuous integrity of the domestic financial system, the competition between commercial banks is becoming increasingly fierce, the potential of small and micro enterprises gradually become the main target of commercial banks to snatch. Small and micro enterprise credit business has obvious characteristics, the traditional credit system can not meet the requirements of the market, commercial banks, small and micro enterprise credit product innovation, must be launched immediately.


Thus, according to the financial innovation theory, information asymmetry theory, credit rationing theory and enterprise financial growth cycle theory, using literature analysis method, statistical analysis method and so on the inquiry, by the view of financial innovation, the innovation of domestic Small and micro businesses credit products adopt system analysis. This paper reviews the research progress at home and abroad, and defines the relevant concepts of small and micro enterprise credit product innovation, and analyzes the importance of the domestic commercial banks to expand the innovation of small and micro enterprises credit products. Then the status quo analysis credit product innovation of domestic Small and micro businesses, pointed out that the domestic commercial banks in Small and micro businesses credit product innovation homogeneity, risk prevention mechanism is not perfect, innovation service guarantee system is not perfect and so on, and the factors of the problems to explore. With excellent experience at home and abroad as reference, combined with the domestic commercial bank growth in the real situation, given to Small and micro businesses credit product innovation growth views and strategies: commercial banks should carefully dividing the market and incentive technology development; dynamic risk control system of comprehensive construction; enhance the Small and micro businesses credit product pricing; enhance the construction of small micro the enterprise credit rating system; establish a complete guarantee system; establish scientific Small and micro businesses credit product innovation concept, strengthen Small and micro businesses credit business investment.


Keywords: commercial bank, small and micro businesses, Credit products, innovate

目  录
第1章绪论    1
1.1 选题的背景及含义    1
1.1.1 选题背景    1
1.1.2 选题的含义    1
1.2 国内外研究状况    1
1.2.1 国外研究状况    1
1.2.2 国内探究状况    1
1.2.3 简要评析    1
1.3 探究思路以及探究方法    1
1.3.1 探究思路    1
1.3.2探究方法    1
1.4 创新点及不足    2
1.4.1 创新点    2
1.4.2 探究的不足之处    3
第2章银行小微企业信贷产品创新的相关理论    5
2.1 有关概念界定    5
2.1.1 小微企业的界定    5
2.1.2 金融创新的含义    5
2.1.3商业银行小微企业信贷产品创新的涵义    5
2.2国内商业银行小微企业信贷产品创新的重要性解析    6 [资料来源]
2.2.1 小微企业信贷融资状况    5
2.2.2 开展小微企业信贷产品创新的必然性    5
2.2.3商业银行开展小微企业信贷产品创新的含义    5
2.3 小微企业信贷产品创新的基本概念    6
2.3.1 金融商品创新概念    5
2.3.2 信息不对称概念    5
2.3.3信贷配给概念    5
2.3.4企业金融成长周期概念    5
2.4 小结    6
第3章我国商业银行小微企业信贷产品创新的现状    7
3.1 小微企业信贷产品创新的特点    7
3.1.1 成长速度快    7
3.1.2 明显的策略导向烙印    7
3.1.3 创新大多来源于传统产品的升级    7
3.2 小微企业信贷产品创新的分类    7
3.2.1 按成长阶段    7
3.2.2 按业务环节    7
3.3小微企业信贷产品创新的趋势    7
3.3.1 专营组织业务向基层零售化转移    7 [资料来源:]
3.3.2 科技型小微企业服务方兴未艾    7
3.3.3 互联网金融商品引导小微企业信贷产品创新潮流    7
3.4小结    8
第4章我国商业银行小微企业信贷产品创新存在的问题分析    9
4.1 主要问题    9
4.1.1 商品体制不完善    9
4.1.2 风险防范机制不完善    9
4.1.3创新商品定价力较弱    9
4.1.4创新服务保障体制不完善    9
4.1.5创新理念落后,小微企业信贷业务投入不足    9
4.2 存在问题的原因解析    9
4.2.1 市场需求多样化,创新技术落后    9
4.2.2 缺乏全面动态的风险管理措施    9
4.2.3缺乏科学的定价方法    9
4.2.4信用评级体制不完善,担保方式缺乏灵活性    9
4.2.5传统观念的影响根深蒂固    9
4.3 小结    9
第5章国外商业银行小微企业信贷产品创新的经验与启示    10 [资料来源:]
5.1 美国富国银行小微企业信贷产品创新的成功经验    10
5.1.1 富国银行小微企业信贷产品创新的基本状况    10
5.1.2 富国银行小微企业业务成长策略    10
5.1.3 对国内的启迪    10
5.2 英国渣打银行信贷产品创新的成功经验    11
5.2.1 渣打银行小微企业信贷产品创新的基本状况    10
5.2.2 渣打银行小微企业信贷产品创新的策略    10
5.2.3 对国内的启迪    10
5.3小结    11
第6章推进国内商业银行小微企业信贷产品创新成长的策略及意见    12
6.1 丰富商品体制,激励技术创新    12
6.1.1 细化市场,丰富小微企业信贷产品体制    12
6.1.2 积极张开技术创新行动,提高商业银行的中心角逐力    12
6.2 建设全面动态的风险控制体制    13
6.2.1 建设小微企业信贷产品创新风险控制的基本架构    13
6.2.2 研发小微企业信贷产品创新风险管理模组    13 [资料来源:]
6.3 提升小微企业信贷产品风险定价力    13
6.3.1 完整小微企业信贷产品定价制度    13
6.3.2 探寻小微企业信贷产品定价方法    13
6.4 加快小微企业信用评级体制建设,建立多层面的信贷担保体制    14
6.4.1 加快小微企业信用评级体制建设    13
6.4.2 完整小微企业信贷产品定价制度    13
6.5建立科学的创新理概念,加强小微企业信贷业务投入    14
6.5.1 建立科学的小微企业创新理念    13
6.5.2 增多小微企业信贷业务投入    13
6.6小结    14
第7章结论    15
参考文献    18
附录    19
致谢    20 [资料来源]

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