
A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration
摘 要
自我国加入世贸组织以来,我国商业银行的总体发展规模与数量都有了空前发展成果,彼此之间的市场竞争也日趋白热化,人才流动性较大,使得各家商业银行都面临着人才流失的问题。在这种环境之下,各家商业银行都将提高组织内知识型员工的忠诚度作为缓解内部人才流失的一个重要举措。在本文当中主要针对商业银行知识型员工忠诚度做出研究分析,明确商业银行知识型员工忠诚度的主要影响因素,并深入探讨组织支持感对员工忠诚度的影响,以进一步完善关于商业银行知识型员工忠诚度研究的理论依据。 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Since entering in twenty-first Century, the research on the influence of employee loyalty has gradually become the focus of the field of human resource management. In order to improve the performance level of the whole organization, we can find that the organization can improve employee's loyalty to some extent. Employee loyalty will be influenced by many factors, which influence the most significant. Therefore, in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the theory and practice of organizational support and employee loyalty also have a practical necessity.
Since China joined the WTO, the overall development of China's commercial banks and the number of the development of the results, the market competition between each other is also growing, the flow of talent, making the commercial banks are faced with the problem of brain drain. In this environment, the commercial banks will improve the organization of knowledge workers loyalty as an important measure to ease the loss of internal personnel. In this paper, we mainly study the knowledge workers loyalty of commercial banks, and make clear the main influencing factors of the knowledge workers loyalty, and further explore the influence of organizational support on employee loyalty.
In this paper, we take the research hypothesis based on the theory of organizational support and employee loyalty, and then analyze the relationship between organizational support and employee loyalty, and finally prove the assumption that the commercial banks have a relationship with the employees. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: firstly, the key factors of knowledge workers' loyalty are three, second, and third, respectively, which are not significantly different from other demographic variables, and the organizational support is an effective predictor of knowledge employee loyalty, which includes the identity value and interest of knowledge workers. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
At the same time, this paper also analyzes the differences of demographic variables on the impact of employee loyalty, the results of the study can improve the knowledge based loyalty, and then retain the knowledge based staff to provide a reference for the practice of management, but also for the subsequent research on the loyalty of employees to lay a theoretical and practical basis.
Keywords: commercial banks; knowledge workers; organizational support; employee loyalty
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的和意义 2
1.3研究方法 3
2文献综述 5
2.1知识型员工的文献综述 5
2.2组织支持感的文献综述 9
2.3 员工忠诚度 13
2.4组织支持感和员工忠诚度的关系研究 17
2.5已有研究存在的不足 18 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
3研究方案设计 19
3.1研究变量划定 19
3.2总体研究构思 20
3.3研究对象 21
3.4研究工具 22
3.5量表的信效度分析 22
4研究结果 29
4.1商业银行知识型员工忠诚度的人口学变量差异 29
4. 2相关性分析 33
4.3商业银行知识型员工忠诚度与组织支持感的回归分析 34
5结果分析及讨论 36
5.1人口统计学变量对于知识型员工忠诚度影响的差异性分析 36
5.2组织支持感与员工忠诚度的相关分析 39
5.3员工忠诚度与组织支持感回归结果分析 39
结 论 41
致 谢 43
参考文献 44
附 录 47
图 1.1 前三季度我国四大商业银行股东净利润增长率 1
图 1.2 论文框架 3 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
图 2.1 知识型员工特点 8
图 2.2 马斯洛需求层次理论图 11
图 2.3 组织支持感对于工作满意度之间的关系 13
图 2.4 员工满意管理关系图 14
图3.1 假设模型 20
表3.1正式样本数据分布情况表N=226 21
表3.2员工忠诚度KMO与球形检验表 24
表3.3 员工忠诚度量表结构因子分析结果(N=226) 24
表3.4组织职业生涯管理量表的拟合指数表 25
表3.5组织职业生涯管理量表的信度分析结果(N=226) 25
表3.6员工忠诚度的 和 球形检验表 26
表3.7员工忠诚度量表结构因子分析结果(N=226 ) 26
表3.8员工忠诚度量表验证分析拟合指数表 27
表3.9员工忠诚度量表的信度分析结果(N=226) 27
表4.1员工忠诚度的性别差异分析表 29
表4.2员工忠诚度的婚姻状况差异分析表 30
表4.3员工忠诚度的年龄差异分析表 30
表4.4员工忠诚度的工作年限差异分析表 31
表4.5员工忠诚度的学历差异分析表 32
表4.6员工忠诚度的职位等级差异分析表 33
表4.7问卷各维度之间存在的相关性分析表 34
表4.8知识型员工忠诚度和组织支持感之间的维度关系回归分析表 35