
The Investigation and improvement strategy of Regional Geography Inquiry Learning in Senior High School
摘 要
In recent years, the new curriculum reform has set off a hot wave, autonomy, cooperation, explore learning style, which is a new way of learning, as a new way of learning, has attracted the attention of front-line teachers. The application of inquiry learning method can make the students acquire knowledge, apply knowledge and solve problems. Inquiry learning has changed the previous teacher to teach, students learn the cramming method of teaching, lets the student through knowledge clues cooperation inquired into the problem to find the answer, and in the process of absorption, hold knowledge and achieve the purpose of the study. But it is not all the problems are suitable for inquiry learning mode, we should according to the students' cognitive basis to choose whether to use inquiry learning method, to achieve the real meaning of the study.
Geography is a basic subject, it has a very strong scientific, logical, regional, comprehensive. As the most important part of geography, regional geography plays a key role in the course of senior high school geography. Through the country geography questions, questions in regional geography as the carrier, with particular emphasis on regional test. Previous rote in regional geography study is easy to let the students floating to the knowledge of the surface, but no real understanding, so in regional geography study, explore learning method has become a new way, but how to choose the use of inquiry learning, and solve inquiry learning problem becomes the research object of this paper.
In this paper, based on the background of the new curriculum reform, through access to a large number of information, to fully understand the current situation of domestic and foreign research, right
This is a summary of the research, and then combined with the new curriculum standards to explore the connotation of inquiry learning, summed up its characteristics,This is the basis of analysis of the influence factors of inquiry learning, combined with the teaching content and objectives of high school geography teaching and the present situation of the high school geography teaching situation, and summarized and analyzed the existing problems in high school geography teaching. Based on the new geography curriculum standard, the constructivism theory and the system theory, this study puts forward the principles and specific measures to implement the inquiry learning in Senior High School District, namely, the implementation of the three dimensional objectives, the promotion of students' overall development, to take reasonable teaching methods and methods to improve the classroom interest. Then take "the regional agriculture development -- take the northeast area of our country as an example," this class design for example, how to carry out the inquiry teaching, carries on the example, in order to prove the inquiry teaching to the high school district geography teaching quality enhancement and the teaching efficiency enhancement to have the benefit. At last, the paper expounds the basic conclusion, the existing problems and the prospect of the future. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
Key word:Inquiry learning ;regional geographical ;improvement strategy
目 录
摘 要 II
Abstract II
目 录 II
第一章 绪论 2
一、 研究背景 2
(一)新课程改革对探究式学习的要求 2
(二)探究式教学在高中区域地理教学中的应用现状 2
二、 研究的意义 2
(一) 有利于促进地理新课改的顺利实施 2
(二) 有利于丰富高中区域地理探究式教学理论 2
(三)有利于教师区域地理教学技能的提高 2
(四) 有利于优化教师的区域地理教学策略,提高教学效率 2
三、国内外探究式学习的实践与发展 2
(一)国外探究式学习的研究与实践 2
(二)国内探究式学习的研究与实践 2
四、研究思路和内容框架 2
(一)思路 2
(二)内容框架 2
五、各种学习方法在区域地理中的应用情况 2
第二章 探究学习在区域地理教学中应用的可行性和必要性分析 2
一、 探究式教学在区域地理中应用的可行性分析 2
(一)探究式教学方法的内涵 2
(二) 高中区域地理的主要内容 2
(三) 探究式学习在高中区域地理中应用的可行性 2
二、 探究式教学在区域地理中应用的必要性分析 错误!未定义书签。
(一)探究式学习和区域地理的相互联系 错误!未定义书签。
(二)探究式学习在高中区域地理中应用的必要性 错误!未定义书签。
第三章 松原市髙中地理探究式学习实施现状的调查与分析 2
一、调查设计 2
(一)调查目旳 2
(二)调查对象 2
(三)调查内容与问题的编制 2
(四)调查与统计方法 2
二、调査的数据统计与结果分析 2
(一)区域地理学习中学生的探究意识 2
(二)探究式学习中“脑中地图”的构建情况 2
(三)学生对区域地理内容选择和特征的掌握情况 2
第四章 对策与建议 2
一、探究时要立足地图,培养学生运用地图、图表获取信息的综合能力 2
二、抓重点,掌握区域特征 2
三、立足试题,培养学生的综合探究能力 2
(一)区域地理命题的方式 2
(二)区域地理的考查特点 2
结 论 2
参考文献 2
附件 2