
——以 “江苏水利工程建设招投标公共服务平台”为例
On the Application of Electronic Tendering and Bidding Platform in the Promotion of Administrative Management Level ——“the Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform of Jiangsu Water Conservancy Project Construction” as An example
关键词:电子招投标平台 政务管理水平 提升
On the Application of Electronic Tendering and Bidding Platform in the Promotion of Administrative Management Level ——“the Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform of Jiangsu Water Conservancy Project Construction” as An example
With the rise and high-speed development concerning the informatization of e-government affairs and project management, defects of traditional tenders and bids using papers gradually emerge. Since Measures for Electronic Tendering and Bidding and Technical Specifications of Electronic Tendering and Bidding System were officially issued by National Development and Reform Commission with related departments, electronic tenders and bids have been popularized rapidly on a national scale, the platform of which, as a new media, gradually becomes a new-type information platform for tendering and bidding competent department to collect public opinions and post information as well as gives rise to the need of having new requirements for competent department’s administrative management level. [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
In this paper, based on e-government affairs, the rise of electronic tendering and bidding platform and its value in the aspect of improving administrative management level are narrated, which in detail conclude introducing main practices of current electronic rendering and bidding platform in the respect of promoting the level of administrative management with a certain platform as an example and analyzing electronic tendering and bidding platform problems and reasons in terms of lifting administrative management level to raise effective advice improving administrative management level. Through literature research method, interviewing method and empirical analysis method, the way to improve administrative management level by using electronic tendering and bidding platform is explored to draw a conclusion that our country should establish unified national guiding and coordinating organizations for electronic tendering and bidding as soon as possible, make and enact a authentication method for electronic rendering and bidding platforms as far as we can , and release technical standards and interface specifications and so on without delay to perfect platform construction and improve management level.
Keyword:electronic tendering and bidding platform, administrative management level, promotion
目 录
中文摘要 I
1 绪 论 4
1.1 选题的提出和研究意义 4
1.1.1选题背景 4
1.1.2 研究意义 5
1.2 文献综述 6
1.2.1对电子招投标平台相关概念的研究 6
1.2.2 电子招投标平台参与电子招投标政务管理的作用表现 6
1.2.3 电子招投标平台目前存在的问题 7
1.3 研究方法 8
1.3.1文献研究法 8
1.3.2访谈法 8
1.3.3实证分析法 8
1.4 研究内容 9
2 电子招投标平台的兴起及价值 10
2.1 电子招投标平台的概念及发展现状 10
2.1.1相关概念 10
2.1.2 兴起背景 10
2.1.3电子招投标平台的发展历程 11
2.1.4 电子招标投标平台现状 11
2.1.5平台优点 14
2.2 电子招投标平台在政务管理中的价值体现 15
2.2.1在政务公开方面 15
2.2.2在行政审批简化方面 15
2.2.3在信息公开方面 16
3 电子招投标平台提升政务管理水平的做法 17
3.1“江苏水利工程建设招投标公共服务平台”(以下简称“平台”)运营现状 17
3.1.1平台背景和概况 17
3.1.2平台功能简介 18
3.2 平台的应用与成效 20
3.2.1保障水利建设领域招投标公平公正方面 20
3.2.2经济效益方面 21
3.2.3社会效益方面 22
3.3 平台有待完善的问题 23
3.3.2实现平台与其它电子招投标平台的信息互联互通 23
3.3.3解决网络安全问题对平台系统建设的制约 23
3 电子招投标平台存在问题及成因 24
3.1 我国电子招投标平台存在的问题 24
3.1.3 电子招投标技术尚需完善,信息安全技术有待加强 25
3.2 问题的成因 25
3.2.1外部环境带来压力 25
3.2.2平台内部制度带来的制约 27
4 有效运用平台提升政务管理水平的建议 29
4.1树立主体理念 29
4.1.1以提高政务管理水平为主要目标 29
4.2杜绝资源浪费 31
4.2.1有利于构建统一的招标投标市场体系 31
4.2.2有效地提高主管部门的公共服务能力 31
4.3 加强功能定位 31
4.3.1提高行政事务处理效率 31
4.3.2加大信息公开力度 32
4.3.3加强行政监管,防止信息泄露 32
4.4 完善规范制定 33 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
结 论 34
参考文献 35