
摘 要
J公司是世界领先的发动机缓速器设计和制造商,近年来,由于本土竞争对手的不断出现,市场竞争越来越激烈,加上日趋上涨的各类成本,成本降低及质量提升成为公司的一大战略目标,本文以J公司潍柴 WP9制动器生产线为研究对象,探讨运用标准作业及变异减少改善(VRK)等精益工具对该产线进行优化和改善,以期达到提高产能、降低成本并同时提高产品质量之目的。
The capacity increasement of engine brake manufacture line in company J
With the rapid development of China's economy, the domestic market increasingly pursue the brand effect and stable quality, transform from a seller's market into a buyer's market, in view of the current market situation, how to improve the production efficiency, reduce cost, improve the reliability of products become the subject of many manufacturing enterprises’ research.
Company J is the world's leading design engine brake and manufacturers. In recent years, due to local competitors appear constantly, market competition is more and more fierce, coupled with the growing of all kinds of cost, quality improvement and cost reduction has become one of the big company strategic target, the thesis is based on the Weichai WP9 brake line to explore how to use standard work and VRK to optimize the production line, increase production capacity, reduce costs and improve the quality at the same time.
The first part of thesis introduces related basic theory about the method of standard work and VRK improvement, standard work section includes the Heijunka, one piece flow, production line layout design technologies. VRK includes statistical technology tools, brain storming and fish bone diagram. Then focus on how to solve practical problems, define problems are ‘capacity is low, quality is poor’ as first step, then use standard work to solve capacity problem, use VRK tools to solve quality problem. Standard work mainly discusses how to design production line layout, how to solve the machining and assembly mix line’s one piece flow and reduce the influence of Heijunka, how to solve the staff labor intensity increases after capacity optimization those kinds of practical management problems manufacturing enterprises are faced. With the basic of standard work improvement, use VRK tool to discuss how to choose and use statistical techniques tools to solve quality problems that company faced, at the same time combine brainstorming, fishbone diagram technology to eliminate distractions, use priority analysis matrix to sort and ranking all possible reasons, finally find the solution to improve the level of quality and increase productivity at the same time. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Eventually improve results show that the production line actual capacity increased by 104%, the quality failure level reduced from 145000 PPM to 4300 PPM, direct financial benefits is close to $1.5 million. The thesis’ study result not only solve the company J’s engine brake production line’s ‘capacity is low, quality is poor’ and also provide great reference of capacity increasement for domestic similar companies.
Keywords: Standard work; VRK; Heijunka; Single piece flow; Capacity increasement
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1标准作业研究现状 2
1.2.2 VRK改善研究现状 4
第二章 标准作业和VRK的基本理论 9
2.1 标准作业的基础理论 9
2.1.1标准作业的基本概念 9 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
2.1.2标准作业改善的基本原理 9
2.2 VRK的基础理论 13
2.2.1 鱼骨图及优先分析矩阵 14
2.2.2 六西格玛常用参数解析 15
2.3 论文研究的主要内容 16
2.3.1 WP9制动器产品介绍 16
2.3.2 WP9制动器产线产能问题 17
2.4 本章小结 19
第三章 理论产能问题分析及解决方案 20
3.1理论产能问题原因分析 20
3.2 WP9产线布局及工艺方案设计 22
3.2.1机加工时间模拟运行及优化 22
3.2.2 两种产线布局方案对比 26
3.3 新产线建立后标准作业优化改善 28
3.3.1 浪费点确定及改善 29
3.3.2 标准作业改善结果 33
3.4 本章小结 36
第四章 测试不良率问题分析及解决方案 37
4.1测试原理解析 37
4.2测试不良率问题原因分析 38
4.2.1头脑风暴及鱼骨图 39
4.2.2优先矩阵分析 40
4.3根本原因验证及解决方案 42
4.3.1活塞本体行程分析 42
4.3.2制动器行程分析 44
4.3.3解决方案及改善结果 46
4.4本章小结 49
第五章 结论 50
参考文献 52