
Program-controlled pneumatic lathe in the application of bearing ring production line
摘 要
加入WTO后,我国所有产业都开始面向世界,工业设备的生产也开始接触国外发达国家的设备,轴承套圈的生产在国际市场竞争更为激烈,我国落后的生产设备,使我国处于很不利的地位,无法与国外发达国家形成有效的竞争,为了使我国轴承行业能够快速发展,立足国际市场,达到国际水平的质量标准,必须要改进我国的轴承套圈生产工艺,首先就是要加快我国轴承企业中车削设备数控自动化的发展,提高我国轴承企业的国际竞争力,在这种情况下,我国的各个大中型企业都应该大力对车削设备进行研发,研制造价低,生产效率高,生产质量高的自动化加工设备。 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
Bearing is very common in the machinery industry, and bearing also play an irreplaceable role, and the bearing is one of the most important parts of bearing ring. At present, the cutting equipment used in the bearing industry is still relatively backward, most are still in the small car and hydraulic lathe, such equipment and processing of products stability is poor, not guaranteed quality, reach the quality standards of international procurement. After joining the WTO, bearing ring car parts of the international market competition is more intense, in order to make our bearing industry can be based on the international market, must accelerate the reform of the domestic bearing industry turning equipment update, an urgent need to develop low cost, accuracy and efficiency are better cutting equipment. [资料来源:Doc163.com]
In this paper, based on the bearing market investigation and study, repeatedly program-controlled pneumatic machine tool applied to the bearing ring is put forward to production line, and optimize the production line, mainly is the design and optimization of the tool post moves, the bearing ring car processing more convenient.
This topic is based on the bearing ring, on the basis of traditional production line, program-controlled pneumatic lathe special properties, the applications of the improved program-controlled pneumatic lathe to bearing ring production line, and optimize the production line. Through the analysis of the defects of existing technology and found the impact bearing ring production reasons of low yield and poor quality, and through the new production line to improve these defects.
Design of program-controlled pneumatic lathe tool post of the action process and steps, the main purpose of the production line of program-controlled pneumatic lathe is to use different tools and turning bearing ring's inner circle and outer circle, so particularly demanding the motion of the tool. Here introduces the design tool action, into the program, so that with the batch production of bearing ring.
Finally through the new production line for bearing ring in zhejiang rich day Thai bearing co., LTD., the practical application, proved the program-controlled pneumatic lathe production line not only got a boost in output, and has improved the quality of the bearing ring, has great application value.
Key words:The programmed pressure machine Bearing ring
Tool carrier
目 录
摘 要 i
Abstract iii
第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1轴承套圈生产线在国内外的研究现状 1
1.2.2程控气压机床在轴承生产线上的应用现状及发展趋势 6
1.3 本文的主要研究内容 8
2.1项目背景 10
2.2轴承套圈车削生产线的工作原理 11
2.2.1刀架系统设计 11
2.2.2 机械手工作原理 12 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
2.2.3液压系统工作原理 13
2. 3生产线的整体设计 14
2.3.1 设计要求 14
2.3.2 整体构架设计 15
第3章 程控气压车床刀架动作设计 17
3.1刀架动作在生产线中的重要性 18
3.2 自动换刀装置的应用 19
3.2.1 刀库类型 19
3.2.2 机械手形式 22
3.3刀具的夹紧 23
3.3.1 加工中心所用的刀具 23
3.3.2 刀具的夹持 24
3.4 刀库的定位控制稳定性 25
3.4.1 刀库的控制方法 25
3.4.2 大小刀径的刀具交换控制 26
3.4.3选刀方式 26
3.5本章小结 28
4.1单机控制器的软硬件设计要求 29
4.1.1单机控制器硬件设计要求 29
4.1.2 单机控制器软件设计要求 29
4.2单机控制器的硬件系统 29
4.2.1数字输出信号电路 29
4.2.2 数字输入信号电路 31
4.2.3 键盘电路 31
4.3单机控制器的软件系统设计 32
4.3.1总体框架设计 32
4.3.2软件模块设计 33
第5章 浙江富日泰轴承有限公司实例研究 38
5.1 浙江富日泰轴承有限公司轴承套圈生产线 38
5.2 程控气压车床的应用 39
5.3 生产效率与产品性能的提升 40
5.4 本章小结 41
第6章 总结与展望 42
6.1 总结 42
6.2 展望 42
参考文献 44
致谢 47 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]