
Since has entered the new century, the century 50's baby booms is born the human along with our country in to march into gradually senior citizen's ranks.The so-called population aging, is refers to 60 years old of or 65 year old of above populations occupies the process in the total population which the proportion rises unceasingly. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization stipulated that, a country either the local 60 year old of above population occupy this national or the area gross population above 10%, either 65 year old of above population occupies this national or above area gross population 7%, then this country or the area entered the aging society. But China as early as oneself became the old age country in 1999, and entered the old age society. That is similar at present according to this standard our country to Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and so on many coastal developed areas and the city all already gradually is turning towards the aging city to make great strides forward, and along with the time passage estimated to 2040, our country's population problems of the aged could be more serious. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
The global trend toward an aging population growing in the background, the pension gap has become a global challenge. Gradually increase the funding gap has been the existing pension system has faced serious financial crisis. As a result of China's reform of its pension system to further deepen and the public financial system of the step-by-step establishment and perfection, and faced with the increasing severity of the pension gap, the author is of the opinion that it should be in the form of financial payment supplementary pension gap, with a view to resolving the pension gap. This paper attempts to from the financial pay supplementary pension gap of the theoretical basis and empirical analysis of pension gap solutions provide specific programs.
The pension gap question involves multily-disciplinary, the financial payment ability theoretical analysis and the actual material involve the theory to be many, therefore, this article synthesis utilized in the great microeconomics, the new system economic, the econometrics, the finance, the labor economics, statistics, the demography as well as the insurance actuarial science correlation theories has conducted the theory stratification plane research to the Chinese pension gap financial payment ability.At the same time, has utilized the theoretical analysis and the real diagnosis analysis unifies, by the quantitative analysis primarily, the method which the quantitative analysis and the qualitative analysis unify, emphasized prominently the Western economic theory and the Chinese realistic condition organic synthesis, to adjusted the expenditure structure atonement pension gap, the multi-channel collection pension and perfect and strategies and so on perfect multi-level old-age insurance plan has conducted the research. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Full text of the theoretical framework, from the Public Finance and intrinsically linked endowment insurance, and from the perspective of the financial ability to pay empirical research and normative analysis using a combination of methods for pension reform pension gap appears in the issue has been studied, obtained by adjusting the structure of fiscal expenditure and the use of enterprise annuity system and other measures to solve the pension gap in future periods conclusions. As I survey theoretical training and practical capacity constraints, and analyze the data in the reference data may occur when the situation is not fully profound.
关键词:The aging of the population; pension gap; fiscal payment; public finance; endowment insurance
目 录
第1章引言 1
1.1选题背景与研究意义 1
1.2研究文献综述 1
1.2.1国内外学者对于养老保险制度的研究 1
1.2.2国内外学者对于养老金缺口问题的研究 2 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
1.3 研究方法与研究思路 3
1.4创新与不足之处 3
第2章 我国养老金缺口的形成原因及现状综述 4
2.1我国养老金缺口的形成原因 4
2.1.1人口老龄化的概念与内涵 4
2.1.2人口老龄化越来越严重 4
2.1.3养老金制度存在一系列问题 6
2.1.4养老金管理意识不强 6
2.1.5养老金面临隐性养老金债务问题 7
2.2我国养老金缺口的现状 7
2.3专家学者对养老金缺口问题提出的对策和建议 7
2.3.1延迟退休 7
2.3.2增加个人缴费比例 8
2.3.3实施政府兜底政策 8
2.3.4投资金融市场 8
第3章 公共财政负担养老金的理论分析 9
3.1公共财政中的养老保险支出理论 9
3.1.1公共财政养老保险支出责任的界定 9
3.1.2数量的界定 10 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
3.1.3费率的界定 11
3.2养老保险经济学基础理论 13
3.2.1养老保险对经济影响的分析 13
3.2.2影响养老保险的经济因素分析 15
3.2.3经济增长有益于养老保险成本降低的分析 16
第四章 养老金缺口财政支付的实证分析 17
4.1 财政收支状况 17
4.2 财政负担养老金缺口现状 17
4.2.1 财政养老保险资金收支基本状况 18
4.2.2 养老金缺口现状 18
4.3 财政负担养老金缺口状况预测 19
4.4 财政支出结构调整中的养老金缺口支付能力 19
4.4.1 中国目前财政支出结构中存在问题 19
4.4.2调整支出结构解决养老金缺口的可行性 20
4.4.3 调整支出结构增强养老金缺口支付能力 20
4.5利用财政手段解决养老金缺口方案设计 21
4.5.1 方案一 21
4.5.1 方案二 22
第五章 中国解决养老金缺口的策略选择 24
5.1 调整财政支出结构弥补养老金缺口 24
5.1.1 规范公共财政支出范围 24
5.1.2 调整财政支出结构方向 24
5.2 多渠道筹集养老金 25
5.2.1国家财政支出 26
5.2.2国有资产收益分配来弥补 26
5.3健全与完善多层次的养老保险计划 27
研究结论 30